What is the best bulking food and why is it Little Caesar’s? Pic related is 3000 calories, 140g of protein...

What is the best bulking food and why is it Little Caesar’s? Pic related is 3000 calories, 140g of protein, tastes good and only costs $8.

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140g protein in 3000 calories is a terrible ratio faggot

didn't michael phelps' diet included eating a whole pizza every day?

you dont have to make it yourself
it save alot of time
its hot and ready
its tasty as fuck

It also included tons of pharma grade gear and dozen hours of swimming in ice cold water.


No because they are disgusting anti-semites and you should boycott them

Based and redpilled little caesars

Are you training as hard as Michael Phelps?

>arrive at lil ceasers
>ask for hot-n-ready pizza
>"it'll be about 10 minutes, is that ok"

>Little Caesar's
>tasty as fuck

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Are you going at the right time? The pizza's only supposed to be hot and ready around lunchtime. Even then I ask for a fresh one because their ready ones are usually bad.

Fuck off you spoiled little faggot. Even bad pizza is still delicious. It's just meat, cheese sauce and dough. How can that not be tasty? Stop being a picky little bitch.


I've had to shit outside twice in my life, and both times was after eating little caesars

Too many carbs

And? How does that make it not taste good? How does that make it bad for bulking?

It's not my fault you've been eating so much trap cum that you dont know what a good pizza is anymore. It's not about being picky, it's about getting good food for what I pay, and truth is I can pick up a pizza at wal-mart that's tastier for roughly the same price. If you're still under the illusion that pizza is the best cheap food to eat while trying to bulk up then you're only trying to justify your bad eating habits. Take your fat ass back to /CK/

>Only 560 cals is protein
my guy what are you doing

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Make that double meat on a thin crust, and I'll agree

Eh, that's mostly rush hour. It's either wait a bit, or get pizza that's been sitting there for an hour. Online ordering is the way to go, before you leave to pick it up, just order it and it will be ready by the time you get there. Only downside is that if you order a cheap ass 5 or 6 dollar pizza with online ordering, they'll probably take a pizza that's been sitting for an hour and say "good news your order is ready!"