Kinda wish guns weren’t something that just anyone could get illegally because I want to go into a hood with a...

Kinda wish guns weren’t something that just anyone could get illegally because I want to go into a hood with a baseball bat and do some serious damage until the darkies eventually overpower me. With this 180 lb bodee how many average hood niggas do you think I take out? How many could you take out? Post bod stats and estimate.

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You want the darkies to overpower you because you've violently suppressed your homosexual tendencies to the point of being consumed with hatred but unsure why.

This site really fucks with people's heads, doesn't it?

The only good (((person))) is a dead (((person)))!
Go for the highscore user

OP, Thanks bro, if I stick to the smaller ones I’m thinking 30 should be easy but I won’t know until I try

Clearly. Its reputation is earned. Well earned.

Back to >>Jow Forums

What is this a cry for help? Sorry pal but we’re not all going through that bucko, good luck dealing with whatever is going on over there chief.


OP, hell yeah

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Lol you're probably average to below avg height if thats what you look like at 180 lbs, you look very natty and like the typically uncoordinated, unathletic gymcel whose only accomplishment is his 315 bench. I think the average gangbanger in the hood could probably take you out, you have to remember most are armed or have knives and they grew up playing sports and have way more actual fighting experience than you. I think you would get a knife against your throat before you could even touch one of these "darkies". You just seem like the typical deluded Jow Forums gymcel who thinks that squats, deadlifts, and bench press stats somehow translate into fighting prowess.

This and this. Go to /b/ or Jow Forums if you want to be a racist shitlord

5 10 so you’re right on the money, but damn I didn’t know I looked like I bench 315. I don’t really imagine it going down as a “fight” per say, have you ever played wack-a-mole?

It's kind of wholesome that we don't let people be racist on this board.
Thanks Jow Forums.

Not op but Jow Forums and Jow Forums are very close together. You'll see it pretty clearly if you do any browsing for more than a month
>why do you lift, for hitler
etc etc

you would get shot before you could even swing your bat you bitch ass white boy LOL. eat a dick go to Jow Forums


You got me

Why do you think he started the post with the gun statement? Any random niglet is lethal for a while with a glock, obviously after they use it they get put in prison, where they belong.

You might knock a couple garabage cans over and sent a Honda Civic before you get capped

Got me, too.

All me

Wigga look at the first sentence. In this scenario they don’t have guns

haha you nuts OP but you reminded me of a movie not to give you any ideas but the main guy buys a locksmith kit and went there when they're all sleeping(for black youths that would be in the morning) and broke into their houses and went into each room silently smashing their skull with a ball-peen hammer and then to the next house down the street until someone was up and shot him but by then he already took out two dozen haha but that's even crazier than your idea

based and race-warpilled

Holy moly, I didn’t even think of getting them while they’re asleep.

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Aren't you afraid your mom is going to catch you saying the N-word on-line?