>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food) cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)
DO >count calories, all of them. >calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories. >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate. >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables. >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking. >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it. >be a retard
Would recommend nobody take the bait on posts saying CICO doesn’t work, insulin control is the only way, or anything related to Fung or the Obesity Code - I think he has been yammering in every thread because he gets so many (You)s
When someone is so obviously wrong that he must be mocked the temptation is very enticing.
Lincoln Gutierrez
I do 400-900 calories per day, zero sugar and very little carbs
Yeah it seems crazy at first but hunger pains are temporary where as you are permanently fat You'd be surprised how much food the human body needs compared to how much we normally take in
Logan Mitchell
Yea I feel the same way but I strongly suspect that is what he thrives on - ignoring him is the only way to not give him what he wants I think
Ayden Rodriguez
Weird how there is so much evidence that "eat less, move more" doesn't work.
Nathan Flores
specifically >It is also possible for fat cells to take up glucose and amino acids, which have been absorbed into the bloodstream after a meal, and convert those into fat molecules. The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it. If you have 100 extra calories in fat (about 11 grams) floating in your bloodstream, fat cells can store it using only 2.5 calories of energy. On the other hand, if you have 100 extra calories in glucose (about 25 grams) floating in your bloodstream, it takes 23 calories of energy to convert the glucose into fat and then store it. Given a choice, a fat cell will grab the fat and store it rather than the carbohydrates because fat is so much easier to store.
Jayden Powell
The important part of this is what triggers fat storage.
Consistent with thermic effects. Most of the time it's let off as body heat when being converted and that lines up with how must energy is converted to heat. Lesson is eat protein as you'll absorb less of it and it's beneficial for lean mass.
Charles Ramirez
i dont see how these two things fit together desu.
Jayden Perry
Started eating carni and losing weight again. Need like 3000kcal to feel full it seems but I have still been losing weight while eating that much. Not really burning much off except for some weight lifting and long walks. Currently 28bmi, can’t wait to be 25 again.
Daniel Brooks
Got high and ate a bit over a 1000 kcals worth of fruit, on top of my regular meals. Doing no carb today and continuing as normal tomorrow
They don't. The efficient absorption of fat causes you to more easily gain weight which contradicts his diatribe that you should eat fat. It makes sense for satiety but when you consider fat is 9 calories and protein is 4 then you know he's retarded when trying to shill fats for weight loss.
Sebastian Price
High fat diets are most effective for weight loss.
Eli Richardson
I'd rather just fast if I wanted to do some extreme diet instead of portion control
Does the average American consume too many carbs? Yeah, so cutting carbs is effective for many people because they eat like shit. But carbs are an essential part of any well rounded diet and are certainly not the enemy.
Asher Thomas
Stop being a chubby chasing faggot.
David Watson
so i should go for low fat consumption then, besides important fats like a bit of animal fat and fish oils?
Robert James
Not if you're trying to lose weight.
Easton Davis
which i am, but then why ?
Gavin Baker
jesus christ when are these threads not going to be cancer anymore please stop with the obesity code and ketard shit
You should go high protein which necessitates a medium fat consumption if you eat lean meats. Carbs can be whatever but lower because the less you eat the more weight you will lose. He's not wrong about lower carb diets but what he's wrong about is the reason for it is made up bullshit. You can have carbs and lose weight. It's just less efficient. If you're going lower with your calories lean chicken like chicken tenderloin is going to be a better bet for you that oatmeal. Vegetables are also top notch for losing weight as you can eat a pound of something like broccoli and it will fill your stomach for like 150 calories. If you want carbs then you can have them but have them in moderation and really focus on your protein intake. Helps with lifting and muscle retention as well.
Jaxson Lewis
Low carb diets are proven to be more effective at weight loss than low fat diets.
In fact low carb diets are SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE that even without counting calories they still result in greater weight loss than low fat diets with calorie counting.
You can speculate about efficiency all you want. In reality low fat is worse than low carb.
Robert Turner
What the fuck does the obesity code even say about insulin or whatever
It says insulin is the primary cause of weight gain. People who are obese have chronically elevated insulin and associated insulin resistance. To get to a healthy weight long term you need to cure your insulin resistance.
The solutions it gives for curing insulin resistance are fasting and low carb diets.
It's scientifically sound and proves its point very thoroughly. People get flustered by it because they swallowed the government's anti-fat propaganda and can't admit they were tricked.
I don’t think that will happen until people stop replying to him personally but who knows - I just ignore those posts
Mason Phillips
I can make anybody fat. How? By prescribing insulin. It won’t matter that you have willpower, or that you exercise. It won’t matter what you choose to eat. You will get fat. It’s simply a matter of enough insulin and enough time.
High insulin secretion has long been associated with obesity:1 obese people secrete much higher levels of insulin than do those of normal weight. Also, in lean subjects, insulin levels quickly return to baseline after a meal, but in the obese, these levels remain elevated.
Insulin levels are almost 20 percent higher in obese subjects,2 and these elevated levels are strongly correlated to important indices such as waist circumference and waist/hip ratio. The close association between insulin levels and obesity certainly suggests—but does not prove—the causal nature of this relationship.
>1. Polonski K, Given B, Van Cauter E. Twenty-four hour profiles and pulsatile patterns of insulin secretion in normal and obese subjects. J Clin Invest. 1988 Feb; 81(2):442–8. >2. Ferrannini E, Natali A, Bell P, et al. Insulin resistance and hypersecretion in obesity. J Clin Invest. 1997 Sep 1; 100(5):1166–73.
Xavier Bailey
Insulin levels can be difficult to measure since levels fluctuate widely throughout the day in response to food. It is possible to measure an “average” level, but doing so requires multiple measurements throughout the day. Fasting insulin levels (measured after an overnight fast) are a simpler, one-step measurement. Sure enough, research reveals a close association between high fasting insulin levels and obesity, and this relationship becomes even stronger when we consider only a person’s fat mass rather than his or her total weight. In the San Antonio Heart Study,3 high fasting insulin was tightly correlated to weight gain over eight years of follow up. As we shall see in chapter 10, an insulin-resistant state leads also to high fasting insulin. This relationship is not coincidental, as insulin resistance itself plays a key role in causing obesity.
So, we know that the association between elevated insulin and obesity has already been clearly established. The question now is whether this association is, in fact, a causal relationship. Does high insulin cause obesity?
>3. Han TS, Williams K, Sattar N, Hunt KJ, Lean ME, Haffner SM. Analysis of obesity and hyperinsulinemia in the development of metabolic syndrome: San Antonio Heart Study. Obes Res. 2002 Sep; 10(9):923–31.
Jack Mitchell
Lost a leg’s worth of fat sofar. Feels good man!
Andrew Gomez
The “insulin causes obesity” hypothesis is easily tested. We can prove a causal relationship by experimentally giving insulin to a group of people and then measuring their weight gain. Therefore, for our experiment, here’s our fundamental question: If you take insulin, will you get fat?
The short answer is an emphatic “Yes!” Patients who use insulin regularly and physicians who prescribe it already know the awful truth:4 the more insulin you give, the more obesity you get. Insulin causes obesity. Numerous studies, conducted mostly on diabetic patients, have already demonstrated this fact. Insulin causes weight gain.
>4. Russell-Jones D, Khan R. Insulin-associated weight gain in diabetes: causes, effects and coping strategies. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2007 Nov; 9(6):799–812.
Justin James
I got sick in winter '18 with a nasty, long chest cold after losing 35 of the 70 pounds to get to my goal weight, stopped running and started eating like shit again, and haven't started back since. I'm now just above my old starting weight. I am a dirty phone poster who just readded Jow Forums to my boards today because /fat/ gave me the push I needed to get started last time. I even have metformin so it would be much easier this time around. Part of what got me out of it was that I suddenly couldn't prep chicken. Made it rubbery 4 times in a row and now looking at chicken breast repulses me, despite it being a staple of my broke ass diet before. These things don't excuse my situation and I'm not looking for a pat on the back, these are just truths I need to acknowledge to have any hope. I'm getting married in September, and I will hate my wedding photos for my whole life.
Jeremiah Murphy
>metformin You have type 2 diabetes?
Justin Lopez
Blowdryer poster exposed as PlatinumKnight on twitch
Yes. That's part of the reason why being active and eating mostly lean meat and vegetables had a very dramatic impact on my weight in a short window. I don't have bad natural metabolism, just a lifetime worth of eating shit food and not moving.
Jack Anderson
I really dislike my body sometimes, I weigh less than most people my height but still look like a fucked up obese goblin. Skeleton mode cant come soon enough.
Gabriel Reed
Not really but he frequently posts unhealthy food and think its an epic troll with a man purse and a blow dryer on his table.
Charles King
You should read this book. Type 2 diabetes is curable with dietary changes.
The author has been consistently curing diabetes in his patients. He is a doctor from Toronto.
Look into sous vide. It makes eating cheap meat a lot easier
Asher Wilson
Not him but I have chicken tenderloin in my sous vide set up right now waiting on me to finish getting done lifting so I can get that protein. It's going to taste amazing because it's cooked at the perfect temperature and be healthy as fuck for my gains.
Dominic Robinson
I’ve been thinking about that, how much was the heating item? Just watched a YouTube video on it
Joshua Ramirez
Is it the top two abs I can see even though I have a flabby belly and love handles or am I being retarded?
Sebastian Martin
/swimbro/ here. Today i've lost 45 lbs. Sitting at 188.0 lbs. Starting weight was 233.
Just on my way out the door for a good long walk in the sun.
Oliver Davis
Mine was about $100. Get a vacuum sealer too for about $50. It will save you a lot of effort over the other bags.
Liam Roberts
I bought it years ago for $100. But they can be $50 or lower now I think. I'd recommend buying a vacuum sealer or at least silicone reusable bags because I wouldn't trust ziplock bags to cook at 150F+ unless they were specifically made to handle those temps
Aiden Taylor
My BMI is now under 30!
Ayden Turner
Any of you former fatties wear compression undershirts?
I've lost 110 lbs (still have ~10 more to lose to get to my goal weight) and I'm at a weird stage where large t shirts look much too big on me, but medium t shirts cling to me and you can see the weird loose skin and bits of fat still around my stomach and man boobs. It helps to wear a small undershirt under t shirts but I was thinking of investing in some actual compression shirts.
Anybody have a brand or style they recommend that's not too expensive?
>fasting >slowing down metabolic rate But fasting increases metabolism.
Alexander Russell
Was at a party and a few people notice I lost since the last time I saw them, which was two months ago.
Feels good since it didn't look like I was making progress.
Lucas Rivera
Anyone else mewing while losing weight?
Brayden Flores
looks like you've been sold snake oil
better luck next time pal
Luis Sanchez
If it's a big meal (food coma tier), then a few hours. You don't want to be digesting while your muscles also need energy/blood flow. If it's small, then it depends if you are going to do quick movements like a clean or if you're mostly stationary since you might not want food sloshing around in your stomach
Caleb Sanchez
I know you're joking but just in case someone doesn't get it.
Fasting increases adrenalin levels, starting at around twenty-four hours. Forty-eight hours of fasting produces a 3.6 percent increase in metabolic rate,15 not the dreaded metabolic shutdown so often seen in caloric-reduction strategies. In response to a four-day fast,16 resting energy expenditure increased up to 14 percent. Rather than slowing metabolism, the body revs it up instead. Presumably, it does this so we have energy to go out and find more food.
>15. Drenick EJ et al. Prolonged starvation as treatment for severe obesity. JAMA. 1964 Jan 11; 187:100–5. >16. Felig P. Starvation. In: DeGroot LJ, Cahill GF Jr et al., editors. Endocrinology: Vol 3. New York: Grune & Stratton; 1979. pp. 1927–40.
Jason Howard
I think in this case the doctors are likely trying to get the patient to subscribe to a life-long eating plan rather than weight loss and no idea what to do after that period, to prevent a yo-yo.
Brody Bailey
you think doing curls will be alright?
Brody Flores
mewing is a meme unless you do it from childhood, and there aren't any studies on if it actually works for children
Leo Richardson
Nathaniel Green
the question would've been better if it indicated how "strict" the diet was. i would have different answers for someone on a 500 calorie per day crash diet vs someone on a healthy deficit.
Wyatt Walker
My jawline is already decent Im not a mouth breather but I'll still try this if it works out. Nothing to lose.
Jose Nguyen
Only Ketotards think this way.
Dylan Peterson
Post body.
Connor Robinson
How do you get that fat. Even at my most gulltonous I could only stomach a few k in cals a day, and even then a week of that will make me sick.
Legit don't understand.
Oliver Murphy
Easy: eat carbs.
Nathan Taylor
>Lost a baby Good children are shit.
Robert Martin
Now try without the meme response.
Connor Perez
I started about 3 weeks ago (6'4" 295lbs, weighed myself Saturday at 284) I'm doing 40-50 minutes of cardio, alternating between high and low impact days, doing some upper body weight training after cardio, and staying under 1500 calories a day. Is this healthy? What can I improve on? What can I do better? My goal is 200lbs
Jayden Ramirez
I'd say you're gonna be okay doing that stuff. Just try not to over exert yourself during cardio.
Carter Evans
Why won't you just leave us alone?
Jeremiah Roberts
Sounds like you're on the right path. Just remain consistent with it and it will just be passing them time until goal weight.
Camden Sullivan
>tfw no matter how much weight you lose, goblin body doesn't go away
Lucas Murphy
Exercise is great for your health but has negligible effect on weight loss.
Don't snack or eat any food outside of mealtimes.
Eat dietary fat. It has high satiety and will make it easier to avoid snacking.
Avoid carbs. They prevent your body from entering fat burning mode.
Nicholas Howard
>chicken tenderloin you can cook chicken tenderloin in like two seconds lad
Jordan Gomez
What keeps you motivated. What is your light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't know why I'm doing this anymore.
Colton Morgan
Saw an absolute qt today. She was tall, slim, natural blonde. Really gorgeous. Holding her hand was an average looking guy, a bit dweeby looking actually and I thought to myself why can he get a girl like her and I can’t?
I already know the answer. I’m a fat fucker (239lbs) with no confidence approaching women. Gives me the motivation to change. I’ve lost 7lbs already but still a long way to go yet.
>Avoid carbs. They prevent your body from entering fat burning mode. you are just spreading misinformation at this point. stop spamming these threads.
Lucas Mitchell
I could also eat rubber but why would I when I can have things prepared the best way possible? Took an hour and a half to cook but the only work I did was fill up the tank with water, put the bag in the water, and turn the thing on. Took less than five minutes and probable more like three.
Bentley Johnson
i just got tired of being fat. i guess the light at the end is seeing if there's a decent looking human being underneath all this lard
Cameron Reed
My Health mostly - I was already a bit overweight and then I quit smoking and fucking ballooned - so that’s the next thing I’m working on
Brody Flores
been told i am handsome numerous times but im still a bit of a lardass so want to achieve my peak potential before it's too late.