Do you shower at the gym?

Do you shower at the gym?

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No because I don't even get that sweaty since I train for strength

Nice bait

No because when I’m done I’m exhausted and just wanna go home and collapse on the floor for 20 minutes

My gym doesn't even have showers.

No, it takes me about 3 minutes to walk back to my apartment from the gym.


Gym showers are fucking foul

Of course. Can't resist a chance to show off my tiny penis to that old man hanging out in the changing room. Sometimes I rub it against his ass because I know it'll make his day.

can you believe this girl is only 8 years old?

No because my dick is small and I'm embarrassed and I don't want people gossiping.

There is no reason to shower at the gym. Absolutely none.

I literally only shower at gym. my gym membership pays for itself because I don't have to pay for warm water anymore. also, I don't change out of my gym clothes into normal clothes while being sweaty like a pleb


>no soap like at home
>chance to get contaminated by unhygienic people (warts and other shit)
>transporting a wet towel
>not a shower and I feel insecure about it

Just fucking no

>my gym membership pays for itself because I don't have to pay for warm water anymore

Just how fucking poor are you? Jesus Christ.

no because having a dick excludes me from the wheyfu room. I know, it's ironic.

I used to but then this one time this white guy started to cat call me and say things like "nice ass you must squat a lot" which made me feel really uncomfortable, to the point I changed what day and time I go to the gym now.

>why shower for free when you can pay for it, and smell like shit in the process!
how insecure are you about your flaccid penis, user?

>not saving on the water bill
I see you're not lifemaxxing, user


Nope. Same reason I didn’t shower in after school sports. I live three blocks from the gym. Also. Why were the coaches so interested in where I showered?

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no. 60 year old exhibitionists creep me the fuck out and I don't sweat because my workouts aren't intense intense at all and I just go to the gym for the ego-boost when thots stare at me lol

No, because it's 50 cent for 5 minutes. I once had to go back to my locker dripping wet and soapy to get another 50 cent. Fuck that.

He was either really gay, or has sex with women whenever he wants and is extremely secure

yes, but only because my gym has free soap

Yes, occasionally, because I pay for that also. Wear flip-flops and keep some foot sprays in your bag.

Being a cheap bitch isn't "lifemaxxing." It's self-degrading and sad.

>mfw guys don't shower after bjj
Do they want staph?

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blow job jam?

No, I don't want to have a wet towel with me. Also a patient I had had gotten a flesh eating bacteria on his feet, says he got it from showering at the local Y


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The Y is home to white trash.

>Not taking more with you

blow job jutsu

Also the only gym in my town of less than nine thousand

No. There is nigger, pajeet and all sort of shitskins in my gym.
I don't want to catch some weird disease.

Kek imagine thinking any autists here would ever shower in front of people. I shower in the gym almost every day. In fact, I fucking love intimidating some cowering autist on the bench next to me with my gains. Good job I have a huge wang.


T. Home gym master race (gym is in old house)

The fuck your gym shower country slots like laundry machines?

They are literally just showers at least in civilised world.

Americans and their hangups about being nude. I bet you also wear shorts in the sauna.


Only on saturday mornings. On week days I work out late, so I shower head home and go to bed still toasty.

i do :)

the gym staff is all qt girls wearing skin tight clothes

they walk in and out of the mens changing rooms and showers

i stand at just the right angle so they see me brushing the hair back off my face and shoulders, leaning back directly under the light so my dick is awash with glistening celestial aura

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he's exaggerating but yeah she looks a few years older than she is

Yes, it's a gym in Israel.

Yep, because I'm not a dicklet.
Also half of the time there are middle aged asian women cleaning the locker rooms, and they've seen my dick multiple times. I even catch them glancing at my dick.

Americans aren't civilized. In most public showers you can hear men hawking up phlegm, etc. I'm not setting foot in one of those showers when i can walk 2 mins to my house and use my own.

This user gets it. I get changed at rugby in front of 17 other huge dudes, why would I care about some pajeet in the gym who's cock is the size of a twiglet?


>home gym masterrace

That’s disgusting who does this? 10th planet?

Why is this webm so sexy hmmmmmm
Im so lonely Jesus christ
T. Nofapper since October 30

Exaggerating how much? Are we all getting v&?

No, I like to moan and groan when I wash my feet, and I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression

like 14 i think

There it is XDDD

enjoy your foot fungus lmao

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Hello Moshe, are you upset :)?

Yes I shower at the gym. Just wear flip flops. You can tell who the losers in this thread are by how insecure they are, or how they rush home afterwards. Get some real friends and a social life and you won’t have time to run home to mommy and shower

You do know that that is a 14 year old child right?

>yeah just slaps each other's cocks and engage in butt sex orgies at the showers with your gym bros look at me i'm so MANLY i use FLIP FLOPS i'm not a faggot i swear

Im a neet and my parents pay for the gym so I shower there as often as possible

Wear sandals dipshit

Wow this child is only 15 years old you disgusting perverted pedophile fucks. Can't you see that she's in no state of mind to understand that she's blatantly sexualizing herself and advertising that she craves the seed of man? There is absolutely NO evidence that she even understands that she's putting herself out there like a sexual idol in order to make money on a platform where this is widespread and common.

You're all just so disgusting, I can't believe it. If you were in front of me I wouldn't say a thing but be sure that I'd immediately talk about how disgusting you are behind your back for wanting to fuck fetuses.

i'll ask your mother for spare ones bitch boi

>the gym staff is all qt girls wearing skin tight clothes
>they walk in and out of the mens changing rooms and showers
what the actual fuck? I would report this shit to the managment.

anyway there is this "things" in my gym showers where it hold the liquid soap,Ive been jacking off for past 5 month and putting my semen inside of this holder,everytime I see some one shower I just cant stop laughing when they use the soap.

> lil dick fegget ass nigga.
When I see some of these faggots that have to carry their sports bag with them while lifting and then when they're done working out they leave the gym all sweaty and still in their gym cloths looking like lil dick bitches.

When I see a faggot like that I admitly think there's something not right in the dick apartment or they have horrible gunt or something, or maybe gyno bitch tits or steroid pimples, or everything above.

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>TIL 15 year olds are fetuses

I shower at gym so I reduce costs back home on water and gas. I take 30min shower

Used to in my old health club gym but not in my new liftan gym, I feel dirtier after I've showered in there and I only have a 5 minute drive home, also gives me time to cool off, quite often I'd still be sweating after my shower


emily feld 2004 you’re going to jail


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>he only does 5 reps per set


>being naked around other humans
Lol nice joke

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You're a fool to use gym showers.
The last time I went to a gym that had showers and actually used them I got sick twice as often as I did otherwise. It's impossible to keep them clean enough all day long to prevent all the virii and bacteria that filthy gym-users leave behind.
Go home and use your own shower instead.
The one exception I'd imagine would be top-tier expensive gyms that not only keep everything so autistically clean all day long, but that the clientele are so high-end that they're not filthy diseased animals to begin with.

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What the actual fuck were you doing in there? You're not supposed to lick the shower walls, dumbass.

Oh for fuck's sake you're not seeing anything more than you'd see on a public beach, she's not displaying genitals or engaging in lewd behavior, calm the fuck down.

Doesn't matter. All the steam and dampness in the air with all the shower stalls is a perfect environment for bacteria and virii to be transferred from one person to another just by being in the same area.
Seriously go home and use your own shower, it's more hygenic. Besides which you really think I'm the only person in the world who has discovered this? Far from it. Be smart, go home to shower.

t. Degenerate

WTF is your problem, are you Islamic or something? Arab? Expect your women to be covered head to toe and wear a veil over their face, too? LOL have some self control like we do, it's not necessary to lose your shit because you saw any skin or her hair or whatever. Seriously calm the fuck down.

where can I find more?

Checked but you need to go harder, 5x5 squats for strength should make you sweat

t. Hedonist

Nope. It's just too much work. Less work to wait to shower 10 minutes later at home.

yeah, i also shave my ass and dick there and occasionally jerk off too.

t. /b/tard

Kek fucking weirdo

I ride on a bus with other people on the way home, I don't think they're going to appreciate a disgusting sweaty guy dripping all over the cloth seats. That and I have to wait on the bus and during the winter I'm going to get sick a lot more standing out side soaked in sweat.


>not working out your immune system
what do you even have a gym membership for?

20 bucks says this instagram whore sleeps with single, overweight boomers for money.

t. Underage

>There are people ITT that don't use a stream room/sauna after workouts

How do I become a single, overweight boomer that fucks ig thots?

>he doesn't carry a towel with him to the gym
Carry towel, towel off, go home, shower there.

I shower at home because gym doesn't have a sauna and I have one at home so...

The change rooms are always filthy and smell like a combination of curry, garlic, and armpits. There are thick wads of hair all over the floors, since the people who use the gym believe that cutting one's hair is an offense to god. Since the floors are so filthy and disgusting the patrons have taken to standing on the benches, which means that the benches are are also filthy and disgusting. They're also really crowded so if you go in there you're cheek by jowl with a lot of smelly, hirsute, people.