How do i get my gains gobblins gf out of my life?

How do i get my gains gobblins gf out of my life?

>"user, i made some french toast! want some!?"
>"user, just picked up some donuts from an office party. Want me to save you some?"
>"user, eat some of this pizza i made from scratch. Lemme know how it tastes!"
>"user, don't wake up so early. your alarm wakes me up and i feel tired all day."
>"user, want to go try some chili dogs at this new mom and pop shop? Heard it's good."

Every fuckin day bros. I hate it but having a gf that does kinky shit with you is god tier and i can't give it up. How do I tell her in a nice way to fuck off and stop stunting my gains?

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literally just say shit like "no I can't eat xyz because I'm trying to cut" or "I have to wake up early because..." shit like that. just be your own person, if anything she'll be more attracted to you once you grow a backbone and stop melting to her every beck and call. not that hard bro

Kill her and eat her

Just say, "i would appreciate if you didn't get in the way of my self improvement". And if she has questions or is offended just explain how it isn't beneficial

Nice thread user but don't kid yourself, you don't really have a gf.

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Be an alpha and tell her how things are gonna be. There's a reason the Bible say women should do what their husbands tell them.

How many calories are in the average healthy woman?

Apparently there is like 81,000 in an adult human

I use to wish my gf would hangout with me more then i discovered that I’m needy in relationships and will never get enough attention because my mother wasn’t around enough when i was a kid. FYI for any anons reading this. It helped me and i want for help you guys stop the constant anguish of abandonment if you feel it.

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So i'd only gain 23lbs from eating a whole person? That doesnt seem right...

You burn calories while eating and not everything you eat from a person would have a lot of calories because think about what percentage of the human body is water.

Bulking season bro

mines the other way everytime I'm making Jow Forumsfood she wants half of it so its either waste a ton protein on her or make her a separate meal. She's also a picky eater so half the stuff I want to eat I can't really get because we'd have to have two grocery lists.

what did you do exactly to fill that void? Recognizing it is like not even half the battle.

>tfw no gf like op's photo

Just say no? Fucking whipped pussy...

just summer bulk or stop being a little fag and tell her your plans. next time you want to make a thread like this think for a second "could I answer this question on my own?" and fuck off

Well it was hard and I’m still working on it. My best advice is to have a life outside your gf and keeeper her at arms length. I get obsessive with girls so that could make it harder too. Work, lift, do hobbies etc. continually talk and hit on Girls as well. Unironically therapy helped me a lot. Good luck man.

probably have a conversation like an adult. or tell her that if she doesn't stop you're going to stick a straw in her blown out pussy and snort your semen back out of her to recoup the gains she is stealing from you. or both fuck you

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It's easy. You indulge her. Try some of whatever she wants you to without pigging out completely, and adjust the calories in other aspects of your diet.

If you want to be with someone and actually have them like you, you have to compromise at times to make them happy.

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mmmm! Can you get something for me in the other room?

Throw it all in the trash.

Boy that was good!

what the fuck
iirc that’s how much is in a grown kangaroo
do we have the same body mass as kangaroos?

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Ruby Commey is beautiful.