What's the point of this? He sill looks better than before.
Post body
seething incels
Reminder you will never pass, op
post body pussy
I have no idea who this is but would love to look like this desu. Sorry you've got a hard on for him for w/e reason adn want to hate.
guy's hairline isn't even as bad as pic related
Body looks good, the picture is taken from a bad angle.
Honestly the only thing looking bad is his hair, should just shave it off (bro)
Nice combover, dork.
He's not bad, he is just making a onions face in the pic
if he spend so many time and money on bodybuilding, why not spend on a hair implant?
Why does he still have belly fat?
Is he actually an Incel though?
Might as well spend money on hair transplant and facial plastic surgery instead of bathtub chemicals and gym membership.
Barry isn't an incel though. He has a gf and a personality...
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:55:40 No.50226144 ...
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:56:40 No.50226159 (OP)
What's the point of this? He sill looks better than before.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:57:11 No.50226169 (OP)
Post body
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:57:59 No.50226181
seething incels
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:58:44 No.50226187
Reminder you will never pass, op
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:58:49 No.50226188
post body pussy
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)21:59:29 No.50226198 (OP)
I have no idea who this is but would love to look like this desu. Sorry you've got a hard on for him for w/e reason adn want to hate.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:00:55 No.502262191554062113805.png (864 KB, 568x737) google yandex iqdb wait
864 KB
guy's hairline isn't even as bad as pic related
Landshark !6JA13S9SzE 03/31/19(Sun)22:01:35 No.50226231
Body looks good, the picture is taken from a bad angle.
Honestly the only thing looking bad is his hair, should just shave it off (bro)
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:03:29 No.50226254
Nice combover, dork.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:03:58 No.50226265
He's not bad, he is just making a onions face in the pic
if he spend so many time and money on bodybuilding, why not spend on a hair implant?
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:05:42 No.50226281
Why does he still have belly fat?
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:11:17 No.50226337
Is he actually an Incel though?
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:11:51 No.50226349
Might as well spend money on hair transplant and facial plastic surgery instead of bathtub chemicals and gym membership.
Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)22:12:17 No.50226357
Barry isn't an incel though. He has a gf and a personality...
Based glitchposter
"True nobility is not comparing yourself to others, but comparing yourself to who you used to be."
Good post fren
Don't do my boy barry like that
post body
This is what making it looks like
Go back to Jow Forums and take your false blackpills with you.
The point is to demoralize you into giving up self improvement.
poor barry and those shitty ab genetics
Yeah IDK what the fuck Jow Forums's problem has been lately. The past three months on this board has been nothing but a borderline autistic obsession with hairlines and anti-motivation because you'll never be as perfect as "Chad".
>implying Jow Forums hasn't been Jow Forums with a fitness theme for the last 5 years
t. Jordan Peterson
Well done anonymous
based.. *tear rolls down cheek* ...based....
just rename the board /if you don't look like a young Dolph Lundgren, Kill yoursel/ because that's pretty much what it is at this point
Reasons to kill yourself:
- you are under 6'2"
- your hairline has receded 0.5cm
- your abs are 5% asymmetrical
- you lost your virginity after the age of 13
- Your jaw and chin aren't the size and shape of a shipping crate
To hell with all the recent negativity. We're all gonna make it brah!
What's with all these threads lately? Can you faggots please go back to
Its amusing how this faggot board worships overly feminine beauty traits like positive canthal tilt and faggot-trips like "thin jawline", even though jawline visibility is dictated solely by facial fat percentage, while unironically making fun of a man who, by default, possesses exaggerated masculine characteristics (great head dimensions, especially of the jaw, facial width and sheer size of cranium).
Your stereotypical chad weighs barely 75 kilograms, has a narrow jaw, thin skin which gives off the impression of "strength" and the head the size of a pea, and contrary to popular belief, the absence of a well developed occiput is not a masculine, but hyper-feminine trait, since larger brain-mass correlates DIRECTLY with an increased production of male hormones.
>everybody who isn't a gigachad should just curl up and dye
I don't know whats worse, women or feminized males.
I'm all of these things but I'm not going to kill myself. Instead I'm training to be a brute who can snap guys like this in half.
incel cope
Anthropological facts, its basic rule of sexual dimorphism, men are supposed to have large dimensions, women the opposite.