Tfw when already at 1458 calories and it's only 7:13pm

>tfw when already at 1458 calories and it's only 7:13pm
>already 258 calories over my daily goal
any other cutting bros suffering out here too?

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You seem to be staving and not cutting

>allow myself cheat day
>eat 500g of carbs
>500 over deficit

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>Tfw i'm at 0 calories and its been 78 hours

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I am a manlet and weigh nothing

based and snakepilled

I dont count cals never did.
I stopped eating bread and snacking throughout the day, added hiit 3 times a week. Also I dont eat anything after I have my dinner. The last one is a bit mom science but it helps me keep track of myself. You need to get used to the feeling of hunger I guess

im supposed to eat 2200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week

keep binging thousands of calories a day

the T3 and clen cant keep up :( stuck at 190

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Literally how do people get fat? Just don't fucking eat, you retards. It is SO much harder to get your calories rather than to not get them.

>1200 calories
Are you 5 feet tall?

Are you like 5'2? Or a girl? Post tits if the later.

imagine for a second having to fuck with your thyroid hormones and taking cardiotoxic compounds because you're too lazy to eat less

>tfw all I eat is protein bars

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>laughs in 200 grams of sugar
enjoy your diabetes

i also take ephedrine :(

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It's One bars, they have next to no sugar

yeah i started eating from 12-8 and it curbed my appetite & made it easier to count calories

how do you get your nutrients

It's got fat protein and carbs, just little sugar. Still has an volcanic amount of fiber.

5'5" kek
