Is there a lot of fit loser INCELS in this place? Guys that lift to overcompensate a shitty life?

Is there a lot of fit loser INCELS in this place? Guys that lift to overcompensate a shitty life?

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It's probably less about compensation and more about trying to find joy in that shitty life, but yeah I'm sure there's lots of both types here.


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doesnt everyone that lifts, overcompensate for something?

anyway im a incel loser and this place is buff Jow Forums we all know that

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why is this happening?

Define shitty life?

>Has gf
>Middle class job
>Middle class home (gf moved in with me)
>Okay car
>Girls wished they could fuck me

are you a chad

what the fuck do you think he means by shitty life? nowhere near yours, mongoloid

Chad revolution. Online dating/tinder means unattractive men get nothing while the attractive men plough multiple partners.

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>almost 1/3 of men haven't gotten laid
>its only getting worse
the sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

are zoomers autists or something?

Women won't date down or even equally unless they have to. Men will fuck anything bthey can even fat bitches in a pinch. These fat bitches will always seek that same alpha then realize they were just being used... when they're passed the wall.

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What is a chad?

no, im an incel who doesnt lift because i love being miserable and im honestly scared of what it would be like if i became even semi-normal and how badly i would fuck it up

no, this is just the result of women being able to express their sexuality with no restrictions
why settle for average guys when daddy gov't pays for all your shit, you have a job, and chad is only a click away?

I'm an incel because mommy decided to chop part of my dick off and I'm too ashamed to use it for sucky fucky now. :)

Thanks, mom.

>Guys that lift
haha not here, we just post pictures trying to convince other people not to lift

Young women's shitty personalities are heavily enabled by dating apps and young men being heavily dispirited by constant rejection or rationale that there is no point in even trying because they are too ugly.
Men were never supposed to be pretty. That's a woman's thing. Men are supposed to be manly but since masculinity is an unclear mess nowadays nobody is sure what to expect and how to be

We are in a new sexual revolution where women have played their hand too far. Men are walking away. We shall see this reflected in the political landscape soon.

Already laws have been passed and courts have been setting precedents for men to have to reproduce with women because the government can not afford for our fertility rate to drop any lower.


dont act like young men have great personalities

I think most of the mental problems are allowed to fester because attractive women tell these women there's nothing wrong with their flaws, which amplifies the flaws and creates flaws that weren't even there before.

I think if this single variable were eliminated it would fix 80% of the problem


I have a normal sex life, an attractive girlfriend, and I've hooked up with some hot women before. I'm lifting between I feel like shit if I don't exercise regularly.

imagine believing this will ever happen. even in the most wildly outlandish dystopian scenario where women are forced to reproduce due to failing birthrates they won't make them fuck people, they'll artificially inseminate. and they'll probably pick jizz from healthy well adjusted successful individuals, so you won't even have that going for you.

You actually read the article he posted?

I am fine with that. Women don't deserve me.

good delusion. Guess it helps COPE

no, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the gist of what he's hoping for. "female rape impregnation camps" is a pretty common incel revenge fantasy.
wouldn't want to be a part of any club that would have you I guess?

It’s already been happening quietly right under your nose. And it’s not the women being forced to reproduce.


>man good thing I'm not having sex I wouldn't want women to use my precious bodily fluids against me
yea ok

one of the biggest things that pisses me off about internet culture today is how NORMIES have appropriated the term "incel" to mean anyone they think is weird.

what you said is exactly what incels shold be. yet normies do shit like "WHOA YOU DON'T LIKE GOING TO PARTIES OR DRINK ALCOHOL? FUCKING INCEL"

They don't even lift or lift and have made no progress

You misinterpreted what I said. I’m not saying there will be rape camps. Quite the opposite. Men are leaving women and dropping away from society. Soon the government shall force men to be with women, regardless of the cost.

Welfare already mostly goes to women so we’re already paying for them to exist.
Women are being artificially placed at top positions regardless of their competency. There are laws in states that require the board consist of a quota of women.
Audits have shown the wage gap to be a farce. Instead, men are being underpaid for the same work. Yet nothing has been done to rectify this.
The standard for domestic abuse cases involves assuming guilt of the man regardless of what happened.
Rape is quickly becoming the same way. Texts, written consent, and video consent have been removed as acceptable evidence in a lot of states.
Pre-nuptials are thrown out on a regular bases as being a “form of coercion”.
Divorce courts rule in favor of women in staggeringly high numbers.
There have been motions to make rape hearings a “family court” proceeding. In family court you don’t have the right to an attorney, the right to plead the 5th, the right to face your accuser, and the right to a speedy and fair trial.

You’ve already lost most of your rights. You just don’t know it.

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Incel is the new Nazi, without the Godwin's law pushing them back.

Try harder tranny this is some garbage ass bait lmaooooooooooooooooooooo

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user, what do you think the incel and virgin insult thing are all about?

It's an attempt to shame men into not wanting to be in relationships or even have sex. Hell they dont' even want to jack off to porn or go to whores anymore.

They can't shame men into not being with women or being hyper sexual nigh rapists while at the same time pushing the metoo movement and demonizing male sexuality and heteronormativity in men and women.
It's not going to work.
As a matter of fact it's not working.
Shit's falling apart.

Is Jow Forums being raided today? What with all these shitty threads?

Jow Forums is always being raided.

what are foids

What is a foid?

Women are also referred to as “feminoids” or “foids,” because it is believed they are “humanoids,” or not quite human. Members speak of an “incel uprising” to punish women and “normies,” or members of mainstream society, for rejecting them.

How is calling someone an incel or virgin shaming them into not wanting to be with women? It seems like quite the opposite. It reduces male self-worth solely to whether or not they can get their peepee touched by a woman.

I meant shaming them for not wanting to be with women.
Think about it.
How is telling men who don't want women or porno or even whore that they are losers for not being sexually promiscuous or virgins going to hurt them?

It's women telling men that they are bad for not wanting to use them for the only thing they have to offer those men while at the same time screaming at those men for being the root cause of ever negative thing in their lives and rapists and sexual assaulters and whatever else.

It's pathetic and makes no sense.

Ah. I misread what you posted I guess.
It’s simple. Women want everything their way.
It’s not so much whether the guy is a virgin, incel, or whatever. It’s to shame the guy into silence for daring to challenge women. Notice how incel gets thrown around whenever a man questions or criticized female behavior. If he chastises himself for “being ugly” and whatnot, they couldn’t care less. In fact, they will tell him stuff like “aw. I’m sure there’s a woman out there for you.” Because it’ll make them look good and virtuous for sticking up for the little guy. They couldn’t care less about the guy. They just want to virtue signal.

As for sexual aggression, women love an aggressive and confident guy if he is in the top of the sexual marketplace. They wouldn’t complain if a hot, rich man hit on them. What they don’t want is a man they deem unworthy to dare to speak to them.


Men, young men, no longer care what women want.
They can go on tinder and get their ego stroked and fuck those same few guys till their used up and over the hill single mothers.
Men are just done.

Soon men are going to realize that they are under no obligation to take care of women or stand up for them when they do stupid shit or put themselves in harms way.


I’m not arguing against you on these points. In fact, I’m agreeing with you.

The price of pussy has never been cheaper. Tinder has allowed access to women on a scale that is unprecedented. However, the risk involved with sex and relationships with women has also never been higher. Not to mention women are still the gatekeepers of sex, and they too have inflated egos from all their matches on tinder and attention from other social media. The result is women believing they are better than men and they have no issue demanding things from men which they have no earned. This has caused their standards to inflate. In other words, sex is cheap but only on the terms that females determine.

The point I’m making is exactly what you’re saying. Men are done with women’s bullshit and poor behavior. They’re done with female entitlement and are starting to want nothing to do with them.

However, the case I am making is that men will have no choice as the government forces men to take responsibility for women and continues to give women privileges which they will abuse.

You're not listening.
Men are not installing things like tinder to get sex.
They aren't watching porn and jacking off, and they aren't going to whores/escorts.
They are also being forced to push women out of male spaces and find their own spaces and figuring out how to recognize women who are pretending to be men in virtual spaces.

Who cares if women are on some shitty trash heap data collection scam and are fucking the same handful of guys while thirsty losers are kept on the leash.

More and more men are becoming disillusioned with it and it's things are now.

The government is already forcing men to take care of women through taxes and giving women unfair positive treatment in jobs and in academia and even in media.
And the whole #metoo thing and constant screams of rape culture has destroyed any and all fraternization between the sexes in job spaces where women DEPENDED on that very thing to get ahead and get relationships.

Women are being frozen out of intimate of the clock gatherings, new positions, mentoring relationships, meetings with men to discuss things, even getting fucked or getting dates is done for.

Welcome to the new world.

Curious, do you have an objection with the article?

I don’t see how I am not listening. It sounds like we agree that the trend is men are disillusioned with women and are rejecting them.
What is the case you are making?

I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams, she said the lack of sex that’s bringing me down. But then I went to a whore, she said my life’s a bore, so quit my whining cuz it’s bringing her down. What do?

Do you sometimes give yourself the creeps?

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.

It all’s gonna add up user, I’m worried, I think I’m cracking up

Traditional manliness is seen as bad but women still want a man with those qualities anyway. So stop being defeatists and get ahead of others.

Am I just paranoid? Ayayaayaa


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>reddit spacing
>need to argue for no reason at all
>incoherent thought pattern
>acting like they are smarter than you
I believe the person you argued with is from a site called Reddit, pay no mind next time.
From my point of view this is the birth of a matriarchal society, all those examples you listed are a symptom of such a thing happening. It will only get worse from here