Correcting posture

I recently realized that I'm struggling myself with a bad posture problem (thoracic kyphosis in the pic), and I have already started to correct it by doing specific exercises for that, trying to sit down properly,...

But I'm surprised to see that it's quite painful for my back and my shoulders. I believe the main reason for this is that my muscles need to adapt to the right posture (some need to strengthen, some need to stretch out), But I'm worried that I might be doing something wrong.

I also want to start to work out soon, but I'm afraid to do it while experiencing this pains.

Has anybody ever experienced before bad posture problems and have tried to correct it? Was it also painful? How long did it take for you to feel the benefits?

Attached: posture.jpg (581x391, 51K)

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Face pulls and sleep on the floor, minimal pillow.

yes i get head achs when my upper back trys to rever back. i felt them instantly and i could finally do pull ups.

fyi for anyone reading fix your shit before you start lifting heavy. You will save your self a lot of time

do this, my left shoulder and scapula are fucked now, higher then the right one and also it's a bit pulled forward because of my minor pec

Couch stretches and foam rolling the back every day fixed the lower back pain I was getting after heavy squats

are you me? you need to strengthen your lower traps/ stretch your upper traps. you more then likely have upper cross syndrome. There i just saved you a lot of time googling

I have the "forward head" problem in this pic, and I've been trying to correct it for half a year with no success. Anyone have advice for me? The rest of my posture is fine as far as I know.

read about upper cross syndrome

OP here. I think I actually have the same problem with my right shoulder. I started to work out some years ago, and because of my bad posture, I think I fucked up something there. Most of the pain I feel now when trying to correct my posture comes from there. Do you do something specific to try to fix that?

I mostly do dynamic stretch and use a foam roll for my upper back when is too tight. Also posture exercise.

I never had uneven shoulder, rounder yes but they were the same. Since I started doing a lot of chest exercise I fucked up everything.

You need to release and open up your chest. The pec minor is causing trouble for me, it got so tight that basically pulled everything forward: shoulder, scapula (even the bone).

here is a pic when most of my pain/burning sensation or tightness is located. When it get's bad my nerves get pinched/neck pain start and tingling sensation in my left hand

Attached: backimg02.jpg (2976x2920, 1.31M)

How bad is lifting with anterior pelvic tilt? I lean forward way too much when squatting and always get upper-mid back pain afterwards, could these two be related?

Start working out now. You don't have to fix anything before you start working out.

Jesus, I also feel that thingling in my right hand. I believe we both fucked up our shoulders in the same way doing similar mistakes...

I was already doing exercices for the upper cross syndrome, but I'm gonna look for complementary stretching exercices for the chest.

Thanks for sharing your condition, I hope we both get better soon!

>I lean forward way too much when squatting and always get upper-mid back pain afterwards, could these two be related?
Most likely not. Upper and mid back pain from squatting is most likely from the weights you are using and your body not being accustomed to squatting. It could also be you not keeping your upper back in right position, youtube "chest up squat"

yes, it probably started for me with an upper cross syndrome and I lifted heavy over it making it worse in the long run. Just bare in mind when you fix one thing you will find probably other fucked up things about your posture

It's bad for certain lifts. I'm avoiding squats and especially deadlift atm because I have APT and it kills my lower back. Focusing on strengthening glutes and abs atm before I do those lifts again.

Are there any good ways to tell for sure if you have a somewhat bad posture? The extreme cases are easy to spot, but what about mild to medium problems? I have shitty hyper flexible joints and want to prevent future pain and problems as much as possible.

I would suggest rear delt exercises using tricep rope on a head high cable pull towards your chin or forehead. Shoulders back, elbows in line with shoulders on the extension. Face facing straight ahead and never looking around or down while moving the weight.. I like to finish my workouts with three sets, three times a week. IMHO, it really helps. Drop the weight and do 4-5 count negatives. Give it a month. You’ll be surprised with your overall posture. Just a really overlooked exercise in a world of hunched over keyboard lifestyles.

Are you retarded

Not retarded, just autistic.

do yoga, it strengthens your weak areas while stretching your tight ones.

No it is not a meme

Unironically true.
But dont continue after you good

Meme pulls never helped my posture. I'm starting to try vacuum poses which people say helps posture a lot.

Can you give me a quick rundown? ie. The best and most efficient routine.

Stand next to the wall with your heels and butt touching. If your lower back and head aren't also touching your posture is shit.

Squatting and deadlifting with proper form, i.e., keeping your back neutral, helps anterior pelvic tilt by strengthening the weakened muscles that cure it. Doing those lifts with shit form only makes it worse by tightening the muscles that cause it and leads to pain. Try watching this video, then practicing the form at a lower weight:
"Belly between your thighs" was the cue that helped me keep by back neutral on a variety of different exercises. Really good video!

How do I even tell if I have posture issues? I'm probably not standing normally when I look in the mirror from the side, both because I'm actually thinking about how I'm standing and because my head is twisting my spine so I can look in the mirror. I also think my sternum might be a little fucked up, it's got a weird bump and it seems to me that there is too much space between it and my right collarbone.

Attached: 1553711350676.jpg (493x449, 43K)

jewtube yoga with adrienne

OP here. Yo can do as says, it's a good indicator and it's how I figured out I had bad posture in the first place.

In my experience, I could also tell there was something wrong because of other things. For example, when I first started to work out, I noticed that I had to do ridiculously big efforts when doing chest/shoulders exercices, even with quite small amounts of weight. Also, I've never had a good physical equilibrium/stability, which I guess it's also related with bad posture.