Early 40s, exercise (lifting, martial arts) regularly, cook most meals at home using usually olive oil or coconut oil, eating most Jow Forums type recommended protein sources including eggs, sardines, beef, salmon, occasionally tuna. cholesterol one year ago suddenly jumped from 180s to over 300 and remained that way even with really almost completely eliminating any eating out (over a year ago, i did eat out more regularly).
- is there any consensus here on diet and cholesterol? - any suggestions other than taking a statin?
3 grams of fish oil daily Stop taking zinc Talk to your doctor
Blake Wood
your cholesterol fluctuates throughout the day, you can't just take one test a year and have a definitive answer.
Kayden Cook
Stop eating fat. no more frying, no more oils, no more fatty meats (occasional lean chicken bread is fine), no more cheese. etc. Your arteries are already clogged pretty bad if you've been eating all that crap your whole life. Eat starches, vegetables, non fat dairy (if stop if you feel lethargic because dairy makes mucus sticky and can exacerbate CPOD). veggie bean chili and bread is a great meal. macaroni with vegetables in tomato sauce is also good. I don't like rice personally, so I avoid it. oatmeal is good. potatoes are alright.
Liam Wilson
thanks, had no idea about the zinc i take 2g of fish oil, will bump up to 3g my regular dr is very conventional and just recommends rosuvastatin, but i am looking for a specialist in lipids to get a more detailed analysis thank you for the response
you're right i did check it a few times last year at different times of day to be sure, because my pcp was surprised at the big increase - it had been consistent at the prior level for a few years
John Thomas
thanks actually this was not my whole life. last year i was eating a HUGE amount of fish, but a lot of it was sushi, so i thought i should start cooking more often at home and nearly eliminated the eating out factor. i was extremely rarely eating fatty meats even when it bumped by 100 points. thus i thought i should try something else, but it didn't really effect it one way or the other.
Kayden King
Yea,lay off the eggs for 6 months then get it checked again
Jayden Lewis
inactivity is the largest cause of plaque in the arteries.
If you look at the numerous studies done from dozens of sources, you'll see that no matter how good or bad your diet. Being active was still the determining factor in artery health.
Yes, eating better helps prevent it. Yes, eating worse makes it worse. However eating a cheeseburger than running a few miles negates any negatives to cardiovascular health in general.
If you seriously made all these changes, did you ever stop to think that maybe none of these changes are related in the first place?
Why don't you try doing more cardio? or longer cardio sessions?
I eat like utter shit on my cardio days, I eat whatever I want all day long. I also run like 15 miles without stopping. I'm not that much younger than you.
Adam Smith
>White men who exercise at high levels are 86 percent more likely than people who exercise at low levels to experience a buildup of plaque in the heart arteries by middle age, a new study suggests.
Bad advice. Refined carbs like bread are what cause heart disease.
Zachary Collins
not true at all. btw, your body refines all foods before they're absorbed. All one needs is to add fiber to their meal and they're gtg with any sort of starch, including bread.
Nicholas Morales
You did not specify what measure of cholesterol, but I assume you mean total cholesterol.
There is significant variation between individuals concerning what constitutes "healthy", but please note that there is absolutely zero correlation between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol. Don't be duped by internet morons who tell you to cut fats out of your diet. Do not do that.
In fact (as my dietician of a mother constantly reminds my dad) your blood cholesterol is a function of your liver and its rate of converting simple carbohydrates into triglycerides.
Statins and other drugs cause more problems than they claim to fix. Lowering dietary fats and cholesterols will only make the issue worse as your hormone profile degrades.
Intermittent Fasting has been shown to lower blood cholesterols in individuals with high levels. Read "The complete guide to fasting" by Jason Chung, Chapter 8: Heart Health for a brief introduction into that (it can be found in PDF form here) - vola file.org/r/fit
Thomas Bailey
I took a cholesterol test and a week later, all I got was a letter saying "Your cholesterol levels are normal". Aren't they supposed to give me numbers and stuff? I always hear about HDL and LDL and stuff.
It was very vague, they threw in some other terms in there, but just lumped them all together and said they were "normal". I was hoping for something a bit more specific, I mean, my insurance company is always asking for those numbers and I took the test, and didn't even get any numbers!
Gavin Anderson
>a new study suggests just fucking lol if you believe science in 2019
Xavier Miller
well you made some dangerous claims in your post. Your advice could get someone killed. You cannot eat whatever you want and exercise it away. A poor diet will ruin your arteries. exercise will not save you.
Nolan Rivera
>fat equals cholesterol
Nah just choose your fats more wisely.
Dylan Davis
Actually read what you post.
>"High levels of exercise over time may cause stress on the arteries leading to higher CAC," said Rana, "however this plaque buildup may well be of the more stable kind, and thus less likely to rupture and causes heart attack, which was not evaluated in this study." Rana says they plan to evaluate for outcomes, such as heart attacks and death, next.
While the study suggests that white men who exercise at high levels may have a higher burden of CAC, "it does not suggest that anyone should stop exercising," Laddu said.
Nicholas Bailey
>However eating a cheeseburger than running a few miles negates any negatives to cardiovascular health in general.
actualy many runners in my old runners club (mostly young professionals) found they had high cholesterol bc the whole *I run so I can eat what I want* mentality.
Eat more veggies and just watch the amerimutt diet
Elijah Smith
>Intermittent Fasting has been shown to lower blood cholesterols in individuals with high levels. Read "The complete guide to fasting" by Jason Chung, Chapter 8: Heart Health for a brief introduction into that >(it can be found in PDF form here) - vola >file.org/r/fit thanks all for your responses i do very little cardio, just get increased heart rate as a result of mma workouts which include an element of HIIT. i have done intermittent fasting strictly for about 6 months but will read that source, thanks a lot.
In terms of levels they are: my error - not actually over 300 total:
total: 282 LDL 202 HDL 62 Non-HDL 220 TG 70
Jackson Perry
Can you run 15 miles without stopping? Or does walking up a flight of stairs tire you out?
If you can't run even a mile without stopping I doubt you're in a position to tell anyone anything.
It's just silly, you can take the advice of people who can actually perform amazing feats.
Or you can listen to fat people who tell you eating more vegetables will help, despite the fact these fat asses are still fat and can barely move without being out of breath.
My blood pressure is near perfect if not slightly below preferred despite almost an entirely carnivorous diet. My HDL and LDL are likewise near perfect as can be. I run a lot, I swim on odd days to give my legs a rest. I walk my dogs daily.
Brandon Rivera
I would say convert to a completely whole food, plant based diet. Try a diet of whole grains, legumes, and tons of vegetables. Cut out dairy completely. Avoid any kind of processed food. The closer it is to nature, the better. So avoid bread etc. Do a lot more cardio. Retest and see where you are in a year. You should probably also try fasting one day a week.
Jaxon Perez
Look up Dr. Esselstyn, he was able to lower cholesterol levels and even reverse heart disease in almost all of his patients in a clinical trial, by simply making them change their diet.
Do none of you fucking retards keep up with research? Dietary cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol, the studies were fucked up because they weren't controlled properly and have been subsequently disproven. Avoiding eggs to lower blood cholesterol is fucking 1995 disproven science and this thread is fucking embarrassing.
Never had an issue with it personally. I've been long distance running since I was in the military and that was over ten years ago. I do eat a lot of fish and nuts, but I also eat a ton of red meat. I eat almost no vegetables or fruit. My girlfriend force feeds me fruit because she thinks it's good for me.
However mainly I just watch what I eat, I practice IF daily, and I do a lot of cardio and basic weight lifting outside of body weight exercises like pull-ups. I get bi-monthly blood test done from the VA and everything has been near perfect for the last few years.
The problem is long term diets with bad properties can change your bodies efficiency or synergy. One part of the machine working lackluster can cause negatives in other parts. A lot of your bodies daily process is reading the levels of different chemicals in your blood. Hormone markers are constantly read and your body is also responding accordingly. An issue with diet could effect any such organ related to this and change production or lack there of, of either HDL or LDL in the blood. However this is long term diet. It takes years and years for a horrible diet to change your organs for the worse in such a way.
Liam Rodriguez
>Can you run 15 miles without stopping? >Or does walking up a flight of stairs tire you out? I use a bike trainer for one hour every day and do push ups and some curls. running is not good for your health. It is high impact. You are ruining your joints. You will have to get a hip replacement, and possibly a knee replacement one day. I haven't run in years, and am proud of this fact.
Nathaniel Edwards
Cringe and bluepilled
Elijah Cox
>cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol, stop the trolling, dietary cholesterol spikes blood cholesterol for hours. And during the cholesterol spike it is damaging your arteries.
Camden Evans
>eating most Jow Forums type recommended protein sources including eggs, sardines, beef, salmon, occasionally tuna
Here’s your first problem. Let me tell you a secret, the posters on Jow Forums are absolute fucking retards, and I’m not saying that in a way to sound funny or in a friendly buddy to buddy kind of way, the people on here are absolute fucking retards of the highest order. Zero reading comprehension skills, constantly making shit up, constantly asserting things with zero evidence or even an anecdote to back them up, the people here are fucking morons. Most of them are insecure weirdos in high school and college which explains the horrible advice both in the gym and nutrition wise, and why three quarters of the threads at sandy given time are insecure humble bragging weirdos trying to one up each other by demonstrating they have longer tibias or a lower hairline than the other guy. For whatever reason Jow Forums has a reputation of having intelligent posters who act dumb to make others mad, so far I’ve seen very little evidence from the posters on Jow Forums that any of them even go outside.
Try this for three weeks and your cholesterol will drop drastically: very little saturated fat, no dietary cholesterol. The foods you do eat should be unprocessed and high in fiber.
Jonathan Gomez
Stop being fat.
Carson Nelson
Intermittent fast severly restrict all carbs, do hard training and go for long walks every day. I eat fairly dirty and I'm well into 15% bodyfat and the last time I checked my cholesterol was overall well below normal
Ryan Allen
>Carbs good, fats bad
Proved untrue brainlet
Cooper Sullivan
>the posters on Jow Forums are absolute fucking retards said user, while he posted on Jow Forums
Easton Butler
>Since what you eat rarely effects your internal cholesterol levels on a day to day basis. Eating a cheeseburger really wouldn't kill you. Show me the study that proves that a diet that includes cheeseburgers can reverse heart disease.
Brandon Davis
Chase Martin
I'm not an expert but from what I have read you're probably fine. HDL and triglycerides are the more important and they are good.
LDL-C (cholesterol carried by LDL) is not associated with any negative health outcomes. LDL-P (number of LDL particles) is more relevant because it indicates oxidised LDL which can't carry cholesterol efficiently due to damage.
In context with your healthy diet and lifestyle, good HDL, and low triglycerides, I'd bet you're 100% fine.
Don't go making drastic lifestyle changes to chase a magic number. DEFINITELY don't take statins.
Andrew Murphy
Joseph King
>my cholesterol was overall well below normal Well, normal cholesterol scores are pretty bad so that isn't saying much.
Andrew Clark
>from what I have read you're probably fine Brainlet
Isaiah Martinez
You're both overconfident in your lack of knowledge.
>retard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about posts links to two YouTube videos as his sources
Anthony Brooks
>ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25198208/ I appreciate all the replies, either way As you are pointing out, i myself found it odd to have excellent TG and "terrible" LDL i was considering doing something plant based, though this would be a pretty big change. i can definitely do mostly fish/vegetables, thats what i was doing up until about a year ago.
Jacob Lewis
based and redpilled.
Dominic Hill
My suggestion >increase your activity >reduce your calorie intake Hit the gym. Start fasting. If you cholesterol is still high, perhaps you have familiar hyperlipidemia.
Michael Morris
didn't mean to greentext the ncbi link, that was an error. i mean to just reply.
William Allen
thanks. over the last year i have vastly intensified by activity, and have done strict IF over the last 6 months. i was disappointed to see basically no change though, which did lead me to think about familial hypercholesterolemia - but noone in my family has that though. i am looking for a lipid specialist to do some more specific lipid tests.
Juan Reed
>Familiar hyperlipidemia Yes, these lipids are indeed too familiar to his arteries
Thomas Myers
>fish/vegetables, fish has cholesterol. You need to cut all that out of your diet. Fish is actually a big scam. Fish is trash. The ocean is filthy. Need protein? Take some whey isolate.
he discredits himself in the post with that exact line. they aren't my words he calls himself an absolute fucking retard that is not to be trusted rofl.
Brandon Lee
interesting - this may be a good explanation for the relatively recent worsening
Elijah Diaz
this triggers the keto bloggers
Asher Hall
Go be autistic somewhere else, I’m sure there’s a dozen or so threads where you can discuss other men’s hairlines
It’s a poor explanation with no plausible mechanism, there is no hyper response to “low carbs”, some people have larger responses to dietary cholesterol and saturated fat (which are well documented and have mechanistic explanations) than other people, and it’s likely you’re eating more of both on your new diet.
Kayden Anderson
Look into carnivore
Austin Thompson
>Lowering dietary fats and cholesterols will only make the issue worse as your hormone profile degrades.
top jej m8 the amount of dietary fat actually needed for hormone production is in the single figures of grams per day find one person with a fat deficiency
Oliver Richardson
The solution is very simple, and you’ll see if for yourself. Try three weeks of a high fiber, zero dietary cholesterol, very low saturated fat diet and all your cholesterol issues will fix themselves. No need for statins.
Chase Morgan
>Try this for three weeks and your cholesterol will drop drastically: very little saturated fat, no dietary cholesterol. The foods you do eat should be unprocessed and high in fiber.
b-but... the china study was flawed it was just one study funded by the sugar industry! debunked 1980s momscience
But plant based diet is not filling nor does it taste good. I think I'd starve if I cut all meat and dairy. How do vegetarians do it?
Hudson Williams
@ those of you that say you do a lot of cardio: how much do you do exactly?
Blake Nguyen
What's wrong with zinc?
Hunter Long
Why not just take statins and eat whatever the fuck you want?
Nathaniel Reyes
Cholesterol naturally increases when you age, fluctuates, follows other factors more often than diet(dietary cholesterol as a factor for blood cholesterol debunked) and the recommendation from the AHA is set hilariously low to sell vegetable oils and grains. Sadly there is very little advice that you can't find someone saying the exact opposite of on this topic. But here goes, stay active, eat more spinach + other veggies and don't take statins. Watch "Oiling of America" for some real talk about the American Heart Association and it's business. It goes through a lot of the studies on the subject and their flaws.
Brayden King
Because statins are worse than having slightly elevated cholesterol and don't actually fix anything.
Xavier Campbell
Wow do you actually believe this? Properly running is good for you, you don’t have to just run on fucking concrete.
Michael Foster
>Fats are bad, cabs are good Get on with the times, grandpa
Levi Sanchez
Attention Manlets! (And OP)
watch this and become enlightened about cholesterol
>Statins, at least in Roberts’ view, are the finest cardiovascular drug ever created (released in the USA in 1987) (14). Table Table33 displays the equivalent doses of six statins, their average reductions in total cholesterol and LDL-C, and the additional LDL-C–lowering effect when ezetimibe is added to a statin (15).
A continuing education conference to sell drugs, yeah fuck off with this garbage.
Jaxon Reyes
Get a CAC calcification scan, cholesterol correlates less with heart disease than insulin resistance and CAC scores
Juan Jenkins
>Doesn't exercise man's primal natural ability to be the best endurance runners on earth. >Proud of this.
James Jackson
I read through all this thread and I'm going crazy. There are even some that day a high-ish blood cholesterol isn't bad or a danger.
Fuck it I'll eat my meat and train 3x. If it's time it's time
Charles Allen
low iq and t post
Matthew Bell
Fish oil lowers triglycerides but can actually raise LDL/TC if I'm not mistaken
Ayden Collins
Lies and slander against the highly reputable Jow Forumsboard. Absolutely disgusting.
I have evidence which VERY strongly indicates you're a homosexual btw just saying.
Owen Clark
if TG goes down, LDL/TG goes up, basic math
Lucas Bennett
>not taking youtube videos seriously You know who else have youtube pages? That's right, universities. Do you not take recorded university lectures seriously? HMMM?
Connor Edwards
With that LDL he should take a statin and that's coming from ACC guidelines that discourage targeting LDL numbers its that fucking bad.
Ryder Cooper
Better to eat meat than seed oils which oxidize and cause inflammation of the arterial walls. We wouldn't have to worry about our cholesterol as much as we do if we didn't eat the type of shit that causes it to become a problem. Taking a statin is like trying to prevent crime by eliminating police. They're at crime scenes so they must be contributing to the issue.
But they lower cholesterol levels which are universally agreed as the source of cvd
Liam Sanchez
Your body produces like 1.5g of cholesterol litally regardless of what you do. As for blood cholesterol levels, even over a year being high indicating artery clogging... frankly that's just fucking retarded. Neither the primary, nor secondary, nor tertiary function of cholesterol is to be deposited on your polyunsaturated consuming, diabetic ass cardio vascular system.
Luke Hall
Correlation does not imply causation.
An analysis by Dr. David Newman in 2010 which drew on large meta-analyses of statins found that among those with pre-existing heart disease that took statins for 5 years: (1)
96 percent saw no benefit at all 1.2 percent (1 in 83) had their lifespan extended (were saved from a fatal heart attack) 2.6 percent (1 in 39) were helped by preventing a repeat heart attack 0.8 percent (1 in 125) were helped by preventing a stroke 0.6 percent (1 in 167) were harmed by developing diabetes 10 percent (1 in 10) were harmed by muscle damage
Blake Brooks
>is there any consensus here on diet and cholesterol?
There's consensus in the cardiologist community: stop eating animal products.
No seriously, that's all you have to you.
Cooper Clark
That's no longer a universally agreed upon fact. Cholesterol has a role in CVD but it isn't the cause. We were sold a "solution" to a major issue that happened to prop up industries while not actually preventing heart disease. For fuck's sake the oils we were sold as a replacement for saturated fats are contributing to higher rates of CVD due to being oxidative trash. Statins are useful only for lowering the chance of repeat incidents. They're criminally over-prescribed.
I wonder how many people have died because they took advice from this place
Mason Torres
They're certainly doing a good job of lowering rates of CVD with their bogus advice.
Benjamin Richardson
Looks like this is largely bullshit. I picked a random paragraph to dig into:
>Research has shown that statin therapy leads to increased risk to diastolic heart failure (Silver et al., 2004, Weant and Smith, 2005). Heart failure shows up 36 times in our statin drug data as against only 8 times in the comparison group.
The article by Weant and Smith has absolutely nothing to do with statins and heart failure - that is incredibly misleading. The study only suggests CoQ10 plays a role. While statins and CoQ10 are associated, this is not a jump you can make like the author did. As for the article by Silver, I can't currently load the full piece since I'm not on my uni internet, but more robust analyses have shown just the opposite of what this article is claiming: ecrjournal.com/articles/statin-therapy-patients
Also the author is literally a quack:
>In 2014–2016 Seneff was proposed as an expert witness for litigators seeking damages from Pfizer associated with their cholesterol drug Lipitor,[15] but the court dismissed the claim largely because Seneff lacked expert status and failed to provide credible evidence linking Lipitor to any specific harm.
This is some anti-vaxxer level shit. Yeah no one wants to take medicine but statins are well studied and researched. You may have to admit you and momblogs may not know more about then than the entire medical profession.
Anthony Rivera
Statins do reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in people without pre-existing heart disease. However, this effect is more modest than most people assume. Dr. Newman also analyzed the effect of statins given to people with no known heart disease for 5 years: (5)
98 percent saw no benefit at all 1.6 percent (1 in 60) were helped by preventing a heart attack 0.4 percent (1 in 268) were helped by preventing a stroke 1.5 percent (1 in 67) were harmed by developing diabetes 10 percent (1 in 10) were harmed by muscle damage