Let's settle this once and for all
— also, are dwarfs manlets?
Let's settle this once and for all
— also, are dwarfs manlets?
Anyone below 6' better hope that they're bisexual
and the question about dwarfs..? Are they manlets?
Under 6ft you're inexistant
Depends on the country desu. In America manlet status is achieved at anything below 6' 8". But I wouldn't apply that to the rest of the world.
It entirely depends on your area/country, honestly.
For the US, I would say that 5'7 and below becomes "noticably" short, though if said 5'7 man were to go to Indonesia he'd slay.
Dwarves are dwarves, not men. So they can't be manlets. They're their own species
5'11" is the objective answer
Dwarfs are okay, because they’re basically a different species. They have dwarfism, they’re not expected to be tall. Plus they’re cool as fuck. Manlets have no excuse, no genetic disease, they’re just failures. If you’re under 6 feet just take estrogen and complete your transition
your brain is inexistant, lanklet
If average height is a "manlet" what's wrong with being a manlet then?
Average American height: 5'9"
Ooooooh someone got her button pushed...
Don't worry you'll grow up
Yes, and the average American is a manlet. Your point?
is it true that modern hormonal treatment prevent people from being dwarves since the late 2000's
i have never seem a dwarf child or teenager in a long time
Manlet status was originally 5'7" on misc.
Manlet zone is 4’8” to 5’11”
Anything above or below is based
to me, in all seriousness I would use a tier system
6'4" and above is huge
6'3" - 6'1" is pretty tall
5'11" - 6' is normal height
5'10" is the cutoff for being short but normal looking
5'9" and below is manlet
>t. 6'3" American
Pretty tall tier has the highest ceiling for aesthetics but normal height tier is easiest to achieve a high level of aesthetics with
Everyone else is wrong, they are just trying to make people feel insecure. The real cutoff is 5'8, but nobody in real life will notice you as short unless you are 5'6 or under
>King of the manlets.
Why didn't I eat better as a kid? All my uncles are like 6'4"+
Bahhaha he has the same hairline as AlphaDestiny
dude, i really thought it was a chopped alphadestiny photo
>tfw 5 foot 4
It's begins being a positive again when you're this short
6’4 unironically.
Dwarfs aren't manlets because they are not spiteful and annoying twats because their short.
How again??
6'0" here, i honestly think 5'10" is the absolute lowest a man can be before people just think he's "short." I feel like i can tell when someone is 5'9", like it invades their psyche and they become a lot shorter than someone who is 5'10".
>5’11: God of manlets
>5’10: King of manlets
>5’9: Aristocrats of manlets
>5’8: Knights of manlets
>5’7: Merchants of manlets
>5’6: Trade professions of manlets
>5’5: Farmers of manlets
>5’4: Peasents of manlets
>5’3: Low class of manlets
>5’2 and under: slaves of manlets
Alpha Destiny is looking good after he started his bro arm routine
Fucking manlets hogging all the dumbells
A manlet is anyone under 6’. If you disagree, you’re a manlet.
>eat like shit as a kid
>(like literally put dry pasta in a waterproof match container as a "snack" while reading)
>start drinking coffee in literally the 5th grade
>do middle distance in track, live off soda and pop tarts
>still the same height as my brother and father who played football and ate like it was their job
Sorry bro, it really do be like that sometimes.
I'm technically 6'0'' if i stand on my tiptoes do i make cut brahs?
Anyone shorter than me.
The average US height is decreasing due to the massive influx of indigenous central and south americans who are of genetically short stature.
Sure brah, I'm 4'7" and I did make it so why won't you?
Nice, thanks! I always knew women were into the average. Being over 6'0'' would likely be unsettling to women, i must have dodged a bullet.
>source: I have a gf (5'2")
Alphadestiny looking thicc
That is the most profound cope I've ever witnessed, like standing-ovation level cope.
I'm 5'9" and my gf is 5'11", previous gf have been 6'2"and 6'
Girls don't actually give a fuck IRL you only see height shit on the internet, I'm an old bastard and I've never seen anyone being called out on height apart from friends messing around, some of the most prolific shaggers I know are about 5'5"
>Girls don't actually give a fuck IRL you only see height shit on the internet,
kek, whatever you say little buddy.
anything below 6'4.
if youre less than 6' youll always look like a child
if youre less than 6'4 youll always look like a teenager
anyone who is shorter than me is a manlet and anyone who is taller is a malformed lanklet
tranny begon
>tranny begon
tranny BEGONE
Never affected me, buddeh
haha there's no way you're 6,8 or over.
6’2 < Lanklet
6’2 - 5’10 Man
5’10 > Manlet
No. Dwarfs are dwarfs, always down to party and have a good time. A joy upon this earth.
The manlet is full of rage at all times.
nice cope
Gotta love the manlet with anecdotal shit in every height thread
Only appropriate answer here.
At least I'm an Aristocrat
>mommy fetish
low-t and bluepilled
>tfw 5'2"
what do I do lads