5 months progress just want to stop being a 5'7'' manlet. 160 lbs both pics

Attached: ezgains.jpg (750x819, 109K)

18 more months to go before you look like you lift.

Nothing to roast, pretty great progress
That facial hair looks pretty pathetic tho

Keep up the good work my dude, you definitely look better with the improved muscle/fat ratio

are you following a strict diet? what do you eat?

if so I mean youve definetly burned some fact and gained some muscle but for 5 months ive definetly some much more radical change so it seems youre not dieting that hard.

your face improved by losing weight. You went up a point or two.

You should go full sleazecore. You have the face for it.

u right been slacking on diet poor college student so i just try and maintain a caloric deficit. When i get a kitchen the dirty gains will stop


Don't give up man, we're rooting for you!

clean bulk till you're 200

>wifebeater tan
Good lord, kys

Kind of have that Zoolander hair going. Post magnum.

great work opie keep it up , get a new haircut and remove those fkn pubic hairs in ur face

way ahead of you

i googled sleazecore and i didn't like what i saw

I been slacking a bit on diet. Poor college student so i just try and maintain a caloric deficit. When I get a kitchen the dirty gains will stop.

Get a haircut from a real barber. Stop going to supercuts

great progress

fucking trash hair though, go ivy league haircut ASAP faggot

that tattoo needs to go asap. what a faggot ass tattoo

Damn dude it sucks you are under 6ft because women actually love that pale skinnyfag look but you gotta be a lanklet bro.

do something with your hair
start mewing
don't grow a beard
that tatoo is beyond awful