How true is this Jow Forums?

How true is this Jow Forums?

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oh my god nobody cares will you fuck off with this shit

I'm 18 and have never had an interest in women the same age as me or younger. I've always liked milfs in their 30's or 40's. They are easier, just as hot and more experienced. Literally no downsides.

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women use height as a shittest and actually do not give a fuck
if you're tall anyway you'll get shittested with something else like her mentioning this really funny and interesting friend she has while you're boring her

t. lanklet who has seen enough manlets get with a 8+/10 that you couldn't convince me that females filter by height even if you tried to

yes women over 25 are trash with no value

this, unless you are a legit dwarf height really isn't that important

I'm a 28-year-old 5'10 guy with an okay career, an old sports car and no house, and my gfs in the last 6 years have been 16-23. One exception was a year older than me but that's it.

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What’s up with you manlets obsessing over height. Literally nobody cares. I’m 6’4 and have had 0 complements from women on my height.. you know why? Because I’m ugly and it’s all about face. From my experience it’s : 1. Money/social status 2. Face 3. Personality 4. Height 5. Frame

Height only matters on dating apps, and dating apps don’t matter because the internet is fake.

1) social status
2) personality
3) face and body
4) height
5) money

everyone saying otherwise is an incel

I've never even been asked about my height on Tinder.

1 and 5 are inexorably linked though

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Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:18:27 No.50224912 How true is this Jow Forums?
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:20:50 No.50224949oh my god nobody cares will you fuck off with this shit
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:21:10 No.50224953
bye mom.jpg (129 KB, 1080x1563) google yandex iqdb wait
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I'm 18 and have never had an interest in women the same age as me or younger. I've always liked milfs in their 30's or 40's. They are easier, just as hot and more experienced. Literally no downsidesÓ
yes women over 25 are trash with no value
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:24:03 No.50224988
this, unless you are a legit dwarf height really isn't that important
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:28:00 No.50225041
gow.jpg (88 KB, 639x633) google yandex iqdb wait
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I'm a 28-year-old 5'10 guy with an okay career, an old sports car and no house, and my gfs in the last 6 years have been 16-23. One exception was a year older than me but that's it.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:30:58 No.50225075 (OP)
What’s up with you manlets obsessing over height. Literally nobody cares. I’m 6’4 and have had 0 complements from women on my height.. you know why? Because I’m ugly and it’s all about face. From my experience it’s : 1. Money/social status 2. Face 3. Personality 4. Height 5. Frame
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:32:02 No.50225090
Height only matters on dating apps, and dating apps don’t matter because the internet is fake.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)20:32:08 No.50225093
1) social status
2) personality
3) face and body
4) height
5) money

everyone saying otherwise is an incel

what do I do about height shittests? I'm 5'8 and seeing a girl that's also 5'8.

what do? pls help

I wouldn't say they don't give a fuck, they definitely do. But as long as you're at least as tall as her then yeah, if she brings it up she is just trying to see how you react.

not at all, you can be a poor bouncer and have a 10/10 social status, or at least 9/10
conversely you can be a millionaire but have everyone shit on you because you're an insufferable faggot

First day on the chon, buddy?

>How true is this Jow Forums?
It's 100% true.

This, sort of. Jonah Hill is rich and famous and he's never been able to pull anything over a 4. And remember that time that cute french chick shat all over him on television? Appearance and personality matter. You can get away with being ugly if you're veru masculine or if you're charismatic.

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>women over 25 are trash with no value
Found the Underage B& in the thread

he has 2 categories of women making love eyes at him, why is he complaining?


He's right though. 16-19 is the prime age for females. Anyone who says otherwise has been brainwashed by feminists or is an old roastie.

hmm, I remain unconvinced. I'd argue that a ceo, by virtue of their position alone, has a degree of social status and also income.
>because you're an insufferable faggot
thats 2 though. Certainly, you can be rich and famous but be a twat, many are (ostensibly).
The reality is its a confluence of all the factors though. You need a degree of all 5 aspects to do well and foregoing more than 1 is probably a death sentence.

Y-you OK buddy?