Balding is a choice. Those who are continue to lose hair in 2019 have made poor decisions

Balding is a choice. Those who are continue to lose hair in 2019 have made poor decisions.

1. Finasteride
2. Dermapen
3. Minoxidil
4. Nizoral

It's really that easy. In 6 months your 2.5 norwood hairline will be rescued.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>broken dick
>aging skin
>actually nizoral is cool

no thanks

I like it when my cock works thankyou


sterilize it first you moron

Finasteride gives me terrible brain fog. My cognition is considerably worse, memory recall suffers, and my usually very analytic train of thought becomes extremely stunted. Continuing to follow lines of information becomes impossible.
I’m doomed.

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Fin only damages those who have shit hormone profiles to begin with.
Only subhumans get fin sides

>caused by poor genetics
Here is a prime example of someone made retarded by Finasteride.

when do you think balding will finally be cured? as in you take a one-off tablet and all your hair regrows. 2030?

That's nocebo, not the fin

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>muh analytic train
Bruh you're autistic

>poisoning your brain chemistry and becoming infertile when you can just pay a 4 figure sum to get a transplant

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Not an argument.

Incel propoganda

t. On fin for 2 years no sides

>push ineffective treatments for balding
>build up the cottage industry around them to a behemoth
>now to everybody else bald people are bald AND poor
>the people with good hair are still the only ones who win

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Fuck off Lehey

I take dutasteride but, its for another reason.

>j-just nocebo bro
How do you explain the hundreds of people all reporting the same symptoms online that match brain fog and decreased cognition? Why do you parrot fin defenses when it’s proven that the drug inhibits critical neurosteroids?

Dick limping pills that put your hairline on life support.

Do cardio, and every 3 days put warm coconut oil and tea tree oil shampoo in your hair. In that order. And drink ceremonial grade matcha. And finally, stop masturbating.

If you do all of this and your hairline still recedes, it's better to bald gracefully or get a transplant. Do not go on Rogaine. Do not take those dick limping pills.

This happened to me too. Shame too, it was working alright. Now I have to do Niz+min+dermaroll to achieve the same effect.

I'm taking Nizoral because I've developed Seborrheic Dermatitis. I think my hair is thinning in spots because of it and the inflammation that comes with it.

I'm currently treating it with tar shampoo and nizoral and have a corticosteroid for when it gets really bad.

It's funny how you take for granted parts of your body when they're healthy. Fuck I wish I had a healthy scalp again. Fucking awful as a genetic, chronic skin condition.

I already had cystic acne and went on accutane. Why must my skin be so shit?

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I work as a Plastics lab tech in the UK and that is unlikely in the near future, although a good alternative is coming around the corner. It is possible to grow hair in lab settings and then transplant it onto the patient, rather than relocate it like current hair transplants. Stem cell transplants create much greater possible density, quicker healing times, stronger follicles and have a higher rate of success. Costs are also drastically reduced due to operating times cut in half or more.

I'd expect it to be out in the next few years and mainstream in the next decade.

What's truly wrong with minox?

Nothing. He's a tinfoil hat retard.

People get confused and think minoxidil is topical finasteride.

For you lads doing microneedling: what shampoo and moisturizer do you use for your scalp afterward?

I don't know but I don't care anymore, I just ordered 6 months supply of minox. I won't fuck with fin cause I tried it and got mental sides. I don't care if minox ages my skin a bit cause balding age you exponentially more

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Fighting balding and not just shaving your head is the ultimate beta move. Take what nature has given you and own it.

lol, shaving your head is the last resort after all else has failed. The only people who unironically advocate "just shave it bro" are the guys who are either already too far gone or fell for the shaved head meme themselves, and want to con other guys into shaving their heads too. Because misery loves company and you faggots want to bring the rest of us down to your level.

Fuck that shit, I'm using drugs and hairstyling and keratin fibers to hold on to what I got for as long as I fucking can, or until I can justify getting a transplant.

>Fuck that shit, I'm using drugs and hairstyling and keratin fibers to hold on to what I got for as long as I fucking can, or until I can justify getting a transplant.

That’s the most beta sentence I’ve read all week.

>tfw fin pills finally showed up in the mail
I'm honestly scared as fuck to take them. What is the likelihood of me getting irreversible side effects?

Zero arguments because you know I'm right. Fuck off with your crab mentality shit.

>trying to do anything to improve your appearance is beta.

Probably low. Most people don't have sides. Personally, I did (semen composition changed and ejaculating became somewhat painful), and I stopped taking it and went back to normal. I think it's worth trying, but only if you're already using Minox, still losing hair, and getting to the point where it's very noticeable (i.e. if you're 30 and just a bit thin on the crown, don't fuck with fin).

Well I'm 18, you're saying I shouldn't fuck with fin? Will minox really work at keeping my hairline? At least for another few years until a cure comes out.

Minox isn't a cure. Everyone responds differently. Might work well for you, might not. But it's pretty harmless.

I don't know what your hairline looks like so I can't tell you what to do. But I doubt it's bad at 18. If you really are balding, I'd start with Minox and then add Fin later if necessary. Also depends on how paranoid you are. If having a zoomer haircut at age 60 is super important to you for some fucking reason, then you need to be more aggressive.

>having eurocuck genes
Glorius mapuche genes here. I don't even have a hint of receding hairline. And I'm near 30.

But you're 4'6", have an IQ in the mid 80s, and a small penis. I'll take a shitty hairline.

>glorious indio genes

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"Integrated analysis of clinical adverse experiences showed that during treatment with PROPECIA, 36 (3.8%) of 945 men had reported one or more of these adverse experiences as compared to 20 (2.1%) of 934 men treated with placebo (p=0.04). Resolution occurred in men who discontinued therapy with PROPECIA due to these side effects and in most of those who continued therapy. The incidence of each of the above adverse experiences decreased to ≤0.3% by the fifth year of treatment with PROPECIA."


TL;DR: 3.8% of men taking fin report some kind of side effect, as opposed to 2.1% that reported sides despite taking a placebo. Within 5 years of taking fin, most report that sides are gone, with only 0.3% of men reporting that their side effects continued.

No :^)
>1.75 meters
>123 IQ
>15.4 cm of dick

Adjusting for Internet stat inflation I was right on the money.

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>source: my arse


"I only date white men"

Larp... But if only this was true.

Prostate issues?

>Running from your age.


what about hair transplants?

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I was in one of those studies and was one of the guys with legit side effects. Shit fucking sucked.

1. Could not get an erection to save my life.
2. Whenever I could I had almost no sensation and could not keep it up longer than a few minutes
3. When I came it was very runny and the color was off

A few weeks after I stopped everything back to where it was pre-fin. I still couldn't donate blood for another year, though. I'd rather have a shaved head than a broken dick, thank you very much.


Derma roller- a good moisturizer and get the foam kind not luiquid. Literally no side effects

4, 1, 3, 2


Has anyone experienced brain fog to the extent of actual hopeless depression? I was on it for a month, had brain fog for a few hours, but I could function afterwards. I stopped after I noticed I had miserable depression for a week, and I was better the next day- except I went from 5-10 hairs falling to ~20. I started again, and fuck i feel very empty.

How do I reverse greying though

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