Post your home gym battlestations!
Post your home gym battlestations!
Reverse image search shows that something is not right
I don't understand?
>copy of 12 Rules for Life on bookshelf
Did you read it?
What a fucking pigsty. Clean up your shit you filthy animal.
a-are those piss bottles?
- empty bags of junk food
- empty take away containers
- starting strength
- Nazi bullshit on the bookshelf
- piss bottles
user, i'm sorry to break to it to you, but you're not going to make it.
user, what's in the cooler?
Oh please. Tell me it's not original
Seek help
This looks about right when it comes to facist and nazis rooms
so many newfags here
fuck fascists
You better pray you never come near me because I punch fascists in the face.
Old picture.
Pic related is mine. Its a work in progress. I had to make some structural changes but its all in place now. Just gotta plaster over the holes.
The sheer amount of newfags on fit nowadays is actually kind of disgusting, holy shit
learn how to paint pls
>Piss bottles
Based, don't have to stop exercising if you don't have to leave your room
Also based, some property destruction is needed to make gains.
Why tf are y'all sleeping in the squat rack
gonna need bigger holes for ohp
Don't worry, I'll just rep through the drywall.
bruh why are those piss bottles so small? Mine is one of those xl laundry detergent bottles with the extra wide mouth hole.
you get used to lifting in the snow during winter, and when its 100 degrees in the summer.
its not original post but i was in thread when it was posted and dude actually posts here. its real but op is larping
Wouldn't it have been smarter to saw a couple of inches of rail off the top of the rack instead if destroying your roof?
why not
Jesus Christ, is this how doomers live?
Another cooler
You people live like fucking animals.
I go fucking mental when I have one dish in my room. I literally begin my day by making the bed.
post yours fag
most of the pictures are disgusting indeed
Im not at home and don't have a homegym.
Never gonna make it.
Just so you know I'm a committed Fascist and I find this faggot's book selection utterly nauseating.