What should a woman's ass feel like when you grab it?

Describe as well as you can. Are fit butts best or should the butt be squishy?


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A bag of sand...

firm but also soft. I am not big into jiggly butts, but they can be nice.

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Firm and soft at the same time? How is that possible?

Better question is- how should my ass feel? At the moment there's a clear distinction between the squishy fat and firm muscle that can be felt by touch. I'm still cutting, so my question is- should all of the fat be gone? Or should some remain?

firm base and soft layer.
completely soft isn't nice

its soft and fleshy, firmness dependent on fitness and fat distribution. feels like your own ass more than likely


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My current gf made me realize the kind of ass I've been missing out on my whole life. It's hard to explain unless you've felt it, it's so soft and squishy but as you squeeze you're met with more resistance. Not all muscle but far from being all fat, it's a soft thing that also wants to keep its shape.

This is perfect kind of ass, i got no idea how faggots gets turned on by flabby big jiggly asses, it looks god with clothes, but without its just so unasesthically, i can't be around thots with shit asses

this right there.

slapping a completely firm but is sad

What you want is a butt that cushions but is springy. There is slight resistance, enough to make a handful slowly slip away under the grip of your hands, but it's soft and molds to your palm and fingers at the same time, leaving the faintest hand print. You can grab a handful, but not for too long, which just means you have to grab another handful.

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Jello on springs

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I wish I knew ;_;

>Are fit butts best or should the butt be squishy?
Fit butts are squishy if you're not a pencilnecked, limp wristed faggot with no hand strength

>I am not big into jiggly butts
Sort your life out

This requires a greentext. Don't keep us waiting.

OP girl has a firm ass, right?

You never heard of firm mattresses you dumb bitch

A girl once grabbed my ass.
I turned around and she was gone.

Man I could have lost my virginity.

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