26 years old

>26 years old
>already feeling joint issues when lifting
>wrists feel like they're about to explode while curling with straight bar
>right knee feels stiff and numb when squatting

Tell me how it started for you?

Attached: 965e51a83e44e6f610a8d09f06d511c4.jpg (479x606, 40K)

It didn't, because i'm not a fucking retard who jacked up his body with shitty form before he was 30.

is this from a gloryhole video

Large teeth for cracking shellfish Lmaooo

my left knee has been fucked up since 14 so i don't give a fuck

15g of collagen a day

>fucked up my lower back permanently at 19
Now what

gotta get laid bro

when i got laid it loosened me up and changed everything. now my form is perfect and my dick loose so are my squats bro

She went from slutty-hot to JUST in record time.

I slipped scaling a bluff while hiking and tumbled down a good 20-30 feet. It's been almost 2 years now and my hand and hip still aren't the same. At least my back healed.

Clearly it was her life goal to become the ultimate brap hog.

just realized that I do recognize her.

I have seen some of her videos back in my degenerate days, one that comes to mind is the one where she is on the beach with another girl who ends up punch fisting her ass hole for about 20 minutes until she prolapses, and then she licks the prolapse. Some things just aren't easily forgotten.

Imo she just got hotter

Sounds like youre just untrained

Can someone just give a name?

Attached: 1368078519986.jpg (230x192, 14K)

proxy paige,
remember... what has been seen cannot be unseen.

believe it or not some people do more than just go to the gym and shitpost at home

It didn't, because I don't go above 80% of what my body can handle. The reason that you fags are going extinct is that you throw on weights en masse, and then you expect your body to grow muscles endlessly. Your tendons can't follow along and you tear your joints by using too much weight over time (probably also with incorrect form).

Build your muscles slowly and stop forcing your body to adapt to your childish fantasies. You'll just suffer from joint pain for the rest of your lives.

DON'T. You really don't want to look this one up.

I do 5x5 but dont bump the weight up until I can do 5x8 of the same weight. Gives the tendons and joints time to adapt.

ty bros

@OP i don't curl with the straight bar because it hurts my wrists too. i use the ezbar so my wrists are turned inward a scooch. probably because of weak ass wrists, desu

Never gonna make it.

Why wouldn't he? It's good shit.

explain what the vid is so i know without watching it pls

are straight bar curls superior to ezbar curls in any way?

Her whole career is getting fucked deep in the ass

Superior in causing wrist issues

Totally agree. The chubby look fits her very well.

oh god pr0xy paige

so many faps, so many faps

>first result
>cumeatingcuckolds proxy
Yeah, I'm sure you've had "many faps"

Is that Proxie?