Why are ex-vegans so smug and righteous?

Yes, veganism is BS.
But you ex-vegan brainlets admit you wrecked your bodies, in some cases permanently, by fucking up something as basic as eating.
If you're that fucking dumb, why should anyone listen to you at all?
You should just post a note to the effect of
>I'm a retarded brainlet.
>Veganism is bad
And go away.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>veganism is BS.
What part of veganism do you believe is BS?

>What part of veganism do you believe is BS?
The part where you don't eat meat or dairy and don't die or become horribly unhealthy

People highly preoccupied with their own health and diet tend to feel very hopeless and are thus prone to dogmatic, pseudo-religious thinking and cult of personalities. If these kinds of books can help people to adopt a more questioning and active approach to health, it is a good thing.

The part where you completely stop eating animal products while being an omnivore lmao brainlet.
Even funnier are people wanting their pets to be vegan, like wtf you expect a carnivore to eat beans or some shit how dense can you be?

The teeth rot and general deficiency after 2 or so year


my favourite part is living 9 years longer on average, higher testosterone levels, my acne clearing up, better bloodwork and lower rates of chronic disease across the board

Attached: heartdisease.jpg (480x480, 37K)

Correlation versus causation, you fucking faggot.

I could eat nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, french fries, and energy drinks and still be vegan. People who commit to go vegan often overhaul their entire lifestyle and do research into the best kinds of food and how to take care of their bodies. Taking a healthy vegan diet and adding a few modest servings of lean meat and yogurt isn't going to jack your risk of heart disease up by 46%

Name 5 who do this

Whoa, don't you know where you are? Stop being a moderate and sensible voice.

Sv3rige and the people in his ex vegan videos

Sv3rige is such a lunatic though and the most important thing is who cares what these losers think, christ, they tried veganism in the first place so just ignore anything they say or do

This guy:

The problem is that vegans borrow those life expectancy statistics from religious ascetics. There's fair odds you're not one of the extreme 7th Day Adventists these statistics are based from.

The reality is that most vegans are not healthy because they are not willing to build a balanced diet and are not willing to track caloric consumption. They want the moral pay off of the vegan lifestyle but their mind is still set on a diet of soda, french fries, peanut butter, white bread and baby carrots.

A vegan diet is completely doable, but most people are not willing to commit the effort. They either starve themselves for calories because they eat nothing but non-starchy veggies that they didn't even bother cooking or they end up with a serious macro / micro nutrient imbalance because their diet either has no fat, or has a complete lack of certain micro nutrients.

>Heart disease
There's a myriad of factors that contribute to heart disease of which diet is only one, and there's no body of evidence linking the consumption of animal products as a whole to it. The only solid conclusion we can derive from dietary animal products is that consuming too much milk (not dairy products, milk) and preserved meats are not good for you.

If you can't eat a vegan diet you're a complete brainlet. You just cook the same healthy food and sub the meat for tofu or avocado its fucking amazing and easy.

Oh you can't cook healthy? Then off yourself

Veganism is a moral choice and not a scientific healthy one.

Any vegan athlete lives on a huge diet of basic vitamin supplements

Thats the point op was trying to make actually

these retards did extreme water fasts, retarded juice cleanses, & subsisted only on fruit/raw vegetables. they fucked up their digestion, hormones, and general well-being through pure retardation, not a normal whole vegan diet. it's the exact same as cucks like shawn baker who is prediabetic and has the T level of a 90 year old woman. any diet that is extreme will ultimately be detrimental to health.

But he's so crazy that its not a good argument to mention him

Because veganism is the retarded version of vegetarianism. If they were dumb thought to fall for veganism, they're probably dumb enough to fuck it up.

Notice her hand. She's doing a secret sign that means she's being deceitful.

Lett he meat meat?
Typical vegan nonsense

wait why is milk and preserved meat bad for you?

This is what he look(ed) like:
Looks like a brainlet.

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some people are just born degenerates. Been vegan for 7 years without taking supplements and drinking kombucha for b12 and I couldn't be healthier, whereas people with Jewish blood memory such as yourself couldn't last 6 months before becoming anemic. Such is life for the untermensch.

this looks like it was made by a vegan.

Love this based retard

I've eaten nothing at all the past 10 years and I'm perfectly healthy, never gonna make it when you think you need food. Dumbass.

>west coast
>fattest end of the entire united states
>has a large amount of death by heart disease

color me shocked but I can tell you it ain't the fuckin' meat. It's all that damn alcohol and sugars

Feminist ex-vegan with manly haircut claims to have given herself a degenerative spine disease and permanent insulin resistance through veganism.
Still writes books and gives talks and interviews expecting to be taken seriously, despite being an admitted brainlet.

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>The problem is that vegans borrow those life expectancy statistics from religious ascetics.

The other problem is comparing vegan health to average American health, which is obviously terrible. Comparing people who care about their health vs those who don't already get different results

Three years in and I'm the strongest I've ever been.

The BS is the supposed "natural" diet it advetises it's self as. I need to supplement b12 but that's within a daily vitamin tablet I take. I take an algae tablet for long chain fatty acids: the cause vegans go crazy as they are deficient in them.

Teeth are great condition, sugar and non-care will affect anyone.

why can't vegans be vegetarian or pescetarian? plenty of cruelty-free and environmentally friendly rich and complete sources of nutrients

You really think it's a map uh?

Both are still cruel as fuck.

Literally the only essential nutrient a natural vegan diet can't get is B12 so it is supplemented.

This is due to modern agricultural techniques which also mean that 90% of livestock is also supplemented with it.

>Yes, veganism is BS.
cognitive dissonance at its best
veganism is not bs, ist a valid alternative to other diets
>But you ex-vegan brainlets admit you wrecked your bodies
people being dumb and doing dumb things because they are dumb has nothing to do with the diet
there are far more people who wrecked their bodies on eating an omni diet
there will always be people eating shit, it has nothing to do with vegan or not.
> in some cases permanently
what cases
>by fucking up something as basic as eating
are you implying vegans dont like eating?
>If you're that fucking dumb, why should anyone listen to you at all?
some people are dumb others arent, whats your point here?
look at valid logical arguments for and against veganism

I wish you had some valid arguments against veganism that I could use
but this thread is nothing


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>Implying we should treat every animal equally
lmao have fun trying not to cruch ants while walking faggot

The average person eats like shit, results are skewed. You should be comparing to vegans to omnivores and carnivores that make conscious choices

And even at that is misguided. The amount of suffering caused by the machines collecting the sόy and other plants exceeds the amount of suffering caused by the slaughter of cows calorie for calorie.

Vegetable police, Rob Stuart, vegan cheetah, Bonnie Rebecca, moon and rock, Rawvana, Bobby's perspective.

At least one or two big YouTube vegans are dumping the cult or being filmed eating fish every week.

Tim Shieff the vegan prince has to be the biggest defection so far.


I agree with everything you said except "vegan diet is completely doable" even pioneering vegan leaders look like the walking dead (Doug Graham, McDougal) or are actually dead (Dinsah, Pritiken)

And every Adventist "study" should be dismissed because they are the (or part of) the foundation of vegetarian/Veganism and promoting this retarded cult.

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Like it or not she knows more about Veganism than any of us non-retarded people. Like a spy who has come in from the cold, we can learn everything from her directly, about this Satanic cult called Veganism.

The whole direction of this thread is wrong, we need to welcome ex-vegans to team healthy.

>Standard vegan trolling, with irony points considering it's posted by an Israeli Jew.

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Lets not compare a normal vegan diet to what most of these do. Tim shieff is the perfect example of someone just being a fanatic. this dude waterfasted for nearly a month and drank his own piss for a fucking year, no wonder he feels like shit.

But beta-carotene is found in carrots, which is a precursor for vitamin A. Eating raw vitamin A is beyond retarded.
Don't know about vitamin D though

I don't care, "they didn't do Veganism right!" is just the go-to excuse for why vegans all end up in horrible shape. Veganism is the perfect cure for leftists-it kills them.

Best outcome would be if 100% of leftists and non-whites (which is generally the same thing in the west) adopt strict vegan diets, and meat is still available for sane snowniggers or whatever whites are called these days.

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Every kale smoothie you choke down paid for the cruel deaths of innocent wild creatures, and you don't give the slightest fuck about them, vegan Hypocrite.


you've fallen for so many memes, i'm so sorry about the way your life turned out. veganism sucks but goddamn you must be a wreck of a human being.

By your logic we can put all meat eaters in the same pile too so all the anons saying: "oh its the average american diet so you can't compare" can go fuck themselves, enjoy your heart disease.

P.s. im not a vegan.

>Vegan tears.

Worry about your own vegan teeth don't worry about me. (The teeth thing takes ten years plus of veganism, but remember me when they start falling out)


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>The Jow Forums poster is at it once again

Brainlet or not, the story of redemption from idiotic mistakes still sends a message that may inspire others to rise above it as well. One pleb who falls so completely for this "healthy" diet scam may expose the truth to hundreds and thousands who merely dabble in it and suffer in the long term. If this book can just get one person to stop doing "vegan weeks" it would still have been worth writing it, no matter the rest of the dumbfuckery

Have you stopped blog spamming that plagueofstrength shit because we found out it comes from your reddit account?

>I'm healthier than the average America
>Its an achievement.
Besides that, your brain needs animal fat to function optimally. If you cared about health you wouldn't be a vegan.

How do you explain Andrew Perlot, 34-year-old raw (not even cooked fruits or veggies) vegan of 12 years:

Attached: andrewperlot.jpg (854x480, 78K)

Absolutely. Suffering vegans should know that they can recover their health anytime, just by escaping the retarded starvation cult and eating sensibly.


Lol never change!

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>correlation implies causation
brainlet as fuck

>Suffering vegans should know that they can recover their health anytime, just by escaping the retarded starvation cult and eating sensibly.
Is a suffering member of a starvation cult?
Looks like he's a healthy, very active young man living his life to the fullest.

Post body

>aryan descends from indoeuropean hunter gatherers
>Eating meat is for jews
Its like everything you know is wrong

That guy is 34? He looks 40.

Because it's trendy, gets you attention, and brings some excitement to your otherwise mundane life.

>One or two outliers who claim they are healthy.

A- No way to prove he doesn't eat meat products in secret like Rawvana. (A complete vegan fraud who was eating fish in secret while promoting and profiting on Veganism)


B- All vegans constantly proclaim how "healthy" they are for their "vegan" time period, then they dump Veganism and explain how they were suffering the whole time.

((Moon and rock, popular vegans, who admit they thought about not disclosing their meat eating, while they were promoting Veganism)


Seems vegans are more like eager-to-please cultists, who lie to gain good t pointsyin the cult.

Is this a berserk reference?

For years it was Tim Shieff the vegan prince, now you have this guy. Millions of vegan followers will suffer in silence while worshipping these vegan stars who appear to be healthy.

Sux to be you RIP your teeth and health.

(Tim Shieff huge vegan star, has quit Veganism very publicly)


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His eyes legit scare me.


>sverige, tuffano, tristan, bobby, shawn, casey
>ooga plants bad, carbs bad
>booga meat good, fat good

all mentally ill retards trying to establish their shitty little brand
funny how all of them (except shawn) fell for an even worse vegan diet in the past
just shows you how gullible they really are
see them rationalize their dumbass diet by selectively focusing on obscure mechanistic data about how "x lowers y by 12% in vitro" just like fucktard vegan shills

>inb4 but look at these 3 people who eat nothing but meat for 10 years

yeah right, just like those raw vegans who eat nothing but broccoli sprouts for 30 years right

faggot ass ideologues

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Tufano or Mr. Moon lol??

Moon and rock took down their "why we dumped the vegan starvation cult" video, but it remains (partially )online in reaction videos by vegans and Frank tufano.

Moon and rock were extremely cringy and apologetic to their vegan fanbase in that video, I guess fearful they would lose subscribers?


Implying you're not a fucktard vegan shill yourself.

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This idiot also practiced "sungazing," literally staring at the fucking sun:
Why would anyone listen to this idiot, even if he admits he was wrong about veganism?
Also, nice forehead, brainlet.

For someone who hates sveriges program and life-advice you sure know a lot about him. You wouldn't be a fucktard vegan shill would you?

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What if we as omnivores who developed from thousands of years by eating a balanced diet of meat and greens, actually SHOULDNT go into extreme dieting because of the way liberals feel about things for the last 10 years. Really gets the good ol noggin a joggin I'd say chaps

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Where're your links Jamie?

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n-no I just spend hours having some good ol fun researching videos of meat advocates and make one sided threads on veganism so I can have some fun and giggles with my fellow fitness pals h-haha

Samefag, you need to go back.

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I can't even imagine the life of the person who spent time "researching" to put togheter this image. What is the agenda? "Paid shill"? Who the fuck would get paid for trying to win these pathetic Jow Forums arguments? This board is as far away from society as anything can be, who would pay to have this neet shitboard swayed in any way, it wouldnt have any impact on anything. But is this a human being, researching gay porn just to attack the author of some links that some random user spams about veganism on a gerbil breeding forum? Help me the fuck out here lads, what is going on



Cope, Jamie has been spamming the exact same copypastes here and on reddit for nearly 3 years now (with many of the links dead for months).

Googling his name isn't exactly a long process. It took longer to decide what not to include.

So he's spamming dead links to promote his website? But why would you care about this guy, or what people on Jow Forums thinks of meat, or anything? Legit curious

He's paranoid. A common side effect of veganism.

show me a study where vegans out perform omnivores when other lifestyle factors are accounted for.
things like proper eating, smoking, drinking, exercise...

1. The dead links haven't been to his website.
2. He's been spamming the same posts over and over for years. Here is some of the recent ones (boards.Jow Forums.org/search#/plagueofstrength) go into archives to find him spamming them back in 2017 (often 30+ times a day, he's slowed down now he's been identified). I enjoy laughing at this lolcow.

How much farm land is used to feed cattle to slaughtering age user? Rethink that statement carefully

Sungazing is actually really good for your eyes you just have to do it at specific times of the day.

Aryans invented agriculture and Jews/Turanians such as yourself stole it to make Western civilization and industrialisation possible, and Moses (Jew) is the typical sheep herder archetype (also look at Abel). Hitler, Jesus and Siddharta (all Aryans) were also all vegan. How does it not make sense that Jews are born to eat meat fucktard?

Veganism is an ideology not a diet. And just like Jehovah's Witnesses walking around littering your neighborhood with leaflets, they feel the need to get everyone else to acknowledge them. Do you think this need to advertise their virtue stops just because they changed diets?

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Based and redpilled

I’m sorry to break it to you but you’re retarded son

health statistics from USA

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>see them rationalize their dumbass diet by selectively focusing on obscure mechanistic data about how "x lowers y by 12% in vitro" just like fucktard vegan shills
This is very true and a major part of why there's so much contradictory dietary advice out there, very few take a holistic view of nutrition and understand that every chemical acts in context.

Your body makes Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight

>studies shouldnt be judged on merit because I dont like who said it