New PR bois

Just got a 2pl8 Squat guys after 8 months in the gym, i'm so happy. You smashed any PRs recently?

Attached: HappyPepe.png (657x527, 27K)

No, but well done!

Please be female

post bench

Good job, femanon!

What did you do those 8 months? I could squat 2 plates in my 3d day of working out once I got the form down. And I was the second weakest guy in my class. You should probably get a blood work done because this is not normal for a male above 15 yo.

Good job, would've taken a month on any reasonable program + diet. Keep wasting your time doing meme shit, user.

By ''diet'' you probably mean stuffing your face with extra 1000 calories right? Imagine falling for the bulking meme.

Same. Distinctly remember squatting 100 kg the first time we did squat strength work at CrossFit. Was a twig.

(Fuck you, started with CrossFit. Didn't know any better.)

Post lifts. Bet you're weak as fuck.

inb4 unironically thinks a 370 lb squat and 420 lb diddy are strong.

Squat, surely you mean bench? Because most people I know started squatting at least 3 plates.

hit 3x8 75kilo on romanian deadlifts today

lets go!

Unironically don't know how people cannot do at least 2 plate squats for >6 reps the first few weeks at the gym. You have to be genetic trash/turbomanlet/girl for such poverty lifts.

lmao at all these fucking retard pretenders ITT.
Anybody that has ever squatted knows this thread is full of 200 pound basement dwellers that like to play pretend because their lifes have no other meaning. unironically kill yourselves and this board would get infinitely better.

Ooooh, you're hard

>Please be female
Fuck off faggot, he put in the work and made progress - numbers are beside the point.

Btw post body you smug cocksocker, let's see what you look like.

>p-post body!
Nice cope, faggot. Stop trying to look at other men's bodies.

This board is for flaming homosexuals and androphiles. It's like you're surprised.

Please be female.

ask me how i know youve never lifted in your life

Because you make similar posts to me, fucktard?

Let this thread be a reminder to everyone that Jow Forums is dead.

Good job OP.

As if we needed a reminder. Dozens of threads like this everyday.