Why don't girls care about strength?

Why don't girls care about strength?

Whenever a guy lifts a big weight in the gym every dude watches. Yesterday some guy pulled 6 plates for a few reps and everyone was mirn' hard, myself included. A few guys gave him a nod of respect and some big black dude was shaking his head saying how he'd never be able to lift that in 100 years.

Meanwhile every girl was staring at their phone or doing some dumb thot exercise in their own world. Are they either just self obsessed, dont understand how impressive that is, or just don't give a shit? I dont get it

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Girls care about your looks, not your accomplishments.

They're banal and mentally impaired, you overestimate them greatly.

They do care about your accomplishments, just not when they're meme accomplishments(e.x.strength accomplishments while not competing).

Women are shallow and banal. They do not understand or care to understand anything that takes real dedication like lifting. To them, lifting is not avout the noble pursuit. Its just another means of socializing. Another way to boost their fragile little egos by being "toned".

the society we live in doesn’t require you to be strong, you can be a twink nowadays and you’de be doing fine

Because they don't have a reference level. If you're involved in something you're inherently going to be more interested in what exceptional people can accomplish in that. I was somewhat impressed seeing a guy bench 3plate before, but now that I know just what it takes to accomplish that I'm much more impressed because I've gained a reference level.

>why dont people who have never had to work for anything in their life appreciate hard work?
gee op i wonder why

because they can't do it themselves, so how could they understand the amount of effort required?

i'm less impressed by 3 plate bench than when i started lifting because i realized it's not that hard to achieve

Angron was the worst fucking Primarch. How the fuck could the Unknown Primarchs have done anything worse than his shit?

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You look at these fucking posts and tell me this isn't Jow Forums.

mutations so severe that the Emperor couldn't tolerate it anymore.


How could it be worse than literally turning into wolfkin? Or was that post-HH, I don't remember.

Women are attracted to things you cannot work on and change

Things like height, face and frame. It shows good genetics. If you could easily change your height they wouldn’t be attracted to it.

One was killed in action (early in the crusade), the other had such mutations that they were warping his biology on a cellular level.

Why do you care so much that they don't care?

And the reason is because they have no frame of reference. Everything from like 100 pounds up to 1,000 might as well all be in the same nebulous category of "heavy" to them.

Same way that for a lot of people being a millionaire and a billionaire might as well be the same thing. It's all just "rich" to them and they can't comprehend the scale because they have no experience with it.

This is the thing i hate most about girls. That they just mostly are not interested in accomplishments and real interesting things/occurrence.
But then they watch retarded (((tv))) shit or discussing shit i dont want to talk about/boring shit or worse: Tell me endless stories where they want to "travel".
You guys have similar experiences?

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Why would they strike his legion from history if he died in combat doing his duty?

that's where the lifting for girls just brings you a bunch of guys checking you out meme comes from

> women go to the gym to work out
are u retarded


and personally i don't look at guys in the gym cus who wants someone staring at you while you work out?

Halo effect. A hot girl doing 1pl8 squat is more impressive than an ugly girl doing 1pl8 squat.

Because the death of a Primarch would bring shame to the Great Crusade and be a stain on the prelude of Mankind' second attempt at conquering the known universe (and beyond).

Sure but you didn't say that they were wrong lmao

>Takes your head off for the swole god

When will loyalists ever learn?

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would you get impressed with a girl's fucking pedicure you autistic freak? no, but girls will get crazy about that shit. different sexes like different things.

is this what happens when you live a life completely devoid of women? do you expect them to just be pretty men, nerd?

dunno how true that is in the location you live, but the number of gorgeous girls i see with average or even ugly boyfriends is staggering. legit i see many, many more average dudes with hot gfs than chads with hot gfs.

Hard to believe that when one of his sons had literal wings, which I'm quite sure mammals don't even have the genetic information for, and other was a 10 foot tall, red skined CYCLOPS that farts warp stuff. Even though hawk-boy implied to Horus one of the purged suffered extreme mutations I don't think that's all that caused their erasing.

Because anything past an athletic build is really just for you. Women don't care about that kind of shit because they can't connect to it in any kind of way. They can't appreciate it as much as men who lift hard, and they can't aspire to do that one day because they typically don't want to look like the kind of woman that can pull 6pl8.

Sangie' mutation was intentional symbolism - angelic figure who reinforces the virtues of Man in the material world, also serves as a proof of the "divine" nature of the Emperor' crusade, while Magnus only suffered from a minor pigmentation-related mutation (and he had two eye sockets). The Primarch who was purged due to his mutation was on a legitimately batshit insane level of mutation, his body was quite literally falling apart.

women don’t want you to be perfect, they want you handsome but if you’re not too perfect then you’ll make them feel insecure. About themselves or in the relationship. The issue with being Chad is you expect girls to *look at you* but looks don’t mean shit if they don’t approach. Average dudes or skinnier dudes have a better shot because they’re more realistic prospects.

this board has been the wallow of virgins for years now. all the bros left, now it's just the negative cunts

I met a smart, well-read girl and I dated her for a while and then one day we went to the park and I kissed her but then she told me she couldn't go any further because she didn't really love me and it broke my heart.

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Because the garbage you're talking about is a completely pointless waste of time with no practical application.
This as well.

Because the guy pulling 6 plates was probably a fat ugly virgin, like most guys who powerlift. I saw a guy benching 3pl8 today and I wasn't impressed because he was fat as FUCK. Its not hard or impressive to stuff 5k calories in your face every day and repeat the same 3 meme lifts in the gym 3x a week.

You mongoltard, you're trying to impress girls and people in general by moving heavy weight from one place to another. That is a meme achievement, unless you're a competitive athlete.

It's like a MMA dude bragging to someone who isn't interested in MMA about something he did in an intense sparring session.

Or a dude who likes math bragging about some hard equation he solved.

Post body, big boi.

>t. girls will like me once I'm able to move heavy objects from point A to point B

Unless you're into highschool girls, you're shit out of luck. Good luck with your blue collar job.

Chaos mutations aren't natty. Keep sucking that prolapsed spacetime anus.

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>Implying geneseeds are natty

It's just post-natal genemaxxing. Getting imbued with a superman's supercum is as natty as it gets.

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Well if they're staring at their phone then of course they ain't gonna see the impressive guy. The girls doing the thot exercises probably did see but couldn't tell it was impressive because they only know how to stretch and do squats.

Because women are bad at measuring things. If you tell a chick you bench press 200 lbs she'll be impressed because that is "a lot" if you tell a chick you bench press 400 pounds she won't be any more impressed because 400 pounds is also "a lot"