Full body w/ dumbells only

Hi Jow Forums, i'm trying to get back to the fitness game but there are no gym near me, I only have dumbells home so what are some good full body workouts with dumbells only?

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What do you mean? Just work out your whole body using dumbbells. What are we supposed to elaborate?

poo poo pee pee

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>OHP with dumbbells
>bench press with dumbbells
>squat with dumbbells
>bicep curls
>OH tricep extension with dumbbells
>lunges with dumbbells
>wrist curls

I mean.. Is it really that hard to think of these exercises?


literally me

you CANNOT work lower body effectively with dumbbells. anyone who tells you otherwise is retarded, weak and small

for upper body you can do okay with dbs and a pull up bar, but youre going to need heavy af adjustable dbs. 50kg+

doing something like
>heavy db bench 5x5
>pec fly 4x12
>heavy db row 5x8
>pull ups 4x12
>superset curls with tricep extensions
>lateral raises 4x20

3-4x a week with one day ohp instead of db bench maybe

50kg+ for each db btw, not both combined

What I used to do:
>DB incline bench (use something to prop you off the floor)
>DB lat raises
>DB Rear delt raises
>DB squat (yes they suck)
>Calf raises
>Leg raises and Russian twists
>Seated DB OHP
>Forearm curls and farmers walk

My legs and back were always underdeveloped, but you can get pretty far like that.

Dude your fucking retarded you can get stronger with dbs for lower body.. do single leg tempo squats ..deadlifts explosive jump squats with dumbbells your the reason why these people on the boards dont see results cause you think sticking a dick up your ass gives you more testosterone than actual exercise

Look up Mike boyle or Gary cook and you'll actually learn a thing or two you fuck...literally all college and pros stay away from barbell exercises cause you are never bilateral...so Jack ass answer me this if you cant get any good lower body exercises with dumbbells than y do 99% of the best athletes in the world use them and kb more than barbells? You probably cant answer that since your too busy eating cheetos jerking it to guys who tell you they barbells are the only way to go ie.. Barry castlefuck

all unilateral work for legs is worthless. the training athletes do is meme bullshit designed to not injure or tax them for practice of their sport, or are highly sports specific, not building any general strength qualities and certainly not developing size

for legs squats are king, anything else is worthless. if you disagree I guarantee youre not athletic or aesthetic and have sub 30 inch quads. go back to your athmeme-x videos you fucking faggots

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post your legs so I can laugh

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Ok, here's a picture of my legs with your little sister as a scale of reference

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looks nothing like my sister desu

5 hours of farmer walks daily


While it's nice to get the opinion of a human being with a single digit IQ the fact of the matter is your wrong all of the best athletes do unilateral training I have a degree in this and a cscs so fuck off dont believe me I'll send u a time stamp with my cert ass hole btw your body building bs is retarded think about what you said...they do it to protect themselves ...um no shit cause now they can train for frequently therefore leading to better gains you twat...you probably use a elevation mask while you train

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I dont care about your meme sports science degree lmao

top athlete training is in n o way applicable to normal people and falls into two categories. meme gimmick bullshit that is utterly useless, but it doesnt matter because what athletes do in the weight room is meaningless when compared to sports specific practice and because people who are top athletes are genetically gifted and could do anything and het stronger

or highly sports specific movements that have a carry over that would be useless to someone training for general strength or hypertrophy

you will NOT get stronger or bigger doing unilateral leg work with some light dumbbells that is a fact

Do me a favor dont ever have sex cause its unbelievable that your honestly think unilateral training doesnt lead to strength gains ...also you dont care about a degree cause you have nothing to show for your knowledge

post your twink legs and max squat. if your unilateral meme bullshit has done anything for you you will have 30 inch quads and a 220kg squat minimum. otherwise stop replying to me because youre wasting my (you)s

>being so cheap you won't spring for a Jow Forums Gold™ pass so you have unlimited (You)"s

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Literally cant stop laughing at how dumb you are rn ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6159498/ ...I know it's a long shot since you probably cant read but here's one article to shows the benefits

The funny thing though is strength is a NEUROLOGICAL ADAPTATION so the size of the muscle doesnt matter all that much... what does matter is that the firing rate/ efficiency gets better...if the size of the muscle mattered than all the Chinese 68kg lifters how move weight...wouldn't be 68kg or able to move that weight as well...they are able to because they are the best at recruitment of the muscle fibers and the rate coding / firing frequency

>sample size of 14
>claim to be trained but the images show dyel twinks
>emg data (literally worthless)
>no long term study of effectiveness for strength or size increase
lmao this study is worthless

youre an actual retard. the other guy is dumb but I understand his position. youre just fucking brain dead

why do you think there are weight classes? why do you think heavier athletes with more muscle mass are stronger? why do you think progressive overload results in hypertrophy?

I love how I provide you with evidence yet you still are in denial...and emg data is useless?....um that checks the electrical signal in the muscle tissue..the greater that is the better the contraction just stop please

I know what an emg is lad, they literally have no value in regards to strength training. Im in "denial" because this study was very poor

Okay I must be in the fucking twilight zone or at the very least getting punked..not one but two retards are honestly saying that unilateral training wont led to strength gains....let's try this again cause maybe I'm not getting this across the best way...I totally agree that the bigger you are the more "likely" you are to be stronger and that comes from csa and its potential for a greater contraction ..HOWEVER if you look at females who are squatting over 400 500 lbs it's clear that not only are they strong and big but neurological they are some of the best (the girls who squat that much not other girls) at the rate coding and firing frequency....literally unilateral develops the the neurons associated with those muscles worked better than bilaterally training

I'm not your lad, friend

I know, Im saying it condescendingly because Im smarter than you :^)

Lol look man let's do this over again we're arguing that OP cant see strength gains with just dumbell exercises at home for his lower body correct?

not significant ones, no

Okay so here I'll even say he wont make significant gains in muscle mass just for the sake of the argument even though he will but nonetheless...if he does single legged tempo dl or PFESS he is going to have to work harder to stay balanced over bilateral dl or squats correct?

>muscle mass just for the sake of the argument even though he will
he wont
>work harder to stay balanced
yes somewhat, but balance and coordination are not size or strength

He will but fine....dont you think the leg that's keeping him balanced is going to have to work harder via the glutes quads hamstrings (as he decends) and calfs to make sure he stays upright?

Dude if you dont have coordinated or balance that means your core and possible glutes are weak or not working correctly that's why old people have issues with balance because they have weak muscles to help stabilize themselves ...so that being the case if he does single legged exercises hell develop more muscles and build better connections to to kinetic chain which will make him more stable for other lifts which in turn will lead to greater results

in theory slightly, but having to stabilise during the eccentric portion is going to produce less adaptation than just moving a heavier weight

and in reality it will be a much much heavier weight. if you could single leg squat exactly half what you can real squat then maybe it would be useful, but thats not how it works, you can use alot more weight on a full squat, and that weight drives adaptation. also youre going to progress much faster with a full squat than any unilateral work

also he is going to be limited by absolute weight as hes never going to load up 100kg+ in each hand with his dbs, but he can easily load a barbell with 200kg+

If he is also able to train without shoes hell build stronger more stable ankles which help to build his foundation to push/ pull from ...that in turn stabilizes the knee better which will help in better requirement of the glutes which are the second strongest muscle in the body therefore again leading to strength gains which will allow him to lift heavier weights more frequently therefore leading to greater hypertrophy of the muscle therefore allow him to fuck your mom after listening to me

first, doing a full squat or dead is working stabilisers adequately while also actually working the actual muscles

secondly, there are no "other" exercises. hes talking about dbs only

Dude the argument isnt that barbell exercises wont make him strong literally I asked you what the argument was about your changing the whole thing to fit what your saying...yes barbell exercises will make him stronger and all of that ..NO SHIT however, since he doesnt have a gym nearby to do this he has to use what he has and that is a fucking db not a barbell so he can still training unilaterally and get results and perfect that until he is able to train at a gym...once he can hell be so fucking stable all over that hell easily move weights he was previously struggling with...from there he can go bilateral with squats or deadlifts and become stronger

Let me ask you this..if you fire a cannon ball from a rowing boat do you think that cannon ball will still be able to fire the correct way with all its force?

you agree actual squats are better then. Im saying unilateral shit is so much worse he might as well not do them. just focus all his energy on upper body which he could atleast see some progress on

Okay I'm not getting anywhere with you so you want him to have chicken legs going into a gym your retarded and yes squats are fucking dope but HE DOESNT HAVE ACCESS TO THE EQUIPMENT so in the mean time he can still get very effective training in....

Do me a favor tomorrow do this...do a 5 minute wall sit ..bilateral just so I can shut you up ...from that do single legged do and squat split them up obviously but do it...tell me that doesnt train the legs at home while hes waiting for a gym...also nordic hamstrings

OP listen you can still get a great workout from home in the mean time I highly suggest throwing in tempo training buying some mini bands and really focus on single legged exercises...once you are able to go and switch to barbell exercises... but still visit the single leg stuff from time to time to make sure there's no weaknesses in the lower extremity...also make sure you do some type of plyometrics exercises such as jump squats depth jumps...lots of jumps as that will help to use type 2 muscle fibers...explosive exercises are what will help you grow that's what sprinters have huge legs because they combined single legged things with weights and bilateral movements as well...an example would be post foot elevated split squat ..you squat on one leg and jump up with the same leg..or db jump squats ...I wish you well man if you have any issues with what to do you should really check out what Boyle's and cook have to say...that'll be a great way for you to develop as much as possible whole at home...once you get in the gym turn up and let lose kn the squat rack and platform but DO NOT skip leg days cause some reatard said that you couldn't do anything at home