>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food) cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)
DO >count calories, all of them. >calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories. >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate. >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables. >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking. >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it. >be a retard
I'm down from 223 lb to 182.4 lb in 3 months. It's all diet guys. For exercise I walk a few miles at work everyday. That's it. You can do this just by eating right. Believe in yourself. No one else will. They'll call you fat all the way til the end. Then they won't anymore. But you have to earn it.
Easton Lewis
manages to eat less keeps drinking more
i cant escape
Dylan Anderson
This was so much easier when I was 17. I dirty bulked after I ended up skelly and then stopped lifting and everything went to shit. Now at 23 it’s so fucking difficult. If I could just make this a fucking habit and eat right for more than 2 weeks I’d get it. I keep losing a couple lbs then binging for a week. 1 step forward and 2 back. Fucking ffuck I hate myself
Camden Young
>wanna put a picture of billy herrington in my weight room for motivation >don't want anyone to think I'm gay FUCK
Josiah Campbell
Buddy, everyone already knows you're gay
Cooper Carter
It's motivation over obligation. If you feel you have to do it to get back to some former glory, you're not going to succeed. You need to WANT to do it more than you feel like you have to, and consistency will follow. You're gonna make it.
Christopher Turner
Just put photos of him fucking other dudes up for inspiration. Your male friends will understand that pictures of a man dominating other dudes is alpha and straight as fuck.
specifically the bit about metabolising various macros as body fat. apparently fat has a ~100% metabolic efficiency whereas carbs more like ~80%.
Christian Thomas
Holy fuck you’re right. That’s the way I felt when I was 17. I remember wanting it so bad I could have killed for it. Fuck I need to find why I truly want to do this and then just run with it
Thank you. Honestly that was such a spot on post dude
Went to the gym to try and see how much I could still lift. My squat is so much lower than I expected to be able to do. But the worst part was looking in the mirror every time I lifted and seeing my giant fucking man boobs. Wanted to fucking kill myself right there and then.
Gavin Perez
You WILL make it.
Jacob Murphy
My starting weight was 212 on March 8th.
I've done at least one day a week fasting and have been on the keto diet. During the work week I can easily walk three miles on breaks and lunch, so I've been doing that.
Tried the gym again yesterday. Going to aim for a few days a week for a while and increase.
Down to 190. Today has been bad though.I just want to sit in front of my computer and read manga.
I water fasted for 3 days during one of those weeks. And one to two days a week for the other two.
I cut sugar out completely. I don't drink my morning energy drink anymore. I also don't eat carbs except from almonds or green veggies. I have been eating twice a day.
Seems way more healthier than all the candy and coke I was consuming.
Once I get down to my second target goal (150, first goal is 180.) I'll probably go back to a more normal diet and just exercise 5 days a week like I used to.
I honestly feel a lot better, but felt like shit for a span of 3 or 4 days.
I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make myself make it.
Zachary Hernandez
Family meal out just now, ate a shit tonne but it was mostly meat, I haven't eaten anything else all day so hopefully it won't affect me too badly.
Robert Diaz
When should you transition from purrly dieting to diet + exercise? I held off for a while because of a number of reasons but now that Summer’s nearly here and I’m steadily approaching skinnyfat territory (6’1, 269lb -> 185lb) I think it’s about time to truly get Jow Forums
Levi Lee
What’s a carb I can with most meals eat instead of rice or potato
David Clark
what type of food do you usually eat
Lincoln Ortiz
dumb question: can you gain muscles while eating under tdee?
Alexander Flores
Just ate 2 super lean meat burgers (including mayo, mustard, cheese, and lettuce) Since Lent started I have >dropped from 240 to 232 (6'2" tall) >drastically cut back alcohol (the main problem) I think I can make it if I stick with it
Benjamin Reed
Reminder: Low carb diets WITHOUT calorie counting are more effective than calorie counting.
You might be malnourished. Cut out the water fasting, which will just burn muscle, and increase exercise. I know what your doing is "working" but there are safer ways to get the same results a little slower with less chance of health issues.
Brody Hill
>i don't think i should be eating pasta or ramen i'm not trying to be flippant, but maybe you should just not eat them. i only really eat carbs with stir fry because i prefer eating it with rice but stir fry is pretty good by itself. you'll just have to experiment with low carb/protein-rich meals
would probably be a good idea to cut out the pizza though
Colton Hughes
or explain why they're retarded instead of instigating a vendetta
the people here are vulnerable, that's why this obesity code twat is here, to prey on them "eat what you like, just mind your insulin" is a much sweeter pill than reality, so people are gonna be swayed by convenient bullshit, and his snake oil stocks will go up
hopefully in 2 years when they're fatter than they are today they'll be ready to put in the work
Anthony Kelly
You're doing great, dude. Don't worry too much about skipping exercise sometimes. It's great for health but not necessary for weight loss.
Don't listen to this guy, he either doesn't know what he is talking about or is deliberately trying to sabotage you:
Mason Hernandez
Oh I don't plan on doing that again. I just did it so I knew what it felt like to be truly hungry.
I just fast for 24 hours once a week to get that feeling, so I can better control my "hunger"
Levi Morgan
He filtered me because he is wrong and I am right.
Dude if I’m gonna not eat carbs I may as fucking well do a fucking PSMF for fucking fucks sake. I’m not trying to bitch but I’m asking about carbs because this shitty fucking PSMF has me bitchy as fuck and too fucking tired to get out of fucking bed
Landon Evans
Thanks! I've been reading a lot on the fast thread.
Fasting is good for you. Lots of articles will tell you this.
I just want to get back down to 125 by fall. I'm 5'5, so that's about the ideal.
Ethan Barnes
Do extended fasts as much as you want. They are incredibly healthy. He is lying.
Studies of alternate daily fasting, for example, show that the concern over muscle loss is largely misplaced.17 Alternate daily fasting over seventy days decreased body weight by 6 percent, but fat mass decreased by 11.4 percent. Lean mass (including muscle and bone) did not change at all. Significant improvements were seen in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Growth hormone increased to maintain muscle mass. Studies of eating a single meal per day18 found significantly more fat loss, compared to eating three meals per day, despite the same caloric intake. Significantly, no evidence of muscle loss was found.
>17. Bhutani S et al. Improvements in coronary heart disease risk indicators by alternate-day fasting involve adipose tissue modulations. Obesity. 2010 Nov; 18(11):2152–9. >18. Stote KS et al. A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr; 85(4):981–8.
Wyatt Long
I looked up PSMF and it seems incredibly stupid.
Fat is the healthiest macro and the best foods for weight loss are high fat.
Angel Russell
Thanks for the backup on this.
I found fasting really difficult at first, but I can go longer now. People say I'm going into starvation mode....which is BS.
The issue is the people around me are always going "you should eat. This isn't healthy." I try to explain it, but let's be honest, people make up their minds VERY quickly.
I'm now thinking for aiming for a seven day fast, so I can quickly drop to 180 by mid or early April.
Mason Phillips
nothing you've claimed disqualifies cico not even you're dumb enough to believe that
Ryan Hernandez
>be me >be 2013 >suddenly have an urge to get Jow Forums >normalfag "just do it bro"-style, just... did it >excercise a lot >eat less >food becomes magically much more tasty >that unique feeling of losing weight when you think you're gaining it because you ate some potato chips again >that unique feeling of seeing a girl you know giggle uncontrollably because there is an attractive man under all that fat >those few days when your legs start becoming so thin they barely touch each other and it tickles >sleeping on the side feels different >weird ability to turn your arms towards your body without grabbing your belly >aiming for piss consists only of looking down, not bending over >shitting feels like you'll be devoured by the toilet seat >not accidentally pulling your anal hairs when trying to clean your butthole
How the fuck is it 2019 already and why is my ass so big again? I want to go back. Even looking at the catalog brings back memories. That fucking dinosaur in sticky. I love you fags.
Or alternatively you could just do a real fast. Eating protein on a "fast" is only harmful.
Ian Wood
>dewd just waste your time refuting his bullshit even though he's never going to change his mind no. i couldn't care less if people fall for his meme bullshit, i just find him annoying
>might as well do a psmf except psmf is very low calorie which is bound to leave you cranky what do you want exactly? if you're just looking for recipes then noodle focused asian recipes like chow mein might be your best bet. it's easy to overeat on the noodles though so you'd have to watch out for that
i'm not sure if you hate rice full stop or if you've just grown bored of it but if it's the latter then stir fries are good too. pretty much all reasonable asian food is good on a cut
Isaac Williams
I even forgot how to spell exercise. H-hold me Jow Forums my dear old board
Christopher Gonzalez
Fuck off you brainless ketocoper
PSMF is the same as your precious keto diet but forces you to use a large amount of fat in short durations like 3-4 weeks rather than stuff your face with 3000+ calories of mainly fat and delude yourself into believing the simple water/glycogen depletion is actual fat loss. The short duration is to prevent any negatives from the low fat such as hormonal damage additionally depending on your bodyweight your supposed to have scheduled and structured refeeds to further protect against these risks.
William Cruz
>>that unique feeling of losing weight when you think you're gaining it because you ate some potato chips again that's precisely what turned me into this bag of bones then back to a fatass in less than 12 months
I still don't have a plan for when it happens again
The only cool rice I like can can keep down is from the paella my mother used to make for me when I was younger.
Carson Ortiz
paella is fucking top tier. US creole foods are similar to some spanish dishes so maybe try those
Austin Carter
I am already at my healthy weight and have maintained it for a couple years.
Fasting is so healthy I've been working longer fasts into my routine. I'd like to fast for 36 hours once a week and do a 5 to 7 day fast once a year. I already do intermittent fasting and have for a long time.
Many people are unable to think and won't change their minds regardless of evidence. They aren't worth your time. Don't cast pearls (of wisdom) before swine.
Mason Cox
Do you think I could portion paella to be macro friendly? I could eat the fuck out of it and it would be easy mode cutting for me so long as I practiced control. One bowl of that shit fills me the fuck up
Josiah Price
Keto doesn't require calorie restriction. You're just destroying your metabolism and preventing yourself from entering a fasted state which is when you get benefits like growth hormone.
Keto is great. Fasting is great. PSMF doesn't look so great.
James Martin
Type 1 diabetics debunk CICO. Calories don't cause weight gain.
>Keto doesn't require calorie restriction. but losing weight does, dipshit read the thread title
are you literally an epileptic child
Daniel Stewart
>PSMF doesn’t look so great >doesn’t LOOK great Yeah dude it doesn’t look as easy as fasting or keto which stop feeling hungry and shitty afte rthe first few days or week. PSMF is hard and brutal but the results are great. Look more into it and compare the results of PSMF to that of fasting. PSMF is for lifters who for whatever reason want or need to cut quickly
Connor Miller
You will lose weight on a ketogenic diet by eating to satiety.
Logan Thompson
if there's some context for that picture then don't be shy or I'll just post a fat guy and claim you're wrong if we're doing away with any kind of logic
pretend I'm not already a brainwashed zealot sell me your theory
Kevin Stewart
Fuck man that's rough. Have you sought help?
Jonathan Ward
maybe not the paella per se but you could likely work it into your daily macros depending on what you want them to be. just save your carbs until dinner and get your protein and fats for breakfast and lunch
i wouldn't eat paella every day but you can definitely work rice and other carb heavy foods into your diet
Jack Butler
Why wouldn't lifters just do a real fast?
It's a type 1 diabetic.
People with type 1 diabetes cannot gain weight no matter how much they eat.
Kevin Robinson
>satiety A.K.A. total daily energy expenditure
your cheap semantic juggling doesn't work here
Noah Foster
It must be lower than TDEE because it results in weight loss.
Jonathan Mitchell
i need only find a single overweight person with type 1 diabetes to prove that wrong
you can do that, but I get the feeling you're not going to bother
Matthew Ortiz
>muh hgh spike protecting muh muscles Because a real fast, despite what you’d like to believe, results in strength lost very quickly. I think it’s great for anyone over 30% bf to fast, but less than that it is stupid.
You know what I’ve noticed with before and after pics of water fasters? They always look like a smaller version of themselves in the after; they still have love handles, tit fat, etc. they go from being fat to skinnyfat, no definition anywhere.
Carter Taylor
Are you serious? People with type 1 diabetes die...
... unless they get a certain injection.
When you figure out what they must inject to gain weight you will figure out what makes people gain weight. HINT: It's not calories.
GROWTH HORMONE IS known to increase the availability and utility of fats for fuel. It also helps to preserve muscle mass and bone density.9 Growth hormone secretion is difficult to measure accurately because of its intermittent release, but it decreases steadily with age. One of the most potent stimuli to growth hormone secretion is fasting.10 Over a five-day fasting period, growth hormone secretion more than doubled. The net physiologic effect is to maintain muscle and bone tissue mass during the fasting period.
>9. Rudman D et al. Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old. N Engl J Med. 1990 Jul 5; 323(1):1–6. >10. Ho KY et al. Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man. J Clin Invest. 1988 Apr; 81(4):968–75.
Isaiah Rogers
let's expand the sample size say people who don't have type 1 diabetes, if they inject pigs insulin does this A. cause them to turn into the girl in willy wonkas chocolate factory before your very eyes or B. cause them to eat more
Cooper Watson
You know what dude I plan to start using gear when I’m lean so literally do not care if I lose muscle I’m gonna play with water fasting.
Landon Price
reminder if you don't report him he's just going to keep coming back, he'll piss the mods off enough to have someone babysit the threads and ban him on every IP he cycles through.
Carter Sanchez
diabetes is a metabolic breakdown which makes the internal combustion engine of humans jammed on full throttle, ERGO increases their caloric deficit just because you can't see this happening doesn't mean it's not happening
like if a car is ticking over at 4500rpm in neutral it's not moving anywhere, but it's using a lot of fuel
this is as retarded as saying DNP debunks cico
David Hall
who are you talking bout?
Luis Bailey
Once we acknowledge that calories out isn't static we can focus on influencing that variable rather than giving undue focus to calories in.
According to CICO cultists you just "eat less, move more" but that strategy is a proven failure.
Some days I'm still reasoning with myself to just wait a bit longer before dinner, only take one serving, etc. How does this come naturally to others but has to be such a conscious effort for me? Feels bad.
Okay so I’m not the only one who thought this >muh fasting >muh insulin >muh hgh Shill was just an idiot and possible troll, cool.
Dylan Ramirez
You said: >Some days I'm still reasoning with myself to ... only take one serving, etc.
Your brain will make the thought of food unappealing if you eat enough healthy fats. It doesn't require "reasoning with [yourself]".
Matthew Ortiz
I'm pretty sure the shills are the ones who try to discourage people from losing weight by giving false info, like this guy for example: What he said simply isn't true. So why did he say it?
Austin Powell
>while what you’re doing is causing weight loss there are safer ways of achieving it, although slightly slower >”pffft fucking shill” >t.
Why does every /fat/ thread end up in a discussion about fkn keto diets and insulin/cico bullshit.
These posts are why im here, great job user!
Matthew Howard
I don’t come to these threads often but I think it has to do with the fat people who are still stuck in fatass mentality. They here they can eat shit like bacon and cheese, so they do keto, get a ton of water depletion, and think it’s the greatest diet ever. Then they use that water depletion as an excuse to binge. “Oh I lost 10lbs in this week I can eat all these pizzaS now
Brandon Perez
>Cut out the water fasting, which will just burn muscle This is false. Fasting preserves muscle mass.
>there are safer ways to get the same results a little slower with less chance of health issues. Also false. Fasting is perfectly healthy and increases lifespan.
So he made two false statements intended to scare this person into abandoning his highly effective weight loss strategy. Why?
A false veneer of concern doesn't change the fact that he was lying.
I think it's because of shill posts like this guy: If he didn't tell lies to scare people into abandoning their healthy and effective weight loss strategy there wouldn't be any need to debunk such lies.
Aaron Thompson
What happened to these threads? They used to be good. People helping others. Pushing through hard times. Admitting when they cheated and how to help themselves not make the same mistakes.
Now its so...weird. Much more hostility and absolute nonsense. I may just take a break from these threads for a while. Maybe it will fix itself. I hope it does.
Jason Ramirez
>Now its so...weird. Much more hostility and absolute nonsense. The /fast/ and ketotards came over.
Luis Jackson
They are plagued with shills like This type of dishonest sabotage of people's self-improvement warrants constant refutation.
Sebastian Scott
>What happened to these threads? ketard decided to shill a meme book and won't leave despite everyone making it abundantly clear that he's an annoying cunt
Ayden Peterson
I would absolutely fist rape this fast trolls face into ground meat. I would fuck you up, your only hope would be blowing the cheetoh dust off your fat fuck dyel fingers into my eyes but you’d probably be too out of breath to even do that
Connor Baker
it's literally just this fucking attention whore the sad part is i'm not even against fasting or keto, i'd defend them, but being such a fucking attention whore and taking a "everyone but me is wrong" stance is so fucking annoying. obviously a manly tears type of troll, all that needs to be done is report him.
again if the mods come around and read these posts and reports it's not about him being right or wrong it's about him suffocating all discussion and forcing it to be about fasting and insulin resistance.
Samuel Kelly
>50227244 Give it a rest you’ve reposted that post claiming it’s someone trying to trick people like 5 times now. You either are dumb enough to think people think it’s different posters making that claim against him or you’re a sad, lonely, pathetic little beta cuck who is simply trying to pull others down with him out of pre boredom. Jump in a lake.