Protips; Science; Nutrition; and Innovated Fitness

Anti-depressant pharmaceuticals are garbage. Re-routing (plausibly low amounts of) chemicals is far surpassed by producing more, and epinephrine / dopamine and serotonin are metabolized from amino acids, or further substrates (available OTC) – L-DOPA and 5-HTP, respectively. Science already evidenced that synthesis is quick and effective. It is – basically having the neurochemicals whenever, as simply as taking some supplements, for empowering caffeine / coffee / stims / having consistent effects.

Getting proper nutrition is huge. There are some public mysteries; but even amounts of protein, and full arrays of vitamins and minerals puts the dieter better than most. What's secretive is that vitamin C was evidenced being basically non-effective even at 5x RDA for producing the blood metrics and QoL of biosynthesizers – but of either that or percentages correlating to 15g / day, the latter was effective (which is reasonable, because even small animals are producing 10g+ / day). Citric acid cycling is a large aspect of the production of physiological energy.


Attached: sbc-3.jpg (665x885, 403K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Another is amongst CoA, acetyl-COA, choline, and acetylcholine. It's possible taking nutriments for these, of which …
•(E.g., sunflower) Lecithin – has choline, which produces …
>structural integrity and signaling roles for cell membranes,
>cholinergic neurotransmission (acetylcholine synthesis),
>as a source for methyl groups via its metabolite, trimethylglycine (betaine),
>utilization in blood transporting fats and cholesterol from the liver to cells (as part of VLDL cholesterol), and
•Acetylcholine is …
>a neurotransmitter – a chemical message released by nerve cells to send signals to other cells (neurons, muscle cells, and gland cells),
>the chemical that motor neurons of the nervous system release in order to activate muscles,
>relevant to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and muscarine,
>a potential safe-guarding vs. botulinum toxin, via abundance (plausibly especially with vitamin C and other nutrients) – benefiting normal hair, and sizes of facial and other features, and
>available in eyedrops for pupil constriction, plausibly benefiting (attention allocation, resolution in visual processing, and imagery correlatives of) eyesight.

Attached: Acetyl-CoA.png (1051x2454, 93K)

vit c supplementation fucks up your gains, same goes for antioxidants


PS: On vitamin C …
>A product is oxalate, which is best metabolized with magnesium.
>Taking grams of vitamin C amongst (albeit separately because of acidity neutralizing the production of thiosulfinate compounds) garlic is evidenced greatly effecting low BP and high NO, thus even benefiting arousal.
>It's also beneficial for cellular normality … and is researched increasing the throughput of an antiobiotic, doxycycline, in curing cancer (making the cells healthy enough for apoptosis signalling; stopping the cells from switching to glycolysis for energy).


Furthermore, the most powerful antioxidants (according to ORAC testing) are Sangre de Grado and astaxanthin. These are especially beneficial for neurotransmitter protection, and similar aspects of other functions (fat oxidation, for example; and associations with increased testosterone). Antioxidants are great, especially with other nutriments, for actually feeling well and intense.

Attached: Vitamin C - bordered.png (700x620, 121K)

Attached: Vitamin C - Oxalate; Magnesium.png (588x72, 5K)

Attached: Garlic + Vitamin C.jpg (541x108, 23K)

Warm memo: Having grams of vitamin C amongst (but separately to, because acidity prevents the formation of thiosulfinate compounds) garlic is really beneficial for BP and NO.

Attached: Garlic - Allicin et al. formation.png (673x513, 47K)

I love garlic and vitamin c please post more of this good shit rn.


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Attached: Vitamin C - Cellular Regulation.png (544x267, 28K)

There are huge benefits of replacing carbs with protein. Hypoglycemia produces greater appetites, flavors, and sensations; chemical benefits are of increased GH, reduced DHT, and increased T (unto, even in women, sensations, libido, and orgasm). Another aspect is ghrelin, of hungers, which has huge effects and associations unto energy homeostasis, cholinergic-dopaminergic rewards, neurotrophy, et al. … GH is further increased by various things: L-DOPA, nicotine, arginine, niacin, intense physical activity … The trends are actually of an "adulthood puberty", but more fantastically, and realistically, proper nutrition is alluding to "all things are possible". Logically, cellularly, nutriments are the simple method of eternal youth.

Attached: Toasted-Peanut-Butter-Banana-Dark-Chocolate-Panini.jpg (590x787, 131K)

>There are huge benefits of replacing carbs with protein

how low in carb can you go without affecting hormones negatively? aalways read that low carb=low testosterone levels due to cortisol rising.

Attached: Screenshot_102.png (795x186, 26K)

>6 weeks
>12 men
>youtube video

the ketard strikes again

>thomas delauer

literally jumps on every trend and spews off guru stuff mate

>[ ]

Attached: HGH.png (769x423, 32K)

one youtube guru won't convince me
I personally run a low carb diet and I've been doing fine in the gym, been cutting for 3 weeks(on low body fat ~13%) and managed to go past 100kg for the bench press, thought of trying keto but too much pointing torwards lower t levels

>too much
A). That's implausible.
B). Controls are garbage anyway – even beyond the "grams of vitamin C", all vitamins and minerals, omega 3s, protein types and amounts …

Attached: Benefits - Casein vs. Whey.png (1054x600, 133K)

… Also, it's possible supplementing things such as pyruvate.

So casein showed a better result on body composition and strength despite inducing much lower MPS than whey? That's interesting

… The importance of protein availability (and for fat percentages, low insulinogenics).

so... consume casein post-workout or whenever if you need to some help achieving protein goals?

As mentioned, replacing carbs with protein is really beneficial; and obviously powders are the most cheap and efficient.

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I can not imagine a life without carbs. Western diet is based on it.

it's in every meal


is made from whey and casein.

What's the best way to increase testosterone without steroids?