Explain to me how fruit/vegetable carbs are less bad than refined carbs

Explain to me how fruit/vegetable carbs are less bad than refined carbs
Is dried fruit as bad as candy?

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Glycemic load, fuit are practically a meme apart from some berries. Vegetables are good and filling

Fruits have vitamins, fiber and water.
They are FINE. No one ever got fat because they "ate too many apples", calorie in calorie out is a meme

Processed is usually lacking in vitamins and such, so its empty calories.
At least fruits provide essential dietary nutrition not found in processed counterparts.

Enjoy your beetus

What is bad about carbs? What's bad about candy? What's bad about granulated sugar? What's bad about dried fruit? Most people argue against these foods because of their ability to spike blood sugar. Also, refined sugar isn't very nutrient dense, so you can't live on it alone, but in the context of a diet high in vitamins and minerals, the addition of sugar is a non issue. Also note that sugar (sucrose) is lower on the glycemic index than watermelon and potatoes. Watermelon and potatoes cause a large blood sugar spike than refined sugar... nobody is talking shit on potatoes and watermelon. Dont worry about dried fruits and sugar bro. The shit that makes people gain weight and insulin resistance is tons of fat and protein... not a diet of watermelon and plain steamed potatoes without butter and bacon bits.

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Aside from trans fats there are no "good" or "bad" macronutrients. If adequate protein, fats, carbs for your specific a activity level, and micronutrients are met, thee only "bad" thing for you is a huge caloric surplus or deficit, depending on your goals

A diet high in vitamins and minerals in their bio-available form would be high in animal fats. A high fat, high carb diet is a great way to end up with a spare tire.

>animal fats
Vegetables fats (nuts and avocadoes) are much better than animal fat desu

Avocado oil is pretty good. High smoke point, on the lower side of seed oils with polyunsaturated fatty acids, not as inflammatory. It, olive, and coconut oils are the only plant-derived oils I would eat. Nut and seed oils are trash in general though.

Grass-fed beef fat is insanely high in vitamins and minerals. It's been demonized due to saturated fat but it's hilarious how wrong that line of thinking proved to be. Saturated fat is more stable and less prone to the oxidization which leads to cell wall damage. Meanwhile the garbage seed oils like canola oil turbo fucks your arteries.

>Grass-fed beef fat is insanely high in vitamins
Such as?

Detected the vegan

All carbs are empty calories which spike insulin

Vitamin B12, B3, B6, A in the form of retinol which can actually be used unlike beta-carotene, E, CLA, and a significantly better balance of omega 3 fatty acids compared to most other sources of fat which are heavily lopsided towards omega 6s.

Glycemic index: some foods spike blood sugar, releasing insulin, forcing sugar into cells. Others release sugar into the bloodstream slowly over time.

What a stupid post. That's like claiming you can get proteins from vegetables (which is true but far from ideal)
Even the omega 3 vs 6 thing your mentionned is bullcrap

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They are just as bad, but come with a whole bunch of good shit that make them (arguably) worth. Besides, unless you're a cancer or beetus patient, there's not reason to cut out carbs. Just makes sure you get enough of the others and aren't getting too many calories in general

>cico is a meme

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>serving size

whoever made this should be fucking shot

Imagine being so retarded to think that a diet of carb foods (rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa, millet, teff, beans, peas, lentils, bananas, mangoes, dates, jackfruit, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, oranges, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and bread and cereal) has no nutritional value. Maybe if I ate like 1000 calories per day of plants I would be receiving less vitamins and minerals than 1000 cals worth of animal products but 1000 calories is fucking weak. I usually eat around 3500 calories and could hardly be considered deficient.

Eating those foods will soon lead to diabetes due to the constant insulin spikes

Eat low carb to lower your insulin

Cico is a meme. You honestly think there is no difference between a watermelon and a big mac in terms of ability to make someone fat and unhealthy? Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats aren't "just calories", they all have different effects on hormones, glycogen storage, neurotransmitters, etc. Even 0 calorie medications can cause weight gain because their effect on hormones..


Constant insulin spikes do not cause insulin resistance.
Fats, especially saturated, in the blood stream block the action of insulin causing higher blood sugars and more and more insulin to be excreted.




That's cause no one's stupid enough to eat 35+ fucking apples a day you stupid bitch.

That's because you have to eat 13+ cups of watermelon to equal the calories in a big Mac, you stupid fucking clown.

>citing durianrider

There would be no difference in weight gain (aside from water weight) if the same amount of watermelon (in calories) was consumed in comparison to a Big Mac. Hormones are cope for fatties who don't want to put in the effort to become fit.

why does mcdougall look so shitty?

Hromones are a tool for fatties who are actually able to get fit. CICO is such an oversimplification that it ends up not actually being worth much as advice. Don't forget, the peddlers of the liquid jew like Coke are the ones on your side, They want fatties to stay stupid so they keep buying their products instead of making the choices that will help them reach their goals.

You would have to eat 15 apples to get the same amount of sugar as an Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen.
Let that sink in.

>measuring calories by how much watermelon that equates to

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I exclusively eat organ meats and drink full fat unpasteurized milk for vitamins and minerals. Everything else is just macros.

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>calorie in calorie out is a meme

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>No one is talking about the pizza eating without the bread

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>bought 10kg of grapes on the market for 8 euro
>froze them all
>ate 2 kg of frozen grapes today
>cant even tell myself this is better then eating a tub of ice cream anymore.

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i also ate 1 kg of pears and some mandarins.

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>ate 2 kg of frozen grapes today
What the fuck

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its like eating icecream except you dont get sick of eating them,
also cheap as fuck when you know where to buy.
fuck me i ate so much today, and all of it is considered healthy. but but cico wont care about that.
though i dont know how healthy 3-4 kg of fruit on 1 day is.

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grapes are pure sugar, your pee is going to smell diabetic

guys, serving size is only a baseline from which to measure calorie/nutritional intake. it doesn't mean you have to eat ONLY X amount of Y food, it just gives you a starting point so you know how much you are eating and can track it reliably

then why do nuts and vegetable oils make me feel like shit but bacon and steak don't fuck me up at all?