It’s a time waster and you get the exact same benefits from a good nights rest
>strength training and SS
If your goal isn’t strength, then don’t do strength training, simple as that
>read everyday
Stop shilling out money for pointless drivel, if you want to learn more about a factual subject it can all be found online. Very few instances where you’ll need to read a book
>inb4 read for pleasure
As pointless as watching tv you psduoe intellectual
>bulking cutting
Just eat right you fuckung imbeciles, if you want to look good you don’t have to do bodybuilding
>supplements and ore workouts
All crutches, many men have looked better and been fitter without the aid of such crutches
Unless you’re competing in athletic competitions, bodybuilding, or weightlifting they’re strictly for vanity purposes and a drain on your income for your insecurity’s and lack of work ethic
>vegan or carnivore diets
Kill your self if you do either, eventually your diet will do it for you
>wake up at (insert stupid hour of the morning)
Your body needs rest that’s why we as humans are diurnal, wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep when it sets
>don’t do (thing) it lowers test, do (thing) instead it raises test!
If you’re fit, have an active sex life and aren’t a sad faggot ignore all these fucking boogeymen when it comes to test
Some extras
Lifting isn’t a hobby
•Getting fit won’t change who you are on the inside, change comes from within
•improve all aspects of your life, hygiene, wardrobe,social skills. Don’t think fitness is a cure all
•take everyone’s advices with a grain of salt as anecdotal evidence isn’t always applicable