What are the best exercises for working on your abs?

What are the best exercises for working on your abs?

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Sit ups
Sit ups at an angle
Sit ups with weights
Sit ups with weights at an angle
Leg raises
Chin ups
Reverse hyper

Hanging leg raises, weighted knee raises and standard crunch machine are good imo

i also recently began trying to start working my abs, as of now ive just been doing regular and side planks on either side for 1min reps x f

Heavy squats and leg raises.

I hold a DB with my feet and do chins with my legs at a 90 degree angle

>Working on your abs
Leg Raises, russian twists, sit-ups, squats
>Getting visible abs
Having a low bf%

Tug your veins fag

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Ab wheel

Planks are useless.

Windshield wipers/hanging leg raises
Ab wheel
Cable woodchoppers
For intensity, cable crunches

squats DO NOT work your abs. Stop spreading that memo or all newbs here will end up with zero abs and tree trunk legs goddam

Yeah, back squats are shit for abs imo. Front squats on the other hand. Every time I do Smolov for fronts my abs are destroyed by end of the program.

Fork putdowns to failure.

The myotatic crunch is pretty good too.

All lifts that require core bracing work the abs, but they're simply not enough for size/hypertrophy.

The crunch machine is pretty good desu. Trying to do ab movements while holding free weights gets difficult on your wrists and distracts from the movement. The staff at the gym I’m at don’t seem to care that I add free weights to the machine stacks with a short length of chain and a carabiner to increase resistance, tho YMMV.

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Would chin ups be enough to build biceps up to ottermode size?

Dragon flags

Literally the goat exercise that people don't know about. Tightens your transverse abdominis to pull your stomach in and makes it flatter.

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if you only work out your abs it will look shitty no matter what, you need to develop all of your core
ab wheel roll outs
russian twists
vacuums with flexing (tug in your stomach then flex the abs and hold this position)
hanging leg raises

look up correct form for these and do all of them

yeah they're pretty good, not sure how much mass (not as much as using dumbbells) you could get out of them but I'd give it a try since you're going for lean low BF ottermode.

Sometimes when I try these I get a stomach cramp so bad it feels intensely painful like it's causing damage and then my abs are sore for several days. Am I doing it right?

I've never had that happen doing them so I'd say there's something wrong.

is there more to this than just sucking in my tummy?

I'm otter and only do chinups and rows and my biceps are SHIT.


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do this variation: suck it in then flex the abs and hold the position for as long as you can. you can take short shallow breaths using upper part of your lungs

pallof press


How many sets of core exercises should i be doing? Right now i do

Isometric ab hold x 1min
Leg lifts x 1min
Bicycle crunches x1min

I do these with no rest in between and then i repeat 2 - 3 times with 50s rest after the cycle.

Sometimes i do hanging knee raises but idk if im doing those right i never really feel it in my abs

Compound lifts
Ab wheel
Hollowbody holds
Hanging legraises

oblique smashers

>+32kg x4 chinup for multiple sets
>+17.5kg x10 chinup for multiple sets
>still have small arms

I would say no, you need some arm work

Chin-ups are a god tier exercise though

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>this is the power of calisthenics

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Maybe it's the angle but it looks like you have zero triceps

Leg raises are better than any sit-up variation