Hey guys, thoughts or advice?

Hey guys, thoughts or advice?

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Heres another

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more rear delt work and rhomboid work. Those shoulders need to get back. It'll go a long way to fixing those rounded shoulders.

Have sex manlet

You look like a cool guy to hang out with

ohp, upper back work, stretch shoulders

Cheers man, what do you recomend? I do a lot of ohp

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Heres a better one of shoulders

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oh dear...

I would climb you like a jungle gym.

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From the thumbnail I thought it was Hugh Jackman

Haha my man, thats got to be one of the best compliments ive ever had

this guy forgot to exercise his face

yo man, shut up. I wanna fuck that face.

prime example of why incline is better than flat bench

yeah you'd think flat means even development but it doesn't. It just means the pectoralis major dominates the load bearing. I would say it's also safer to do at home but jesus rolling the bar over my hip hurt like hell.

More facepulls to help with posture, you seem to be collapsing into your chest
You need to get that fixed

holy fuck,
that posture is almost pathological.
seriously, do your upper back work like other anons told you here.
rear delts, rhomboids, upper traps.

lmao fucking manlet
how tall are u???
like 5'8 I guess.
haha its over for u

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Fix that posture bro, you'll IMMEDIATELY look better once your upper body's figured out.

Also fix your posture you fucking nerd

Fuck I replied wrong since Im on mobile lets try that again, (You)

What others already told you. Your anterior is too strong for your upper back, and the imbalance is pulling your shoulders forward - which give you shoulder pains sonner or later.

Facepulls, rows (even machine cable ones). If you work out at home a cheap-ass expander might do wonders.

which *will give you shoulder pains sonner or later

>samefagging this much to make fun of someone else
post body faggot