Guy heaven gym (now the liftorium)

>entire gym is tile and masonry. Lighting is by fire and skylights
>only oly lifting platforms and freeweights no machines at all of any kind.
>some atlas stone lifting areas for the grugs
>a alter at the center of the gym that is elevated like a pyramid about 5 feet above the rest of the gym floor exclusively for men trying to make PR's. Everyone watches the man succeed or fail.
>uniforms are REQUIRED everyone has to wear a toga or loin cloth. underwear is banned
>outside of the fitness center and beyond the changing room is the olde style spa/pool/sauna/steam facility
>looks sort of like pic related
>you have to be naked or wear a towel.
>anybody caught wearing clothes in the bathing/spa area is bullied in latin that is taught for free for paying members in the ampitheater (no movies or TV screens only actual live performances by local theater fags and philosophy students who can larp)
>the bathroom has chisels and you are allowed to carve graffiti but it has to be in latin and has to be sex/fart/poop related.
>the bathroom has modern plumbing but there are no stalls its just a long bench and you have to shit in front of everyone and pooping is once again a social experience.
>after feedback women staff are banned
>Combat area for settlement of all disagreements
>20 foot deep fatty pit that you have to climb out of to use the rest of the facility if you are fat.

Attached: 12648245-roman-lady-relaxes-by-pool-in-ornate-roman-bath-house.jpg (1300x866, 235K)

>Fatty pit
>No manlet pit

OP is a manlet

>ideal gym
>clothes banned, only wearing a scrap of fabric at all times
>performing bodily functions with the bros
>no women allowed
keep it happy keep it snappy keep it gay Jow Forums

>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

>20 foot deep fatty pit that you have to climb out of to use the rest of the facility if you are fat
No lie, I would sign up for a gym with a heavy ass iron portcullis that you have to be able to clean and jerk to get in or out.

words fall from mouth like shit from ass

Attached: words fall from mouth like shit from ass.jpg (238x286, 28K)

I'll fucking kill you bitch

>anybody caught wearing clothes in the bathing/spa area is bullied in latin that is taught for free for paying members in the ampitheater (no movies or TV screens only actual live performances by local theater fags and philosophy students who can larp)

just give me Diogenes and Plato having feuds and I´ll be happy

>you have to shit in front of everyone and pooping is once again a social experience
are you Indian by any chance?

diogenes will permenantly live inside a squat rack and harass those who walk by

>>uniforms are REQUIRED everyone has to wear a toga or loin cloth. underwear is banned
Why half ass it? Just go full Greek style and have everyone naked. Easier to admire each others gains.

Literally every big city has a Gay Bathhouse exactly as OP described. Do you homos need a thread about this every day? Pictured Chariots Roman Bathhouse in London complete with bears in togas.

Attached: largesq_bars-305979-Chariots-(Vauxhall)-0f247.jpg (580x580, 65K)

>exactly as OP described

that isnt anything what i described. Not even remotely.

Ideal gym
>parts are designed straight out of 40k
>metric fuck-ton on space marine statues
>gothic cathedral interior
>some sick-ass chanting
>posters everywhere with "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS" or alternatively a "DO IT FOR HIM" poster but it's just his skeleton on the golden throne
>maybe some posters of sororitas so it ain't gay
Idk what else maybe a live-fire chamber because why not shoot some shit while you're there?

Based and gaypilled

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Is there anywhere i can chill half naked with my bros that isnt gay?

i have buggered men

Now make it less gay

Already had this thread, next

>uniforms are REQUIRED everyone has to wear a toga or loin cloth. underwear is banned

it's 2019 just be gay already

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