Vegay Gaynes UNHINGED After being BTFO Again and Again


>loses only income stream while being deprived of protein and iron while simultaneously being the only fat-faced vegan in existence
>wants to fight everyone
>channel deleted and goes on apology tour
>gets eternally BTFO by Brooks and Frank and the rest of the vegay community tripping over their own feet and quitting veganism

In this video, can anyone explain to me how fucking fat richard buress aka vegay gaynes has gotten here? I mean his face is fat as fuck

My theory is after years of a diet deficient in so many essential elements, vegay has resorted to eating meats again to reverse vegay health problems, while lying about it to his vegay followers on youtube, so as to not destory his awful credibility any further, and keep making a buck or two on youtube.

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>this meme tho...

This reads like one of those pizzagate threads on pol.

He doesn't have to be eating meat to look like shit now. He's living with a trash girl who encourages him to eat like shit. He use to live with his mom and cook his own meals. He was healthy af and did cardio daily. Now hes permabulking mode and 100% not as healthy as he use to be.

He went way down hill since he's been with Jasmin but if he's happier than more power to him. It's just sad seeing how many guys get controlled and manipulated, and dragged down by girls that know they can control these insecure virgins.

Absolutely disgusting. What a beta.

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I'm weaker and less famous than he is, but at least my gf doesn't look like a dude.

imagine being OP

>100% not as healthy as he use to be

This is just happens when you eat a strictly vegan diet for 5-6 years

The funny thing is that vegay gaynes and his followers lurk here and are pretty butthurt about this thread LOL

Holy kek, I thought that was ReportOfTheWeek in the pic


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Are we really going to keep ignoring this?

(Also can someone subtly shoop jasmine's jaw to be more in line with the warrior skull outline?)

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that's 100% a male
t. knower

El goblino



Motherfucker looks like Niggolo from planet namek

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That's a woman?! Looks like a tranny.

10/10 for subtlety

ugliest gay couple ive ever seen desu

Veganism-they progress from just ugly to fugly to dead.

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Are vegan pics like in OP actually supposed to convert people or just preach to the choir? I don't think I've ever seen one that didn't sound at least a little tasty.


>unborn children
vegans are retarded

>watching a "no bullshit" video for any reason
LM fucking AO.

Hasn't this vegan guy always been unhinged ??


Choice one, familam

>not coating the chicken leg in flour first

Jasmin isn't trash at all, she is a nice girl she just isn't as into health as Richard seems to be. He's gotten fat because he's been focusing more on strength gains, in addition to eating more junkfood and going to restaurants.

Jasmin is CUTE!

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what gets me is how unbelievably fucking lazy she is. she's been with richard, what, 2 years now, and hasn't found any kind of work? everytime she's shown she's playing video games or fucking with her rabbits. vg better pray his channel does get axed anytime soon or they'll have to look for real jobs, and i can't see anybody as unhinged as he is make it in the workplace.

She's trying to be a streamer, which is arguably word.

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>gets eternally BTFO by [...] Frank
You're mostly right but he utterly demolished Frank.

Frank is a moron and terrible person and a liability in the battle against veganism.

>I cant lose the debate if I just stop my opponent from talking

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THAT is a woman?

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He's 6'3 natty
He'd still mog anyone shorter.

For why he's green in the pic I have no idea

Yeah but shes not good enough at anything
And shes not hot enough to be a streamer