Smoking weed after training, what's the worst that can happen

Smoking weed after training, what's the worst that can happen.

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you become gay

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Bulking success


Prolly gonna fap

You destroy your gains because THC and CBD are anti-inflammatories, and inflammation is what drives adaptation and growth.

I usually train late in the day around 10 PM and take PWO, weed help me relax and sleep

Its hard to not eat fat boy food tho



Probably highly exaggerated, but he does make a point. There are also these studies about cold showers and cold baths which show that they can speed up recovery by reducing inflammation, but actually work counter productive for bodybuilding because muscle hypertrophy is largely caused by temporarily stress induced inflammation.

You turn into a literal nigger dude

Your metabolism goes up slightly, and if you can ignore the food craving it can be a nice cutting supplement. Of course, you need to be moderate.

Other than possibility for bringing forward delayed or onset mental illness I used to do the same thing.

You'll bulk, sleep, and if you are trying to up your CNS or repair it I believe there is a study that reinforces the idea that weed strengthens or repairs those pathways. Just dont let it turn into a crutch


What about toking before training?


it's fun

I been clean a month after smoking daily for about 10 years and it's pretty cool how I had no withdrawal affects and have absolutely no desire to get high anymore

you get on the fast track to becoming a pos loser?
assuming you arent already one

Don't smoke till you're shit. Instead smoke and meditate post workout.

-Higher pain threshold
-Intense focus on technique
-Workouts take twice as long because i space out and take time picking the "perfect song"

After leg day i took lsd and thought that my legs had fallen of and called 911

Weed is for losers. Successful people don't touch the stuff.

Say wat noaw?

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lol remember this guy?

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