Unwanted mires thread

Unwanted mires thread

What do you do when two black girls talk out loud about you and your girlfriend when you're out on town for dinner?

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what were they saying?

Buy them a drink if theyre saying nice stuff

Call them niggers. Problem solved. Call out the inferior.

Don't listen to this racist autist

>step out of sauna
>2 loud black girls from 2 of my classes are right outside
>i try to avoid eye contact
>she keeps looking at me
>look down and walk away
she keeps trying to talk to me in my classes and i find her disgusting

Loudly talk to your gf about how you think it wouldn't be such a bad idea to bring back segregation. Don't advocate for it directly, just say you think we shouldn't dismiss the concept entirely because it may have some merits. Maybe suggest to her that we may have "throWn the baby out with the bathwater" in some regard. It's perfect because they can't call you out because you're just thinking out loud really, you're not trying to institute any measures. But they will still be turned off on you and will return to their chimp feed time.

Confessions Jow Forums

I went out last night with some bros, my friends roommate is a black kid, clearly he's attracted to the good energy, keeps weaseling his way into our party, I'm sort of a gregarious friendly guy on occasions, I bring him in, I chat him up adequately, I'm being nice to the guy. Politics are brought up, I'm a vehement Trump supporter, I explain my views in the context of the conversation, I'm super easy about it, like yeah I disagree with shit he says all the time too I just think the guy has good policy and gets a bad wrap.

So we go out to the bars, we end up at a board game place. This black kid keeps on continuously trying to show me girls instagrams or talks about girls at the bar, clearly he's projecting and wants some ass, so I'm like bro, I'll wing man you, he never approaches or does anything at all, just keep talking about how he phantom thinks some girl who hasn't even looked at him yet might be into him.

We play a board game. It's all of our first time. Everyone is playing and actually trying. Guess who can't keep up with the game rules and just gives up and destroys the whole game?

I'm sloshed and slumped, we head back to the apartment, I know I'll be leaving within the hour. He offers me to smoke a bowl with him. I hit it one time and just know that I'm going to pass out if I smoke anymore, so I chill down and sink into the couch. I'm pretty out of it.

This dude turns his fucking rap music all the way the fuck up, I'm in like a half passed out state so I don't tell him to turn it down. He reaches clear autistic levels of social ques about the music level. As I'm talking to my friends about to peace out, very tired, talking about personal shit(my relationship is going to trash), he starts rapping about fuck donald trump. something something, ben shapiro, he says all sorts of shit about how he's going to fuck girls. I assume he was implying he was going to fuck my girlfriend,

Ignore it, tell the waiter to bring them two drinks that will shut them up

This user here knows fuckery, good ideas all around


I was literally so drunk and decently high that I genuinely couldn't tell what was being said or if he was being serious.

I thought about going over there and pushing him out of the 5th story balcony, but thought I'm probably way over-reacting. Again I was pretty sloshed and slumped at this point.

I leave.

Wake up today remembering the whole thing

Now I am going to beat him to death the next time I see him. 100% serious. How do you act like my little brother all night, practically suck me off, laugh at all of my jokes, and then when I'm too inebriated to even know what's going on you say a bunch of racist crazy shit?

I'm 100% sure this kid is actually fucked up in the head, like 100% he's got atleast light autism.

And that's the story about how I will never go out or associate with a black person ever again in my life.

I'm not even racist, I brought the guy in, I 300% could have told him to fuck off, I'm a dick when it comes to people trying to weasel their way in. I have absolutely no problem having those hard conversations "look bro, we didn't invite you out, this is just us".

I felt bad for the kid, I took him under my wing slightly and took him out and showed him a bad time. I didn't even ask my friends, I defended the guy and brought him out anyway. Had I known he was such a fucking retard I would have never brought him out and let my friends tell him to fuck off.

literally never again, and I'm going to beat the living fuck out of that nig if I see him again.

>thinking blacks have any concept of nuanced thought

nice one

What crazy racist shit did he say

>And that's the story about how I will never go out or associate with a black person ever again in my life.
Absolutely based

take the blog post to reddit

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Bretty good story.

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Honestly I can't even remember I'd been drinking since like 7 pm, had like 7 natties before i even went out, and had something from everywhere we stopped.

I remember "Fuck donald trump" Something about Ben Shapiro, I'm going to fuck your girl super hard he says or something, can't remember fully if he actually said my girl or some shit like that.

The guy 100% was autistic or something. He was the lamest faggiest person I've ever gone out with. That's why this pisses me off so much, because we had an entire conversation about politics, we had an entire night of going out, he didnt have a single bit of fucking balls to say anything or voice his opinions outloud if he felt that way. He literally agreed with everything I said like a little passive faggot the entire night. He kept on trying to come up to me and impress me with this girl and that girl that he clearly wasn't even fucking.

Then when I'm literally slumped into the couch about to pass the fuck out, and then get up and go to leave he does this shit.

Like only an actual fucking nigger can behave in such a pussy manner. I'm avoiding going over to my friends house because I will actually fucking kill this guy that's how much it offends me that he acted like such a fucking nig.

Yeah, never in my life hanging out with black people again. 100% serious. That was the weirdest mixture of insecurity and projecting I'd ever seen in my life.

Saying fuck trump isn’t racist tho
And yeah he’s a pussy for that but like is he really worth your time and effort
If he was trying to impress u all night then why would he rap about fucking your girl? If he said something about fucking your girl he probably wasn’t referring to your girl in particular, just some rap clout “haha I’m so fucking fly ima fuck ur bitchhh” shit
And if ur letting one guy dictate how u feel about an entire race then like that’s some crazy racist shit bro

I usually make clicking noises with my tongue while looking at them.

and this. literally if they hear the word "segregation" come from a white person they are going to automatically label you racist and probably out loud

where do u people live where the blacks have above room temperature IQ?

t. Little Rock, Arkansas

>I will never go out or associate with a black person ever again in my life.
>I'm not even racist
lol sounds pretty racist to me u fucking retard
you take the example of some retarded annoying black child as a representative of a whole race?
is this the first black person youve met?

ok now I need you to try really hard to connect the dots. what happened between the time he was hush and cool to and loud and "himself"?

it was the weed

the fuckin nig finally smoked his pot and was in his environment with his loud ass rap music and let it all out. im sure he had a bunch of pent up anger from hanging out with a bunch of white dudes talking about Trump.

im glad you learned your lesson. fuck black people. entirely. the 1/100 that are actually cool to hang with will never make it worth taking the chance of hanging out with the other 99.

You think letting some women know you think they are worthless trash will turn them off?

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wow what an obscene lack of nuance
u must be black by your own retarded logic

are you seriously implying the majority of blacks are fucking decent? 30% of black males end up fucking incarcerated. so right off the bat youre left with a shitty sample size. it is ABSOLUTELY safe to safe blacks fucking suck. the good ones are WAY too far and in between to even humor the idea of befriending a black guy. its fucking common sense.

*safe to say

>fat chick hits on you
>"I'm here with my lady friend, sorry" (complete lie)
>"Well you look like you could use another one"
Please be patient, I'm autistic.

You should have fucked johnny bravo user

whoa sick story bro, better post this story to all your MAGA bros on Jow Forums and thedonald

so dont go make friends in the hood, fuckwit
how autistic are you to be unable to identify someones general character by something other than their skin colour

I was not born racist, was not brought up racist. Then I went out into the real world. I learned to be racist. My grandpa was right.

>was not brought up racist
>My grandpa was right
thats what BLM type black people say about whites...


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ah, I see. some fuckin Eurotrash is going to talk to me about black character haha, thats fuckin fresh

you think the black people in college, brought up in stable 2 parent middle class households are being incarcerated at the same rate?
maybe you think all black people are trash because those are the people you live amongst

if every black was brought up in 2 parent households, and every white the same, blacks would STILL commit a disproportionate amount of crime, fail tests at a greater rate, and contribute less to society.

do you disagree? please say yes so I can e-rape you with statistics and basic human evolution

dude literally who the fuck cares what some autismo black guy who gave you his weed says. Chill out and don't hang out with him

Call them niggers and say youre taken

And this guy was a "autistic faggot" because he was black?

Dude I get you hate the guy but your reasoning is utter bullshit.

Not the eurofag
But dude, do you asses everyone you meet by statistical figures before you even get to know them?

yes. I avoid blacks because statistically speaking they are garbage human beings, l dont really like Latinos but deal with them. Asians are cool in my book

shut the fuck up N O R M I E

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>doing cable flyes
>just finished a set so i'm about a step or two away from the cables
>turn around to face the machine as i'm taking a break and settle my breathing
>black girl reaches at the grip, caresses it, and lets it gently fall from her hand while looking at me when she passes by
>wait for her to leave the area
>go get the hand sanitizing wipes and wipe down the grip

Bro. Cmon.

I've had plenty of friends who are black throughout the years, admittedly, looking back right here right now, they were my friends because they sold me drugs and they were all trash human beings.

I literally was nice to this guy, and I'm not even a nice guy. If I'm being nice to you, you can tell it's sincere, because especially if im drunk im hurdling insults at you and everyone around you.

I was nice with the guy, made sure he felt a part of the group, told him he could go out with us, chatted him up so he didnt have to stand there like a loser, didn't flame him when he fucked up the game, even smoked bud with him.

This is exactly the issue. You're here, calling me a racist, while simultaneously the entire minority 40% of the USA population openly hates whites.

This guy literally didn't like me because he was a racist, or because of exactly this sort of bullshit rhetoric. That's why he was "fuck donald trump" this and that after we sensibly debated his policies and contributions to america for an hour before we left the house.

I've never been a "racist", I've always been open to all people of all races, I didn't tell this guy to fucking beat it, I invited him into the party when he would have otherwise played fortnight and beat off for the night. I offered to wing this guy out at the bars.

Then, surprise, he found his moment to strike when I was most vulnerable, started saying race-fueled political bullshit, started talking about how he was going to fuck bitches, inferred he was going to fuck my girlfriend.

you can die for less than that. sincerely. No tolerance for such a pussy behavior. How do you sit there and not say an authentic word for 5 hours then say some shit to someone on their way out.

Never again.

Honestly you need to close the loop with this guy, black or not black, that is how men behave. No man, black or not black would behave like that or say those things around another man without being confronted.
Posting about it on Jow Forums is not the solution. You had a negative interaction with a complete idiot, it happens all the time with different ethnic groups. Sorry you don't interact with the full spectrum of individuals in each ethnic group to understand. I have been in the same situation as you and had similar experiences with ALL ethnic groups and always called them on their bullshit, that is the key.

Also your first statement shows you are/were a degenerate associating with degenerates, there is no discrimination there, get a better group of individuals to spend time with.

you were intoxicated and can't remember the entire event clearly. he was under the influence as well. you said some shit that probably made him uncomfortable. you perceived your manhood to be challenged, and look how you react. mentally fragile as shit lol. big deal if someone says theyre going to fuck your gf. are you that insecure? you couldn't stop her if she wanted to fuck someone else anyway unless you killed her on some psycho shit, which judging by how you're reacting, i wouldn't put past you.

the fact that something someone said (who isn't your girlfriend, parent, role model, or significant friend) days ago still bothers you means you have nothing else going on in your life. practice some self-care. going to the gym isn't enough.

and then you start going on about incarceration rates lmao what a joke. take a cold shower and spend some time on your own please. it's appalling to see that people actually exist in this mindset.

nigger detected

are u mad that you'll always be a nigger with your big nigger lips and your flat nigger nose crusted in that black nigger skin unable to understand deep concepts because your small nigger brain developed differently in that hot nigger shithole?

Why the fuck would smoking weed make someone more aggressive u fucking retard

Obviously didn’t go into the real world if you’re posting racist shit on fucking Jow Forums

So glad us chinks made it into your elite good books

Bro ur obviously racist and won’t respond to logic like idk what ur even still trying to prove here just accept it and go to sleep or some shit

Fuck you

is that what I said? you illiterate fucking nigger?

U said he let out his pent up anger after he smoked weed is that not getting more aggressive

>tfw born racist

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and then you start going on about incarceration rates lmao what a joke. take a cold shower and spend some time on your own please. it's appalling to see that people actually exist in this mindset.

Ok moron, that wasn't me who said that

for two, I care neither for black people or my girlfriend. If my girlfriend wants to go fuck other people, good for her, I'm happy for her, she'll see me on the other side of the bars. I'm as young beautiful and alive as I'll ever be, I couldn't give a fuck.

Here's the issue, and both you, and the guy I went out with last night have both the same issue.

You're a fucking pussy. You're not a man. You're the kind of human being that is so dishonest with yourself, that you would allow someone to sit in front of you and say things you don't like for 5 hours before you made any effort to stop them. You're the kind of guy who would allow another man to slap his girlfriend on the ass and do nothing about it. You're the kind of weasel who literally pretends to be my little brother and is chatting me up, saying I'd look good with this tattoo and that tattoo, when in reality you don't like the person.

I don't have this issue, because my honesty and my integrity is backed by violence, and if you do something I don't agree with I will be the first to tell you about it, and we can work for a peaceful resolution but if it's violence then let it be violence.

It's the utter pussy behavior that offends me so much. You don't sit around and agree with someone for 5 hours, laugh at all their jokes, give them compliments, and smoke them up with your own bud and then talk shit to them when they're too incapacitated to do anything about it. That's what a literal bitch would do, and you deserve to be drug around by your hair and get the fuck beat out of you.

Ofcourse, you don't understand this, because again, you're not a man. You don't understand being honest and integritous, because you're not a trustworthy team player, you're a rat.

fucking playing board games with friends are you 11

annnnd. finish the quote. or are you really going to cherry pick that hard. fucking dope head sperg

Bro holy shit instead of typing out entire fucking essays on Jow Forums u could’ve gone and beat the guy up. U don’t seem open to what people are saying in response to ur shit unless they’re validating what u already wrote

Literally just attention whoring at this point

lmfao based

the fuck are u doing in that shitty flyover

Dude, I feel you about the "taking him under your wing" part, but beating someone the fuck up for being a cunt just makes you a cunt. I get it, dude. My bro told me it's so common that there's some european word for this type of situation that I forgot because I told him about a similar experience one night after drinking.

You're real nice, vouch for him, chat him up so he doesn't feel awkward, you know, really make sure he's not feeling isolated even if your other buddies couldn't personally give a fuck, and even after you invest all this time and energy playing host, the dude is too oblivious or autistic to treat you with the same respect. I get it, dude, I've been there too. A lot of us have been there.

But you're going to fuck him up for that? C'mon, dude. Chill the fuck out and let it pass. Who gives a fuck? Just never talk to him again, or tell him off if you want to be cold. Me? Personally? I just went all Christian and forgave the dude. He was black too in my experience, but I have another black friend that's NOT an autist, so you know, it kind of evens out.

>went out partying with co-workers
>new co-worker is black dude
>everyone else is telling a bunch of in-jokes and not giving a fuck how the new guy feels
>I decide "nah, I wouldn't want to be treated that way" and include him in the conversation and get him to open up by dancing with him and singing bad karaoke with him and whatever
>he seems alright
>he fucks it up by being obnoxious, threatening dudes, taking over other's mics when it's their turn for karaoke, being all like "Brooklyn, motherfucker!" and shoving people
>Eventually other black friend is like "dude, calm down" and new coworker is like "what the fuck you gonna do?"
>We get kicked out
>Next day, think about telling him off
>He apologizes before I can say anything
>I accept apology and forgive him
>He's kind of a fag but mellows over the year
>He's okay now

Ahh, being Finn must be hard...

Board games are the shit, nigger. Sorry, you can’t read

>european word
european word, huh

not him but you sound like an absolute faggot
the kid who goes "well, actually"

google Harrison Arkansas, nigger
then google Jasper Arkansas
then stay the FUCK out

What could make her less disgusting to you?

Dont be a nigger loving faggot

If she had a penis desu

absolutely based

t. Nigger

t. Zionist kike

ah ok, moving on then

>skin colour
Skin is the largest organ in the human body, and niggers have obviously different skin than us. They also have different hormone levels, lower IQ/impulse control, and are susceptible to different ailments than us. They are DIFFERENT than us. They act like niggers, that's pretty much all there is to it. 13 do 50.

>What do you do when two black girls talk out loud about you and your girlfriend when you're out on town for dinner?
Bust out the N word.

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There are more features about us than just dark skin (Indians have equivalent skin tone yet drastically different musculo-skeletal and hair grade than us)

For example, we have sloping foreheads which even in dogs is associated with low intelligence and high aggression (brachycephalic dogs)


And there is some research to suggest that skin tone does actually equate aggression, a lack of intelligence, and promiscuity


So we're literally fucking animals any way you look at it. Blacks are inherently inferior

ok now what. I wouldn’t move to Arkansas even if someone paid me

Same here. My aunt was a dirty coal burner. I had "mixed" cousins and shit. Was taught all people were equal. Then I went out into the world and learned the truth. Grandpa was right.

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or maybe it was japanese or something, I don't know, it was more than a year ago, why does it matter?

Thats a high quality pepe sir.

Damn Jow Forumstards truly do fuck up every single thread with their race bating nonsense.

>Racism is bad
This is why noone is alpha anymore.

based and only correct answer

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holy shit youre an insecure little bitch lmao

>beepboopbeep racism bad
>still cant argue without regurgitating some mainstream politically approved NPC talking point.

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lmao you are twice as autistic as him

somebody call kfc
we've got some butthurt negro

What? The thread is about unwanted mires you fucking autist. I came here to read those, not some Jow Forumstards trumploving user''s blog post about how he met an asshole and didn't have a good time.

that pic hits hard

sounds like you paid the toll

not being black

Yeah but things she can do to make herself less revolting to white people like isn’t straightened hair better? Just being quiet? Dressing a certain way?

I dunno if something like this is a mire but it happens more and more regularly and I have no idea if they are making jokes on me or if they are interested or just kind to me

>Be chubby ugly autistic 5"8 17 year old fuck
>Fast forward 3 years
>Jow Forums by normie standards got charismatic af 6"0 manlet king and apparently a pretty face
>go clubbin
>Met a girl solid 8/10 or a 9/10 who just turned 18 and a little bit drunk
>Eye fucked me I think and said multiple times how fuckin handsome I am
>Got late and wanted to leave and said goodbye
>She said again mutiple times how awesome and handsome I am and gave me a kiss to the cheek
>Did 360 and went home

Was that a mire? Did she fucked with me because she was drunk? I'm still insecure af with girls from my past and I can't read hints for shit I always think they are just kind to me

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nah she’s gonna claim rape and you’ll get 15 years

Does it stop at race? If you meet a white dude who comes from broken family he's way more likely to turn out to be violent cunt than someone who comes from a stable family.

>yeah user my parents split when I was young it was pretty hard on me
>*recalls statistics-DONT TALK TO ME AGAIN

im american. my college gym has this shitty little "sauna" that i go to after i workout
being loud, fat, stupid, and black are my biggest turnoffs. i like quiet, skinny, pale girls so if she lost weight and shut up, she would be more tolerable but still not at all desirable

>see a woman struggling with keeping her door open and pulling her bike through the opening
>help out
>she looks at me, smiles, and very happily says thank you
>I get nervous, say y-you too, and quickly leave
>I wasn’t finished helping her yet
I feel really bad about not helping her all the way through but it’s her own fault.
