I need help I just ate a full thing of garlic and my stomach fuxking aches should I throw it up?

I need help I just ate a full thing of garlic and my stomach fuxking aches should I throw it up?

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Stop being a little bitch and fight through the pain.

You're gonna give yourself gastroenteritis dumbass

Nnah you are fine, garlic is good. Why the fuck did you eat it though?

pain is weakness leaving the body. git gud

Next time eat the garlic in between bites of apple. It actually tastes good together strangely enough and helps with the stomach acidity

Wash down with water to dilute it.

>He doesn't regularly eat a full clove of garlic

Never gonna make it.

I read about it's beneficfial sulfur and immune boost but I didnt expect it to be so burning my stomach feels like it's in hell i drank water didnt help

You are supposed to integrate it into your diet, not eat the full thing. The bioavailability is really low anyway so you are actually getting about 1% of the amount of allicin in the garlic, wich won't make a difference if you eat it once but might make a difference in the long run if you eat it almost everyday.

Read about mediterranean diet.

Holy mother of Christ some of the people here are so fucking stupid it is mind blowing.
Fucking kill yourself, retard.

>I was thirsty and heard water is good for you I drank 8 liters why do I feel bad now

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fuck garlic, take the onionpill

A man ate a full clove of garlic on an empty stomach. This is what happened to his gains. user, a 23 year old man, presenting to the emergency room unconscious, etc. etc. Make yourself throw up you silly cunt

Nah I've done it before. Stomach ache goes away in about an hour. That fire breath will last about 2-3 days though, no matter what you do. It gets in your lungs so no amount of brushing and mouthwash are gonna help.

You're fine you're just going to fart like a monster in a bit.

Don't. Garlic is extremely good for you.

It will pass

No. Eat another one.

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by full thing you mean a clove?

A whole head? What are you, nuts? Eat a clove a day. Don't chew, just put it in your mouth a swallow it like a pill with a gulp of water

bulb, is the word you are looking for

I seriously had to completely remove garlic from my diet, it makes me have the worst farts, non stop, all night long, fucking wakes me up at night with explosive gas.

Drink some milk nigga, you'll be fine
To immune system boost I just eat a chunk before bed not the whole thing

OP here
I had some monster shits but burning has almost all gone away

You have to chew it, crush it, or chop it to release the allicin swallowing whole wont do shit

Yeah this is what I read. You supposedly have to crush it and let it sit for 10-15 minutes to get the benefits of the allicin.

I don't know if that's true or not but it's a huge hassle.

Its true its a chemical release

You can always chop it let it sit then swallow it with some milk thats what i do.

Screencap pls

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you still get allicin if you don't crush it, but the liberation is slower since you need enzymes to work on it.

Nice try playboy, but you're wrong eat my butt

I wash my garlic with lukewarm milk and I never get any negative stomach reaction.