Have you taken the tan pill yet?

No better way to maximize your aesthetics.

Attached: melanotan-results-05.jpg (526x369, 171K)

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I rather be pale, looks worse in my opinion.

imagine being such a dumbass that you cooked yourself in an oven to try to look like a brown person

I sat in the sun this whole weekend and I look 5 times better already. Went from sick-looking pale with bags under my eyes to a healthy red cheek and golden glow all over my face.

Reminder it's carotenoids from diet, not tanning that makes you more attractive

Attached: carattr.jpg (140x159, 22K)

You do know that you can get a tan just by going outside right?

>not taking beta carotene 25k UI every day while sitting in the sun 30 minutes during lunch break

expose yourself to the sun. Vitamin d is good for you.

I tan well but never tried the carotene supplement. Really works at all?

I worked shirtless for two days and now I'm fucked I can't even move my arms from the sunburns

Carrot juice should be sufficient

Another big plus - if you're balding/thinning hair a tan works wonders. I don't know why, but it seriously improves the look drastically.

>not eating raw meat and drinking raw milk and raw kefir with raw eggs

He fell for the sunburn jew lmao

Attached: ba8.jpg (1024x768, 84K)

>hiding from the source of life that increases test vitamin D and gives you a better mood

Thanks I'll give it a try

>not recognizing better sources of vitamin D exist that don't require premature aging

Attached: rlavkedh2h801.png (960x768, 354K)

We live in a society where people aren't getting enough sun...and its a problem

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-31 Why Are So Many People Popping Vitamin D .png (761x487, 89K)

I've been tanning for years. I've also been consuming aloe and coconut oil daily. As well as having fish head soup once a week. Aloe and coconut oil heal and repair uv damage from inside out. Fish head have more collagen then anything else on earth. My skin looks great. Besides, women are attracted to guys who look like they go outside.

>premature aging
You do realise that only happens if you spend your entire life outdoors in the sun right?

Most people who tan look fucking gross. It doesn't fix your potato face just makes you look like an oompa loompa.

>potato face oompa loompas
Those are spics and poos you silly fuck.

I actually got sunburned this week :(
Wasn’t even at the beach

can I buy aloe leaves and juice them for benefits?
what can be substituted for fresh coconut water?
(instead of the kind you have to go through all the effort of opening the coconut for)

That's if you tan too much or fake tan. Slight tan looks better on most people as it hides bad skin and skin impurities.

I buy a big aloe leaf from my local produce store. Cut a small chunk off and remove the skin from the gel and put the gel in my protein shake. I also rub the gel onto my face every night before bed. It makes the skin firm and smooth. I think coconut oil is better than water because it has more MCT's.



Attached: melanotan-results-05-01.jpg (268x369, 56K)

its fucking snowing where i live

I didn't tell you to go out right this fucking minute you absolute brainlet

to stoopid 2 live

Why would I want a tan at all?

Pale men are top tier. Please don’t take the tan pill

I try not to tan excessively and always use sunscreen because I don't want to develop disgusting skin like so many boomers and Gen Xers have from going overboard. But I do like to get a decent base, if for no other reason than it helps hide the acne scars I've had on my back since I was an early teenager.

Also, getting some sun does wonders for your mood, testosterone levels, hair quality, and Vitamin D production/activation (side note: look at the VitD biochemical pathways, just taking D supplements alone isn't good enough)

Do you really think that the body in the OP pic looks better pale?

what is that stance

Apples to oranges. The pale photo is significantly more DYEL. Of course he looks better when he's put on some muscle in the 2nd photo.

Also personally I hate tanlines.

This is one of the most retarded studies ever to be taken as gospel by this retarded forum. They literally just let people photoshop faces until they looked 'healthy' and then the researchers claim that the healthiest looking ones are photoshopped to look like they have a lot of beta carotene. That's it.
Seriously, look at the bottom-left picture. LMAO. She's fucking glowing blue. And the top-left is still blue, looks like a corpse. Neither of those look like any living person I've ever seen and guess what those are the ones in the 'no carotenoids' column. Fucking retarded. Obviously the carotenoid ones look healthier because the haven't been shopped into pallid corpses.
Go eat carrots if you want but all of the non-autistic people who go out and spent time in the sun are going to look 20 times healthier and more attractive than you.

A better color but the dude obviously also put on muscle in the second pic

>in my opinion
>picks being pale as better
But you have a shitty opinion so that doesn't actually help anyone here.

I dont think he put on much more muscle at all. If you examine the first pic closely, he's got the outline of abs, has traps and the arms don't look any bigger in the later pic. He just looks much more defined with the tan. It gives the same illusion of being bigger, such as when someone looks bigger after a cut.

No, you're wrong. He's clearly put on more muscle mass. You're just trying to chalk it up to the tan.


True it's why every lean black person with just a little bit off added muscle looks shredded when they aren't really

>tan looks like shit and it's only esteemed because of americans.
i'm so glad i don't look like an orange faggot after getting a bit of sun.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

It gives you bizarre, pumpkin-colored splotches on your nose and hands. That’s literally it.

How'd you do that?

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very nice

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Juice cleanse tier momscience

I have very pale skin and I am proud of having pale skin.
It goes really well with my cute girly face, blonde hair and blue eyes, even with my giant, muscular body.

>my giant, muscular body
time to post it

Just move to the northern hemisphere, bro.

My skin is quite pale but I like the way it looks, maybe because I’m also hairy.

As for sun exposure yes getting some natural vit d is good but actual tanning is not good for your skin or health. Getting tanned frequently will lead to much saggier skin as you age and even with proper sunscreen use increases risk of skin cancer. Even though tanlines at a fetish for me I don’t encourage my gf to tan for those reasons. Maybe every once in a while is fine but all your young life is bad for you full stop.

If you stay inside all the time and you're pale as fuck then yes. And by that I mean if you take the supplement and then go tanning you won't combust in flames and your body will deal with sun burn a lot better.

nigga who wants to drink fucking carrot juice

just looks like an overblown picture kek

Carrot juice tastes good

Also, you're white, quit saying "nigga"
other than that, blow your fucking brains out

I would sunbathe if I had a garden, but I don't.

About to hit the tanning booth right now fellas

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enjoy melanoma nigger wannabe

t. Big Lenny

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Him, like me, will enjoy looking 2x as aesthetic as you by simply adding a little color. There's a reason why body builders paint themselves before a show, A tan makes a huge difference.
You go ahead and keep on enjoying looking like a pasty, basement dwelling, dungeons and dragons geek.

What's your chest and abs routine? I can't get mine to pop like that.

I'm so pale that I have vitamin D deficiency

I haven't experienced the sweet caress of the sun for months. I would like to get tanned, but I'm worried that I would crumble to dust at this point