I want to share with you the good feels i felt today

I want to share with you the good feels i felt today

>I'm walking home after work
>A friend I'm walking down with tells me "yo man everybody stares at you and I notice a couple of them being like impressed or somethin, look at you man, you look amazing.
>keep walking and thinking about work stuff and excited to go to work tomorrow cause I´m so happy with my new job,and thinking "my mom she helped me to get this job, once I get home I will thank her"
>I start texting my mom to thank her for referring me to this job
>Bursted into tears, these were tears of joy, I suffered from depression for so long, I never been this happy in my life

So lift, be grateful with your family and friends................we all are gonna to make it,

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Based gratefulposter

We’re truly all going to make it. Even the manlets among us.

Congrats, user. You are on your way to chad status.
Best of luck in the future. Cheers.

this is comfy.

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i dream about making it, only a matter of time now...gotta stay consistent

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OP here, thanks Jow Forums you made it possible

Yo yo, ayoo nice dude finna boutta ayooooooo

new guy at work keeps complimenting my arms even though I still think I look like a twink
fucked up my haircut so I'm wearing my hair different until it grows back, also growing a moustache, all the women keep complimenting my haircut. now that sweater season is over?
don't think I've made it yet, but should get there soon.

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You will you fine sir

femoids complimenting the trim though hmmm

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Just put a silent night over it

yeah I'm probably over thinking it, but it's not just the typical, "oh, you got a haircut, looks nice"

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>coworker calls me ' big guy'

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You’re going to make it, Op

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Based comfy thread. Good job user, I’m genuinely happy for you and hope things get better from here

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thanks fren

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A black guy called me “big guy” the other day and it felt like it counted double :3

I'm happy for you user
I hope I can manage to sort my life out soon, shits rough but I'm never stopping
We're all gonna make it