User think a moment

user think a moment

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Thank Thomas Jefferson for the 2nd amendment so I can be both aesthetic and well protected from manlet rage.

You know irl most people don't know how to fight, it gets reduced to who is fitter, and fighting only gets you legal problems and a bad reputation with you family/friends/coworkers

>implying you cant do both

Attached: St-Pierreconfused3.jpg (1800x1200, 1.17M)

lol I just train to be light and efficient and either of those groups could kick my ass but I don't have strict dietary restrictions or permanent joint damage

What, are posting reddit memes now?

Looking good will serve you better in life more than over compensating and learning how to scoot along the ground and hump peoples legs

Once I reach my weight-loss goal, I'll start body-building and BJJ together. Can't do anything at 21% bf.

I do both. I work out in the gym to not be a DYEL and do boxing for self defence and to not be pissed off all the time. Plus it's fun as well because there is no better way to get to know someone than to do some hard sparring with them.

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weapons you use only as a last resort
>You know irl most people don't know how to fight
yes, so if you can fight, you have an advantage over some 99% of people
>you legal problems and a bad reputation with you family/friends/coworkers
so it's better to be beat up?
>comparing a professional athlete who lives from sport
>for a user who has to go to work and has other duties

Thanks i prefer looking good all the time instead of having wet daydreams about being though, beating the bad guy and people clapping because i watched too many Jet Lee movies.

bad excuse

As a 33 yr old boomer i dont get in fights anymore, also i dont have sex either, i just lift to stop masturbating

you can lose your weight during sparring

As a fellow 33 yr old slav boomer i still get in to fights
I have to say boomers in your country have it good desu


>and some people get on that gear to look good

walk back and look at people in the fighting section of my gym
>sub 120lbs
it really seems to attract people who follow the whole 'true power comes within' appel and those who believe that a 70lb anime girl jumping around like a flee can beat a group of 300lb thugs

what flavor of slav

Lmao. “Fighters” are without exception borderline retards. Their naturally low iqs are driven ever lower by the blows to the head until ultimately you can’t call them human. They train in methods that have almost 0 relevance in warfare to fight like dumb animals. Unless you are making fuck you money from fighting you are walking down a path of unparalleled stupidity. Bang bang, you’re dead and your mma and metal mullisha cringewear were all for naught

all of those guys would kick your sissy ass

Implying that you would risk 20 years in jail for a petty fight.

>implying you couldn't kill somebody on accident if they hit the concrete in the wrong way
i'll stick with a gun

Jeff Seid was actually a really good wrestler in highschool (like state champ) which coincidently is when the top photo was taken.

So in OP's pic he was training to look good and kick ass.

While you were working out I was training the soul, I learned to punch, learned to kick, I am the deadl-*bang*

t. weak, emasculated, faggot manlet with a shit physique and awful lifts.

also, the bill of rights was ratified under james madison, the 4th president, you insecure, uneducated retard.

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