What is it like to be 9/10+?
What is it like to be 9/10+?
I don’t know
If you have to ask, you'll never make it
you are worshiped
Ask away
>straight up complimenting a girl like that
yikes. that's a hard cringe from me homeboy
also shows you don't have much experience with girls. enjoy your 6/10 lol
Post pics of both sides
You still have to approach women if you want a good one, thots and brave (drunk) subpar women will come onto you though. You have to maintain everything to stay at a 9 and keep your wardrobe fresh.
>he thinks all those PUA tactics/rules matter
lmao no, you've bought into a bunch of bullshit. You don't need to do that autistic nonsense if you're attractive. Hell, it probably doesn't help if you're average or unattractive anyway, but when these guys get rejected, they just blame their failure on failing at their ""game"".
it's good, but I get a bit tired from fucking all the time
Most women feel intimidated or unworthy to be in your presence and most men feel mogged by your mere existence. Old people compliment you in an endearing and honest tone, while small children stare and express their innocence by claiming how strong/tall you are. A genuine smile and a disarming tone or conversation with a woman has her eyes light up like a chinese chemical plant as she fidgets with her hair while nervously laughing at everything you say. Men quickly inspect the parts of your body that they envy, shoulders, arms, hair, etc. While desperately trying to boast about their own accomplishments (good for you bro).
t. 5'7 Manlet King
has nothing to do with PUA, anybody with an iota of experience with girls knows that girls get turned off when you compliment them. Guys with experience literally realize this in high school. Having sex with some 6/10 a couple times a year and thinking it makes you a "chad" is super cringe. You can tell a player by the way he interacts with females, and you text like a virgin loser who gets laid 4 times a year. cya
Doesn't fucking matter if you're good-looking
Imagine a world where you’re attractive and can compliment someone without sperging out about LE RED PILL THO
>imagine complimenting a hole
and you're not. Post tinder matches or another convo, you're spamming this website with that one 6/10 and its really funny. You don't understand that being attractive makes guys act a certain way, its not the other way around. Based on the way you text alone we can deduce you're not attractive
sorry buddy, enjoy the couple of times you have sex with that chick lol who knows how long your dry period will be
attractive guys with high sexual market value do not compliment girls that obvious/corny. Straight up calling a chick one of the most beautiful girls you've ever dated? That just doesn't happen. btw im typing all this from my personal perspective, im literally a male model so ya lol im attractive and you are not
based and trippiled
maximum cope. I wonder how much time you've wasted on this PUA / reddit le redpill bullshit.
post face deluded fuckboy
You sound really salty
>im literally a male model so ya lol im attractive and you are not
the butthurt is too real
attractive guys don't call girls beautiful lmao, no amount of cope will change that
post model face now fagglord
have sex
Here is my anecdotal expierence:
I am a 7/8 out of 10 bartender. I occasionally am left numbers but can generally get with almost any girl I set my sights on if I make a slight effort. Though that may have more to do with my bad boy mistique.
I work with a dude who is easily a 9 or 10. He also exudes extreme confidence and has a super positive demeanor. Every night we work together (volume bar) he is left AT LEAST 6 numbers. Hot girls also tip him like 20 to 100% pretty often. Everytime we go out the hottest girls at the bar literally turn into bimbos and throw themselves at him.
What I've noticed is that he is no happier than me or most other guys we know. He still enjoys gaming and chilling with buds in his free time. So ultimately, id say other than the ability to fuck super hot chicks all the time it doesn't matter at all. His life is not much different from mine because hot poon tang isn't a huge deal if you are sexually and socially compentent enough to find satisfying sexual expeiernces and meaningful relationships.
Funniest part is, he doesn't even work out...
I've been told I'm a 9/10, i barely fuck my qt gf, it's not really fun when it's on a plate, I'd rather play vidya or get sleep
i'm definitely not a "conventionally" attractive person, but i walked 16 shows in nyc, milan, and paris combined last spring. i was super ugly growing up and didn't really know how to "carry" my features if that makes sense, until i was maybe 20. so i do know what its like to have been "ugly" and now considered "attractive".
i live in NYC and people are always glancing at you or doing swift double takes but no one approaches you or says anything. i do enjoy it when people try to be discreet but you can tell they are looking at you. other models will say the same happens to them, possibly because we are just very identifiable people and dress in plain but fitted garments.
people treat you really nicely and are more friendly to you. like security guards or sales associates
i think the ultimate "privilege" regarding being "attractive" however is being able to look in the mirror and genuinely be really happy? being able to look in the mirror in the morning and be legitimately impressed. I have heard some people do not like what they see in the mirror and I think that is really sad and unfortunate.
>t. incel
>id say other than the ability to fuck super hot chicks all the time it doesn’t matter at all
Kek I understand your point but this is the most retarded sentence in this thread including the redpill pissing contest above
Literally everything in life gets easier.
>other than the ability to fuck super hot chicks all the time it doesn’t matter at all
Lmao, can you give me some more wisdom, like how other than making a shit ton of money being a CEO vs a mcdonalds employee doesn’t matter at all
Yep. The girl I'm dating atm is by far the best looking girl where we work and would be a hard 9 or 10 in almost anyones eyes. Our relationship isnt based on physicality or looks really. We both just really enjoy spending time together. As long as you are tall and have a nice face and dont suck as a person you can get almost any girl.
People who lift for girls here are lost and will never find what they're looking for. Working on your self confidence and personality and slight grooming/fashion measures go way further for getting chicks than lifting.
If you think having sex with hot girls is some kind of life pinnicle, I genuinely pity you user.
If you're a 10/10 you don't have to worry about thots hitting on you because they 100% assume that you are already with someone else.
It seems like the way you find meaning in life is pretty vapid bro. If you're depressed this is probably why. The post explains that it doesnt bring him any more happiness or meaning. Just as the rich ceo probably isn't any happier than a middle class guy who built a loving household.
Lol no. The top 10 to 20% of males access like 80% of the sexual real esatate in their 20s. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>Personality(ie. not being an autist or sperg)
Pick at least 2
0% chance an actually hot girl texts “:3”
>T. Never dated a hot Asian chick
Just want to point out that ANYONE can date a 'hot' asian chick
lmao this
>asian chick
lel, gookesses are the consolation prize of women.
Unless you're larping as Imagine larping on Jow Forums as a male model with 2 million instagram followers and a fit aryan wife
>chaddiest chad
either you faked it, or she is some ugly lurker
even if larp, he's right
>tfw have chad friend, male model tier
>only 2 gfs in his whole life, both ugly af
>he hates casual sex and only wants an average gf because he wants someone to not love him by his looks
poor guy, he hates his life because he feels like no one will really love him, it's like a curse.
imposter syndrome + good looks must be crippling.
Just reflect on the current state of dating and hookup culture for a moment and try not to be disappointed at your prospects if you're looking for wholesome companionship regardless of gender
yeah, the whole thing turned him into a mysoginistic Jow Forums faggot with suicidal tendencies and only 2 friends
yes, the worst thing is that he's aware of his looks,he feels like his whole life is fake because every interaction towards him is biased by his looks.
I have to keep an eye on him or he might kill himself, that shit is pretty taxing
Like thots care, girls are not loyal to each other like most men, I've literally had my gfs friends coming on to me.
fucking true
I was that way until I moved to the american south where all social courtesy is artificial and obligated regardless of looks and some wholesome people exist.
>Chaddiest Chad
Yeah, this is totally real
He's not a 9.
When you are 9/10, there isn't much useful to say about the rest of your life ahead of you. During the first five years alone until you're 15, you will undergo so may changes, and you won't even notice it as such, because you will feel the time is right to mature. And you will keep having drastic changes during the next ten years after it.
The only stability from then on, is, hopefully, the one you have found within. If you have, you'll be able to deal with the fact that life will constantly change, and that it demands your focus, discipline and health.
And I am not in my thirties yet, so I can't tell you the rest. I'm not even half way there to a decent life story! Just hang in there and you'll find out your own. Everyone does.
thats not imposter syndrome. Thats social paranoia.
Has anyone else had a revelation like this? I read up on all that stuff last year, then I actually started dating for the first time, and quickly realised that most of it was probably bullshit and likely just making me act like more of an autist. I'm not convinced any of these PUA gurus actually get laid due to their tactics, or if they even get laid that much at all.
The only thing that really is important that they talk about is touching and escalation.
Sup bros
>this is a solid 9 in the US of ayy
Alright buddy, kids hour was over at 7 out you go
As long as you're a 7 or above with intelligence and a little bit of charm it's all about the same in the world. You could be a 9 but if you're a sperg shut in you'll never really reap the benefits.
>Most women feel intimidated or unworthy to be in your presence and most men feel mogged by your mere existence. Old people compliment you in an endearing and honest tone, while small children stare and express their innocence by claiming how strong/tall you are. A genuine smile and a disarming tone or conversation with a woman has her eyes light up like a chinese chemical plant as she fidgets with her hair while nervously laughing at everything you say. Men quickly inspect the parts of your body that they envy, shoulders, arms, hair, etc. While desperately trying to boast about their own accomplishments (good for you bro).
my friend who is/was male model tier would say shit like this all the time
of course, he never got punished for it in any way, because he is really exceptionally good looking
Why would we ask you anything. Chad doesn't come here
A 4 or 5 white dude can easily snag a hot Asian cuz hypergamy lol
Lol fashion models are cringe
You can text your own number kek
texted yourself silly cunt
get rekt
I wouldn’t know as a 9/10 plus, I’m better looking than most dudes , I’d say 98% of dudes , and it’s not as you expect. Maybe if your a legit ten it’s different but
For me , I’ve noticed girls look at me all the time. Whenever I go out, I can expect most girls who walk by to hold some sort of eye contact with me. Older ladies even stare, and not to mention, people in general just treat me really well. I’m pretty autsistic, but I get laid considerably more than the average guy. Guys respect me mostly, sometimes there are always the ones who see me as a challenge or something. I can assume most people will respect me hen they meet me, minus a few exceptions .
delete this
I was told I went from a 4/10 to a 9/10 recently. I've noticed girls sometimes stutter when I say hi or laugh even though I didn't say anything funny. Also lots of smiles when I look at people. I hate smiling back though shits hard. That's about it but I don't think I'm fully reaping the benefits
My board doesn't need manlets you fag
I wouldn't know ;)
how did you get into modelling? what caused the change from being "super ugly" and not knowing how to carry yourself to being where you are now?
post profile
I know a dude from my college that is 9/10 and he dropped his 7 years gf (6/10) to get a new 6/10 gf. I don't understand how some chads settle for this shit, if I was a chad I would smash girls left and right not settling with ugly gf like him.
relationship sex is better than rando sex
yeah, people definitely underestimate how much aesthetics play into how someone is treated socially. i had something like that happen to me when i went from being overweight to a healthy BMI. it's like night and day.
This. Sex should be saved for marriage
>not being a mysogynistic /pol fag
You're brainless
Most of your matches are 6 or under. You've just had your account for years I'd imagine. I'm definitely not a 9+/10 and I has over 300 matches in one summer alone. We both know you didn't actually hook up with more than 1% of those.
I'm barely a 9 on a good day, but usually old people are way nicer, lads from the countryside get a little insecure and don't really open up, the authorities and guys at window offices are in my experience worse to you if they're male and sometimes even if they're female and feminists. Girls are a bit intimidated or stare at you, flirt a lot if they're a bit slutty. Guys from the city are a bit envious but admire you. But, you can make people's day with a smile and disarm them and I love that. I will go bald in a few years so it doesn't really matter, then I will enjoy becoming an invisible normie again. At least I won't be bald and ugly.
>laid four times a year
Not him but I've had sex with two women in 2019 and I still consider myself a virgin loser.
I am considered at least a 10/10, and I am even considered an 11/10 by many people.
Life is really great if you are a 10/10.
Pretty much everyone is really nice and people come up to me just to say hi.
Girls also stare and get flirty with me a lot.
And apparently, to many people, my presence sparks joy and makes their day better.
The good ones get laid, you just followed an idiot.
Rolled 61 (1d100)
rolling my looks divided by ten