>claim to be bulking
>not eating massive amounts of almonds
What's your excuse?
Claim to be bulking
Other urls found in this thread:
>blocks half your absorption of calories
fuck off
haha poop!
What the fuck
It's not poop, retard. Read the fucking filename.
Enjoy your cyanide poisoning
op is verified autistic and cant understand humour
If I'm going to overload on fat I'll eat a fuckload of bacon and eggs. Nuts make me feel like shit. Pretty sure nuts are never meant to be eaten more than a few at a time.
>he took a shit in his blender
It's clearly not shit if you had 2 brain cells put together.
>oh haha it's a brown sauce, must be shit
Fuck off.
Here it is mixed in, which makes it even clearer it's not shit.
>eat 4000 calories on a single sitting, what could go wrong?
Poop eater spotted
>activating your almonds by shitting on them
what the fuck man
>he still doesn't get it
Freshly harvested
>wearing gloves so you don't have to get shit all over your hands
Why not just use the toilet like a normal human being so you don't have this problem in the first place?
>blocks half your absorption of calories
you put shit in a bowl just to play with it??
this is an blue board u sick faggot
Enjoy your kidney stones from all that oxalate retard
The lethal dose of cyanide is 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. If you weigh 160 pounds, for the minimum lethal dose, you would need to eat 50 ounces of almonds or 1,150 kernels in one day to get the amount of cyanide necessary to be poisoned.
You're Indian, right?
did a human really eat this literal shit?
eeeh gross
I'm allergic
Why would you be wearing gloves if it isn't shit then?
You posted this on /ck/ yesterday. Did you think I wouldn't notice, you naughty little monkey!?
Lmao fucking shit eater faggot
why are you eatin poop m8?
i just realized
who the fuck shits 3 kilograms?
The same person who eats his own shit
almond butter is fucking disgusting. It tastes like shit and it has this horrible putty-like texture.
As far as peanutbutter alternatives go, sunflower butter is GOAT
Now some brave soul has to post the webm of the old man pissing and shitting on some french fries and eating it
vegans eating 5kg of broccoli to hit daily protein needs
Im gonna be sick, scatfags need to hang
>ITT: op blatantly lies and posts multiple pictures of his scat fetish and rages at people not falling for his bait
Take this disgusting shit to /b/. What the fuck has this board come to.
This is hilarious but I love almonds and almond butter OP
Just hard-coding yourself deeper into the simulation there bud
Allergic to almonds.
Drank a quart of almonds thought I was dying
>blocks half your absorption of calories
What's this even supposed to mean?
that's fucking foul OP, what's wrong with you?
I don't like almonds, on of the few foods I don't eat
Maybe I should give em another try
>blocks half your absorption of calories
Shoulda been eating activated almonds bruh
Pajeet pls go