What's the harder Indoor and outdoor routes you guys have climbed for both bouldering and routes. On a second note, what's your fitness backgroud as well?
Climbing thread
OP here, Hardest Indoor and outdoor routes are only 5.12c's and I've done absolute shit on boulders, only recently passed the V4 threshold. Then again I've only been climbing regularly for 8 months and before that only did some urban climbing and climbing bluffs not knowing what I was even doing
I'm much stronger on boulders . Especially since i've started top ropping and became scared of falling. I can Boulder 6b/c but my max is a 6a route
How long have you been climbing and how often?
Fuck, I agree with that so much. Can't forget about the Brad Free-soloer, he's on that chad level but everyone is just counting the days until he slips and falls.
>Risking your dog's life for your ego
Cock and ball torture
Well, lets not debate the whole free solo issue, yeah? They may be dumb but they are ungodly climbers who will undoubtedly die doing what they love and making stupid decisions along the way.
Indoor 5.13b/V8. Outdoor 5.12c/V10.
I don't really care about sending indoors, as plastic doesn't count. Racked up three V9s and 2 V10s outdoors this year, and mid-cut for sport climbing season. Hoping to get a ton of outdoor 5.13s this summer.
I've lifted daily for 11 years, climbed for 6.
Nice! I feel alright on the 5.12's outside but have never even tried a 5.13, how much different do they feel?
I don't give half a shit if you want to climb a cliff, slip like a dumb fuck and pop your skull on the ground below, just don't strap on your pet on your back while you do it.
Again, yeah I already said it's dumb bro. We agree
I never toprope but boulder 2-3xa week. I alternate lifting and bouldering, been doing it for about 4 months regularly. Boulder V3-4s so far, can’t seem to progress into V5 very easily. But I’m getting stronger every week so I know it will happen with time. I’m sure my technique is probably shit, wish I had a buddy to climb with
I'd say that past
V4 it's pretty much mostly technique but I'm still at V4 myself so what do I know.
about 7 months. I top rope once a week for 2 hours & boulder much, much more so it's not really surprising.
I can do then route's moves quite easily but my forearms get pumped fast
I've been stuck only being able to climb once a week for this whole winter, now that the snow is gone I'm gonna be happy being able to get outside for some good climbing again
How do you people even start climbing? Were you raised in some mountain village where you collected water from the peaks near your homes and ate the eggs of the birds perched on the cliffs?
Well it was a pretty natural progression for me, I used to always climb trees and the bluffs around my home, then I started climbing buildings, then I went with a friend to a rock climbing gym and that was that.
What does top rope mean?
the nigga who leads the climbing pair? like the front runner guy maybe.
Well top roping is most often an indoor thing, the rope for the route is already set up so all you have to do is tie in, have a belayer, and climb. No need to clip in as you climb.
Oh, I just thought they were just called the lead climber.
Lead climbing is the type you usually see outdoors, that's where you clip into the anchors as you climb up.
That's why I was confused, I've mostly been reading about outdoor climbing and now indoors. Thanks, user, I'll leave you a like.😃
No problem, give me them sweet (you)'s and I'll drop likes always. Climb hard and climb often user!
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