You should eat every 2-3 hours or your muscles will shrivel and fall off

>You should eat every 2-3 hours or your muscles will shrivel and fall off
>No bro you should only eat one meal a day or you’ll spike your insulin and just gain fat
WTF? So which is it?

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In reality its just a bunch of low test bad genetics retards arguing about different placebo effects they had and implying what they did made the effect take place.

Just have good genetics and your muscles will grow whatever the fuck you do

>not eating all week
>not going to the gym
>just doing light calisthenics at home to avoid any atrophy

>No bro you should only eat one meal

Yeah i want to see that healthy 4000kcal meal being eaten in one sitting.

Ideally the first option so as to limit stress metabolism, of course depending on how healthy you are this is less critical, but when eating is an option there is no reason not to.

Doesn't actually matter. Eating every few hours is more convenient for me though. If I had to eat a single 4000+ calorie meal every day I'd kill myself.

the golden mid

It does actually matter, starvation --> elevated serum FFA --> Inhibited glucose oxidation --> bad shit.

Again, not a huge deal if you are metabolically healthy, but an increasing number are not.

I unironically do this but usually around 3500 calories. It’s not that difficult with red meat+vegetables. I even eat a big ass salad to get my fiber in. I am 6’4” 240 though so I can understand why you turbomanlets may have issues

imagine believing this lmfao

And that's why you look like shit.

Former is better but harder to get right, especially if you’re a fat tard with no self control. Latter is much easier to figure for a target TDEE, but leads to variations in energy level throughout the day.

This. Eat when you're hungry, lift when you can.

Doesn’t matter, whatever is most convenient for you. CICO is the only thing that matter. Personally I just eat twice a day, one smaller meal during my workday and one very large meal after work + gym. I did OMAD for a bit to cut some fat and it worked very well for that, but I’m trying to gain muscle now so needed to eat more than is practical for just one meal.

damn she is beautiful

Post body.

Just do some crunches and pushups here and there and you are good to go brah.

This is basically it. If there is a difference, it's very small, all things being equal.

Practically, if you have the option of either eating some crap because you're out and about or eating very little/none and making it up in the evening, do the latter.

To be honest I don't think eating a healthy 4000kcal meal would be that much of a big deal to me personally.

I am currently cutting with 2500kcal and I only eat 2 meals a day, a smaller one during lunch time and a larger one after my workouts and the larger one consists of beef/chicken with beans/oats/veggies and also some cottage cheese and a protein smoothie and usually makes up for close to 2000kcal in total.

And I still feel like empty even after eating all of that in one sitting, it looks like a huge meal when I have 2 bowls of meat, 1 huge bowl of beans and oats and then separate bowls for veggies etc but in reality it only takes me about 5 to 10 minutes to eat it all since I have a habit of watching netflix during my fueling and I always eat the last thing before any episode reaches the half-way point.

That being said I've tried a couple of refeed days with close to a 3000kcal meals with similar foods and can say that 4000kcal is possible; maybe not ideal but very easily attainable.

something something something
studies show as long as you keep all consumption of anything that is not water and air confined to a 9 hour window at most you will see health benefits.
something something something

my current routine is to eat some fruit, deenz, and eggs after the gym
wait about an hour then eat steak butter and sweet potato.

omad is only good for losing weight

eating often is good for mass gain
waking up and eating in the middle of the night is best


I don't care what you have to say I just wanted to see the grill thanks

Anyone telling you to bulk while doing OMAD is fucking retarded. The entire benefit of putting your daily intake into a single meal is that it makes cutting easier.

Even before I ever heard of OMAD, I was essentially doing that just because I wouldn't bother making breakfast or buying a lunch at work, and didn't eat until I got back home at like 7pm. It was more about convenience than anything.

You do not need 4k calories per day, post a picture of yourself

It's really about your goals, if youre trying to reverse type two diabetes and have healthy teeth, yea two meals a day with no carbs is the no brainer.
However if you're trying to make sick nasty tight powerful humongo gainz, eating has to be centered around when you are exercising, as well as soon as you wake up, not just arbitrarily picked times of the day

If you really want to learn more you should listen to this podcast

What is it with womens' armpits lads? When I see a tight cutie with small feminine arms and a hairless armpit it gets me so fucking hard. I honestly think it's my favourite part of a woman. Anyone else in this crew?

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The ironic thing is the most jacked guys I know drink a shit tonne and eat crap, I've come to the conclusion Jow Forums doesn't actually lift

Ur a fuckin faggot what it is

good show


just do hiit bro u get huge

Kek that was posted on a different thread