Guys I've been lifting for over a year and have made literally 0% progress. What am I doing wrong please guys
have been lifting 5-6 days a week since january 2018. been lifting without any knowledge on protein or calorie intake until january 2019 and made no gains.

started to read up on caloric surplus, protein surplus etc in january after realizing ive made no gains

been eating 1g protein per lb of bodyweight and 16x my bodyweight in calories literally everyday without failure

been doing so for a couple of months now thinking i was doing good and went to check the scale on the way out

and i literally weigh the fucking same as i did in january it's been 4 months i haven't progressed even a little bit literally the same fucking weight guys fucking help please

also QTDDTOT thread i guess guys please

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How tf can you invest so much time to lift without atleast reading up on the required diet to get big?
Do you also do cardio or have a physically demanding job?
Do you count calories?
What do you eat in a day and what‘s your lifting routine?

Did 3 months of 5x5 and now I’m on 531. The right side of my body is fine but I seem to have slightly more fat on the left side. It looks like I only have love handles on my left side. Can I add in an exercise to correct this or will it go away as I progress?

That sounds like you should go see a chiropractor to straighten your spine out.

Don't talk about shit you don't understand. Chiropractors are a meme. A dude pushing your spine from side to side will not fix the muscular imbalances that are causing the issue or even worse, if he actually has vertebrae deformities it will fuck up his back badly.

Go see an actual professional. Go see a Kinesiotherapist.

I underestimated how much diet matters and overestimated how much training matters.

I started doing cardio two weeks ago, so up until then, no. I go to school.

I count calories.

Lifting routine is push pull legs, I eat high fat high protein foods like tacos, pizzas (plural), chicken, or turkey. Mostly meats.
I yam on protein shakes and make scrambled eggs to add to protein, too.

Post routine and your big four weights.
Also post your height and weight.

Post body so we can help you.

I'm a lean cardio guy that really goes to the gym to maintain my weight and for cardiovascular health. I want to incorporate a little bit of lifting so I don't go full Skelly soy__boy. Is starting strength unironically the best routine for me if I'm just looking to not go full skelly

I can't do lateral raises because it irritates my elbow injury. What are some good alternatives?

chest press 3-4x12
pec flies 4x15
incline dumbbell press 3x12

shoulder press 3x8
rear delt flies 3x10
standing lateral raise 4x15

overhead dumbbell extension 4x8
tricep pushdown with rope 3x10
tricep pushdown with bar 3x10

height: 5'11
weight: 61kg (im 16)

haven't had the balls to try and max out on anything before
i'm not comfortable posting my body, but i look pretty skinny, although defined. like pic related except for the shoulders

I did leg day like 2 or 3 days ago and I see the weather is nice today and wanted to go for a walk for a mile or so. Am I going to blow out my legs for doing so? I still havent quite recovered from my squats all the way

forgot to add other days
chest press 3-4x12
pec flies 4x15
incline dumbbell press 3x12

shoulder press 3x8
rear delt flies 3x10
standing lateral raise 4x15

overhead dumbbell extension 4x8
tricep pushdown with rope 3x10
tricep pushdown with bar 3x10

barbell preacher curl 3x15
cable curl 4x10
preacher curl machine 3x10

close grip lat pulldown 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
deadlifts 4x10

W: same as M only i switch chest press up with bench press and incline dumbell press with incline bench press

thursday: same as tuesday only i swap preacher curl machine and fuse it into supersets on the cable curl

HIIT cardio on the bike, pedal a mile and then take a break, then another mile and another break, then another mile. takes me about 10-15mins
hacksquats 3x10
leg extension 4x20
leg press 4x20
calf raise 3x15

S: rest day

sunday equal to friday only incorporate leg curls instead of extensions and use a different leg press machine

incorporate some sit-ups aswell often inbetween or after sets

Do candito's linear program.

i weight 158 pounds at 5'10 and still have belly fat and a little fat on the sides, it seems like my body takes fat from every other part except this 2 areas.
Should i just bulk and hope muscle gives me a better belly instead of thid mushy mess ?

regarding the elder futhark, can I literally use the runes with any language? like I've been studying a bit and the O rune is ᛟ so if I wanted to say Hello I could do like ᚺᛖᛚᛚᛟ ? would it be correct? the H rune is H, M is e the inverted L rune is l.

to keep it Jow Forums, do I take into account rear delt and side delt work into shoulder volume or should I considerate it separate? I noticed I do 17 sets of shoulder work per week(direct work so no rowing or whatever taken into account) and 4 sets are from rear and 7 from side delt, the rest is from dumbbell and barbell press

curious about this too

Are weighting your food, including liquids like milk, oil, etc?
Don't trust portion quantity on nutrition label. I got salmon cans labels as "around 5 portions of 85g (~425g drained)", but after weighting a couple, i averaged 330g/can.
Also, the "x16 bodyweight" rule is waay oversimplified. Stabilize your diet (same foods, quantities, meals, etc)/energy expenditure (reps, sets, intensity, cardio time, etc), measure everything for a whole week, if by the end of week2, the difference between the week1 average weight remained the same, bump daily calories by 200kcal.
Check again by end of week3. If the issue persists, add 200kcal, and repeat

If you weigh the same then you aren't eating enough. Google 'TDEE calculator' and punch in your stats. Eat 500 above maintenance, and since you said you're doing cardio add ~100 calories for every mile you ran that day.

How do I force myself back to the gym after losing interest? Haven't gone for a month.

Motivation to get discipline. The rest goes by itself.
Get a gym buddy.
Put the autism to work for you.

So I've been on a deficit for about 3 months to lose some some fat (skinny fat, mostly belly). Last 3 weeks of my cut I went pretty hard and lost some good weight and was pretty skinny (no muscles to show). I am now trying to lean bulk (2 weeks in) however next week I'm going to hike for about 118 kms in 5 days.

What should I expect, even more fat loss? I will try to keep my protein high to not lose any muscle.

And can I cheat for one day tomorrow, I'm craving some fries... after 3 months of cutting.

Can just running a lot and maybe doing some martial arts training get me from skinnyfat to based twinkmode?

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Just fucking do it. Go right now. GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

If you don't have the discipline to go to the gym then motivation won't help you. Save yourself the effort and kys

I'm 21 years old and can only grow a patches of hair on my chin and cheeks. I should be able to grow more because my dad can. How do I speed up the process and stimulate growth? Whenever I go the club and hit on 25 year old girls, they always ask how old I am and then call me cute. I'm sick of it

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Is ottermode the ideal body for attracting both men and women?

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sure it can
5 km a day can get you decent results - for cutting
7,5 km for CUTTING FAST
50 km or more for dying

Beards don't grow in super evenly. I had random bald patches until I was 25. shave for now until its more even. Just don't do a soul patch, that's a death sentence.

eat more
doesnt matter how many calories you eat, if you dont gain weight its not enough obviously
gomad or weight gainer or just drink a pound of soaked oats on top of your regular diet everyday

My torso gets subcutaneous filing. I have to squeeze them out and they ifet bloody or infected how to I stop this.

I just got an iPhone what’s the best Chan app to browse Jow Forums when I’m on the shitter at work?

Anyone got a good protein bar recipe?

Something with less calorie than scooby and not the Jow Forums infographic one.

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No. If anything it'll probably help with recovery and getting rid of doms.
One cheat day isn't going to ruin your life.

i suddenly have these lines on my face like this anime character (but less pronounced), after going from ~24% bf to ~19% bf. i don't drink, eat pretty healthy, don't smoke, and i don't have eye bags. I'm also 25.
i think i sleep enough. Is it possible it's a vitamin deficiency that's causing these lines? or is it just me losing face fat?

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Im a fat fuck (6ft 225 lbs) but im kinda spooked since today ive been feeling kind if a dull feeling in my chest,spoon feed (lol) on what to do pl0x

Any tips on good flexibility routine? My flexibility is abysmal. I'm 6"2 and 185 lbs, but when bending to touch my feet, I can barely reach with my palms under my knees. So looking for an overall flexibility and also asking if it's good to do flexibility routine after a workout or has to be done on different times.


Have fun.

Too much volume and guaranteed not enough weight. Are you doing those sets with fucking 5lbs?

>I'm 16

>be me
>have motorcycle accident today
>pic related
I think i bruised my calf because the bike landed on my legs. What awaits me guys?
>left thumb is pretty swolen
>einher broken or sprained
>still can do pull ups
>don’t give a fuck about the thumb because i still can do upperbody work

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Should have been wearing a leather jacket

Can i squat with my phone in my pocket?7

>No. If anything it'll probably help with recovery and getting rid of doms.

I did. I slided like 20meter on the road and this is the only gaze i got.

Since there's no /shg/ in the catalog, it'll ask this here.
So, following the example of some user in a thread last week i bought two 20mg pills of Tadalafil/Cialis since i was having issues gettint a stiffy to hammer a girl.

He told me he splits each pill in 3-4 shards to save money and not receiving the full 36 hours effect of it. But i think the pills are too small to be split like this, so i'll divide in two. They're not that expensive, but i don't want to stay in the bone zone for a day and a half.
Do they really work well while not in their entirety?
Do they work if i'm under alcohol effect?
Are they anxiety-proof?

thanks in advance

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cardio is like eating fewer calories, except it also strengthens your bones and muscles and improves your heart and lungs and pretty much your whole body

but like running 500 calories worth of distance is kinda the same as eating 500 calories less (for fat loss)

but for everything else cardio improves a lot, especially mental health

but like just know this so you dont eat say 1500 calories a day and then run 1000 calories worth as well, because you'll crash hard with only a net daily intake of 500 calories

Why does frozen yogurt taste so much better than regular yogurt, despite having the same caloiries, carbs, sugars, etc.?

That or StrongLifts. Honestly could do each day (A and B) once a week only for 2 lifting days a week if you just want to slowly build muscle and don't care about being huge.

Does your gym have the lateral raise machine where you bend your arm like a chicken wing and push off of your elbows? Might feel better.

Are you in the US?
How much is Taladafil/Sildenafil?
Can they be covered by health insurance?

Regarding the drug itself, i tried Sildenafil, not the other one, but i was told effects are similar but availability is like a day and half vs 8-12h (for me, Sildenafil lasted almost a day)
It helps to pump blood to the shaft, considering no psychological/other issues, but you have to feel aroused.
For me, helped to fill my performance threshold lost across the years - i'm 40 now.
Never tried it with alcohol, i believe with "some" alcohol wouldn't cause any problems, but being drunk can be totally different. If you recently didn't have problems with erections and alcohol, then, expect something similar.
Anxiety = psychological issues, and that's differently. I was so nervous with this chick because of the situation, i wanted to fuck her, but didn't quite like her. Of course i wasn't working and the pill didn't help. After she left, 10m i was rock hard for the rest of the night.

On a side note, some Jow Forumsizens reported nice pumps - not there tho - when taking it 3-4h before workouts.

weird question but probably because the flavour molecules are packed closer together because its cold so you get more flavour in the same volume

Stop eating pizzas and tacos and other garbage then

Yeah obviously, it's an alphabet not a language. And your shoulders are your shoulders, exercising your shoulders counts as exercising your shoulders.

Focus on hydration of your skin with both diet and topical application

Is speed, duration, or resistance more important if I want to get decently sized legs by biking? Not interested in super swole, just keeping things porportional.

when doing a chest press, should my arms be parallel, sloped up, or sloped downwards?

What does it feel like when you’re on keto, and then eat something that throws you out of ketosis? Please tell me if the horrors so that I am convinced to avoid them.

I'd say speed. Just look at those track cyclists legs. Resistance as in climbing might be good too, I really feel my quads there.
Duration sounds more like endurance.

And many more videos on the topic there.

When i ran a low carb (not even ketosis) diet, i felt like shit, no boners, libido, energy or strength. After ramping up calories (mostly from carbs), all those symptoms were gone and looked fuller not fat.
So, liberation? Relief?

Bulg. Split Squat or Lunges?


aight. That's what i've been doing.

Anyone else like green smoothies? What's your favorite green smoothie?

one would say speed, you get speed by being stronger, you get stronger by lifting weights and doing short intervals of high effort (sprinting)

parallel to what?
I think you mean flared, they should never be flared, you need to angle them.
watch the Alan Thrall vid someone linked you already.

both are good but I personally like lunges more, as you don't need to set the bench or block you step on.

almost any green leaf + orange juice.

So I just got prescribed 2 medications. Both say take with food.

Now, I'm on a really strict diet for weight loss. The question is, how much food is required to fulfill the 'take with food' part of my meds?

A few bites, like an apple. IIRC it's to avoid the pill alone in your stomach, which might cause an ulcer or something or to improve absorption.

Ask your doctor.

Its not open tomorrow :(

are facepulls still non negotiable doing ppl
or should i only do them on my pull days

also should i do hyperextensions every dayof ppl?

Bulk slowly, follow a real program that has progressive overload with higher volume accessory work. Your main problem is a lack of lean body mass. You probably look like shit. You could cut to 145 and still look like shit. You could cut to 135 and still look like shit. You need to attack the main problem and add lean mass to your frame over the next 12-24 months while slowly gaining weight of 1.5 lbs per month.

Visit the minoxidil bear subreddit. Lots of info there.

Stop being so fat. The chances of having an MI as a young, otherwise healthy adult are astoundingly low. My pediatric ED sees several kids and young adults for chest pain every day. Maybe 1 per year has an MI, and handful have viral myocarditis or some shit. In the absence of other symptoms, you're probably fine.

Starting Stretching. Yes, it's a thing.

Motorcycles are probably the strongest Darwinian pressure we have that can save us from an Idiocracy future.

Idk, can you?

Track cyclists do heavy fucking squats and leg presses in addition.

1 cup vanilla greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen blueberry/raspberry/blackberry mix, 1 cup of milk or almond milk, and a big handful of spinach.

Generally not much. Usually even just a big glass of water can get the job done. The point is usually to keep a tablet of something kinda caustic from sitting in your esophagus or just chilling in one spot in your stomach. Like we tell people to drink a big glass of water w/ doxycycline. Other things are fat soluble should be eaten with something that has bit of fat. Depends on what med you're talking about.

I'm 26 years old at the moment and my lower back is acting weird, when I bend over my lower back sometimes fails, what is going on?

How do I prevent this and make my lower back stronger?

snake juice

Wheatgrass shakes. I was in the same boat until I ate Green Vibrance with whey protien every day.

Skinnyfat woman on a calorie defict rn
Doing cardio/light lifting; for booty gains should I stop the calorie deficit? Don’t know much about bulking or if it’s different for girls, sorta scared to but heard it’s the way for gains

Should I be worried that I plateau and stall on my lifts really early if I'm a Skinnyfat trying to cut to twink mode then bulk around September?
I like to swim sometimes during the week and I'm already eating at like 1700 right now. I'm 5'7 153lbs currently.

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not who you're reply to, but this looks good, thanks friend

Plateauing and losing strength is what is supposed to happen on cuts lmao, don’t worry

can I get a routine r8?

it's great. you're probably fine splitting the pills. I would break mine in half and have a few nice days of hard banging.

what's the equivalent of 1/2/3/4 on the classics? 1.5/2?

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Didn't notice this thread and posted on the old one anyways how long does it take to see noticeable gains? I feel like a dyel.

depends on your program and eating habits.
during a LP, if you're eating properly or a recovering fatty you should see strenght gains the first week in and after 3 months you should see noticeable muscle gains.

Why are you doing light lifting? Do real lifting. Lifting is the only thing keeping from becoming a disgusting emaciated skinnyfat ghoul. Lift weights, for fuck's sake. Whether or not you should eat a calorie surplus depends on how fat you are. We need your weight, height, and pics to determine that.

Skip the shrugs on one of the days and add some dumbbell bench, either flat or incline. Bump up the rep range for the calf raises. Ditch the "dumbbell flies" on pull 2 and do hyperextensions instead. I would do a few sets of facepulls 3-4 days per week, for 3-4 sets of 15-20. Wherever you feel like putting them.

If you you're really skinny starting out, then you can see noticeable changes within a few weeks. You will start to hold more of a pump at baseline, and any changes in definition and size are almost immediately apparent. People with higher body fat % need a little more time to see changes.

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how bad is a bit of dirty bulking? Buying a publix chicken tendie sub for macros, Chipotle for post workout is just too damn convenient. And no matter how full I am, I can always eat a bowl of ice cream. will i just get fat?

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> will i just get fat?
probably but you can just cut afterwards

whats a good digital scale that measures body fat and isnt a ton of money?

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First of all, bulk/cut is only for steroid users and professional athlete. As a natty you wanna stay lean all year-round while slowly adding muscle

2nd of all, bulking means eating more of the good stuff (like picrelated). It doesn't mean pigging out of absolutely garbage food

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Chicken tenders and chipotle is fine. Ice cream not so much

Chicken tenders are not fine though

G...guys... None of the chan.org boards are showing me any threads. It's been like this for hours. What is going on?

How does this look now? Replaced the shrugs on day 2 with dumbbell presses, i'll have to figure out if i like incline or flat more.
Kinda just planened on doing hyperextensions most days of the week anyway, currently on my 4 day fullbody routine i do them every day, I just put them in the 'do whenever you want' category
Facepulls same thing, I'm currently doing them evry day so I just planned on sprinkling them throughout the week like you said

They're fine in moderation
Cetting like 2 tendies and a piece of toast at canes very occasionally wont destroy your gainz

light lifting = deadlifts and squats
that's what my friend suggested to me for mostly butt workout
5'5'' and 115 pounds

How do you make sweet potatoes taste good? I am shit at cooking. I want to get all of the benefits from sweet potatoes, but every time I cook them, they just taste bad. I've tried roasting, baking, mashing, frying, but nothing.

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I dropped back squats in favour of front squats because my spine can't handle them

I still want good looking legs and glutes. If I keep doing them nice and deep, will it be enough or should I add another exercise to complement the front squat? I do deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts and leg press already (not in the same day)

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What is a good three day routine to run alongside sports/cardio (e.g. kickboxing or BJJ)? Three days is optimal due to time concerns, and the preference is strength with some hypertrophy for accessories


How do I set new goals for myself? I've moved away from the strength=everything mentality in the gym, and I'm trying out new stuff. However, I can't formulate new concrete sports-related goals, apart from 'I want to have some fun', and I think it's hindering my progress a little. Any advice?

>sex with GF
>cum in literally 5 seconds
>20 minutes later
>last so long she finishes and gets bored to I just stop because it's obviously not happening
How do I escape this hell

Sweet potatoes taste good without literally anything. Just peel them, put them in the oven and that's it.

If you don't think they taste amazing like that you are literally garbage person and you should take your life because it's not worth living.

If noob, lift heavy + cut until stall then recomp (eay at maintenance) until target %bodyweight fat.
Then, eat at slight surplus, the recomp again and repeat until final target size and %bodyweight.
Lifting heavy always. Cardio at least once a week, more, only as a tool to increase
TDEE in case you must eat more to control hunger.