Every day, I go to bed at 2AM. Have to get up 8AM.
How do I stop doing this? There's nothing forcing me to stay up other than my lack of willpower and procrastination.
Every day, I go to bed at 2AM. Have to get up 8AM
do what matters to you if you love Jesus
What is that supposed to mean?
I'm not religious, nobody I know is.
Quit giving in to your impulses and go the fuck to bed. If you need stimulation, read a book until you can't keep your eyes open.
And how do I do that?
I haven't the willpower to read a book.
Turn off laptop and phone at 9pm and go under your blankets with the lights off. Lay there and breathe.
Read in bed. Something a little too dry to keep your attention very long. Knocks me right the fuck out.
Find a book you like. What are you interested in? Also think about how much better you'll feel tomorrow if you go to bed at a reasonable hour. The difference between 6 and 8 hours of sleep is like night and day.
Turn off your fucking phone and pick up a book an hour before you normally fall asleep and avoid the temptation to look at your phone. Try and read ten pages, if you do that read 10 more. Repeat until tired then fall the fuck to sleep. It's not that hard dude like lmao
Not much. Even stuff I'm interested in, I can't read for more than a few pages before losing interest.
>Also think about how much better you'll feel tomorrow if you go to bed at a reasonable hour.
I know it intellectually, but it seems like the other way - I think about it, and then I feel bad and procrastinate to avoid thinking about it.
I don't have a phone.
I can give you some book reccomenation if you want, but you seem pretty adverse to the advice we've given. Making a change in life starts with you. How long can you accept living like this?
I have to be up at 5:30am
I just have a mental reminder I need at the very least 5 hours of sleep
Lay down in bed, get wrapped up. And go to sleep, no videos, no distractions. Just lay down and sleep.
If you only get 4 hours and 59 minutes of sleep, will you die?
We will all die kid
Do a media fast week. Don't do anything for a week except for mediate, lift, read, talk with people, or sleep. Look it up for more info.
Get more natural light, eat more foods that reduce stress. Sometimes the latter is as simple as just eating more foods.
Are you staring at the ceiling? What are you doing? Are you actually in bed? I have the same problem but it’s because I’m staring at my fucking phone.
which foods?
Sugar is the most effective, but saturated fat can work better for sleep as it's less likely to lead to nocturnal awakening.
I have difficulty getting proper sleep too but I just don't know what to do.
I take care of my disabled mother and she is never ready for bed until like midnight at the earliest. And after I get her into her bed, she usually calls for me like 2 or 3 times over the next hour. And there's always a chance she can't sleep and wants to get up super early and will scream for me to help her up.
Even if I moved out (which I don't want to do because nobody else will take care of her) my job adds more difficulty. Sometimes I'm working mornings, sometimes nights, sometimes I gotta be there before 6AM and sometimes I'm there after 10PM. I can't really choose one time to go to bed and one time to wake up, and do those consistently, because sometimes I'll still be working at my bed time and sometimes I'll be late if I wake up at a "good" time!
It sounds like a bunch of stupid excuses but beyond abandoning my mother or quitting my job (neither of which I want to do) it just seems like healthy sleep is impossible.
I like staying up late. Everything worth living for happens in the evening or at night. How do I live ?
I'm not sure if this is a feels/mental health thread but I'm in college (Junior) and I've recently realized why I love winter/summer/spring break so much. I fucking hate being in college. Everyone says its amazing and great, but I absolutely hate it,and I'm not exactly antisocial either. I stay up at night just thinking about summer and being in my home town. Fuck man this shit is depressing.