He really looks like he works out

He really looks like he works out.

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If your body was actually like this, how would you even fix it?
Asking for a friend.

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I’m having a hard time understanding what’s going on. Are they saying that the stuff is contaminated or that they hurt themselves trying to open it and are too stupid to clean the wound?

Exercise, that's the body you get for doing nothing your whole life

Lmao that nigga got aids from onions

Hygiene is a FASCIST aesthetic, bigot!

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It's a false flag from Jow Forums.

I want to be unapologetically the best me

Wtf I love onions now

What kind of exercise?
Assuming the nearest gym is 2 hours away and living in marshland that's impossible to run in.

1. Boyfriend (gay) is HIV+ (double gay)
2. People with HIV are very susceptible to infection due to weakened immune system.
3. Weak gay onions lad can't open the lid, cut himself, got infection.

Is that clear enough?

Bodyweight and run on the side of the road. Lift things around your house if you want to pick up weight

Wait does gayness stack or does each gay debuff go up by like a percentage?

Bodyweight routine. Unironically do the /r bodyweight beginner routine and stick to it. You can get ripped doing bodyweight exercises if you progressive overload and eat right.

now you look like shit, great move


And time.

Those are the only things that will save you. I mean, your friend.

The roads here are dirt so I really can't run on them or even beside them outside of a couple months in the summer, every other month of the year it's either ice or sludge.
I'll look into good bodyweight routines though, appreciate the advice.

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Its 90% diet too man. You have to count calories.

Calories are bullshit though.

You don't have roads?

You have to live it.

If I looked like that, I would apologize.

>My message is that it's perfectly OK to be unapologetically you
Fucking hypocrites.

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I'm routinely called a libtard and I fucking hate bad hygiene. It's disgusting. Take a shower, wear some deodorant for fucks sake.

>ditched his six pack
Is there any photos of him with a six pack? Willing to bet he was never in good shape.

dont think he ever had one, this guy got insane amounts of loose skin and stretch marks

article is from today and even back in feb 2017 he was a fat dyel fuck

Checked his IG, he never had a six pack lel

stop playing videogames manchild

not even a barely visible outline? Too lazy to check but to normies even a barely even visible shadow of abs means you have abs

I unironically want to buy one of these to see if they’re really that hard to open, and to see what they taste like

He's just mad he can't afford the six-pack license

We need to raid his instagram

have sex

Where do you live Orangabro?

Northern Ontario

What a fucking faggot. I want to punch him in the face.

Average male body in 2019 looks like that, or even worse to be honest.

-2 to constitution, -1 to charisma (but you get alternate text choices)


People who are weak and can't handle a little dirt are right-wing. Weird.

>instagram influencer
Mental illness in full swing.
It's an absolute tragedy that mental illness is now being celebrate and promoted rather than being treated.
Depression is the new sane, it would seem.
And this is the ultimate reality of it all:
>Fucking hypocrites

Here come the excuses

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They already got a decent recommendation and thanked people for it without making any excuses
Believe it or not some people are in actual positions where going to a gym isn't realistic

you dont have any nature trails or parks near where you live? How about a barn with something to do pullups on. All you really need to get fit is pullups, pushups, situps/variants, jump rope, and some form of squat and you should be able to shed weight in no time

Do you not know what HIV is? A simple infection can be deadly

Hes fat and has no muscle. Literally just lift weights.

That guy has never been to a gym in his life.

He looks like he has negative testosterone

where is the proof that he had a six pack to ditch in the first place? i highly doubt that he ever had one

I have the perfect description.

Eat a bowl of unflavored Cherios. Let the milk at the end get warm. When you drink that warm, bland Cherio milk, that is exactly what Onions tastes like. Only the texture is a little thicker.

>ditched his six pack
Post pics

I think I smell worse now that I'm 30. I haven't changed my habits though. Is it my impression, is it because my sense of smell has gotten better, or is this something that happens?

>tfw i have the same gyno as OP
just end me

t. fatass

Probably don't eat enough pineapple and too much acidic food.

Old people are more bitter and gross. Puppies smell better than dogs. It's probably toxins that build up over time like chelated metals and shit. Nothing you can do except not being as disgusting. Ditching smoking and coffee and eating fruit and shit.

eating shit is bad advice

>tfw bad gyno since age 14 (thanks jew pills)
>tfw the only way i can minimize my gyno is by going ultra low BF%

>>tfw the only way i can minimize my gyno is by going ultra low BF%
i fucking hate this world i just cutted to fucking 160 and i STILL fucking have them, only surgery can help us now........

Mate, I already bought like 10 boxes of Fruit&Shit. I'm not throwing it away because some idiot on the internet says it's bad for me.


my art ho gf sniff my armpit when we fucnking...

its still present at a very low bf but no where near as noticeable....at least i hope its not noticeable...heh heh heh.



>thats how they hook you

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dumb ass article as always. Authoritarianism is the complete opposite of rightism, as the purest form of political rightism is democracy in Israel.


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hey pol finally got on the BBC they wanted

yeah just workout at home user

Stay fat, then.


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You know technically certain genotype within ethnicity have less B.O. than others, so when you go to a territory with a greater concentration of higher-evolved humans, they are repulsed by B.O.

t. Pajeet who has B.O.

Bob had bitch tits

If you cant run, put on some music and jump up and down for half an hour.

But you have to do it in public.
