Why are you still eating this absolute junk, user?
>stopped eating oatmeal
>cystic acne around nose and mouth area start to clear up for the first time in years
>mfw it’s one of the main underlying causes of acne and it often goes under the radar
Why are you still eating this absolute junk, user?
>stopped eating oatmeal
>cystic acne around nose and mouth area start to clear up for the first time in years
>mfw it’s one of the main underlying causes of acne and it often goes under the radar
I don't have acne
tell that to your acne
>put a cup of oatmeal in the blender
>get it to where it's almond dust
>mix it with my yogurt
It goes down really well :)
i think its a meme
you dont need so much carbs anyway
there was a period in my life when i only ate meat (mostly boiled chicken), fruits and vegetables
no bread, no candy, no snacks
sometimes i had a bar of plain dark chocolate tho
i never felt better and my seborrhea was completely gone
goes down to the acne factory in your face
i eat around 300g of oats every day mainly because its cheap and healthy
legit as sin. i was at my healthiest (medically examined) body wise and skin wise when i was “dieting” and a long with very long fasts inbetween.
Just like you said, veggies, meats, and some nuts and NOTHING ELSE, i was at my smoothest
Changed my diet to
>scrambled eggs, Greek yoghurt and cranberry juice for breakfast.
>more eggs, sometimes fish and salad and some steamed new potatoes for lunch.
>sirloin steak, sweet potatoes and some sort of green veg for dinner.
>Served with a sprinkling of nuts and stuff throughout he day
Never felt better in my life
carbs/oats are fucking cancer. i am proud of u bro
It better be Non GMO and Organic unless you enjoy ingesting Glyphosate. Anyone eating any grains in any form is getting Glyphosate unless it's Non-GMO and Organic.
You would be better off eating 2-3 pasture eggs, 1000 x more healthier.
changed my diet to this
have been doing it for 2 months now
losing weight, feeling great and healthy
i feel sorry for keto fags
>It better be Non GMO
oats for human consumption are always non gmo..
no benefits to this
>unless you enjoy ingesting Glyphosate
have you even tried to do research or did you just watch a single youtube video?
>Anyone eating any grains in any form is getting Glyphosate unless it's Non-GMO and Organic.
alright, i see
>You would be better off eating 2-3 pasture eggs, 1000 x more healthier.
nah lmao
legit as sin
>fit talking shit about oats
I want to go back
Hey Fag. Are you stupid or are you stupid. Go fucking read the package information on the Oats in Walmart. Bobs Red Mill are one of the few brands that are Organic and Non GMO in the USA.
fit is no longer fit
its just a bunch of fatfucks eating fat because they cant eat oats
saying you enjoy eating oats regularly is outing yourself as a poorfag, fyi
Wtf is a new potato?
correlation is not causation little faggot no remember to stick to squatz and oatz
>brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast for 5 years
>cystic acne for 5 years
>suddenly stop and switch to eggs
>acne gone in weeks
>read plently of articles about how oats are the silent acne causer
Alright listen here faggot. The chances of you contracting cancer from glyphosate in your foods is magnitudes less than the chance of you getting skin cancer from the sun every day that you walk outside. You might as well die because everything causes cancer
That is horsefeed. Leave that garbage to the vegans.
Legit as utter sin. It is poor mans schlop
Post body. I need a good laugh
i fail to see what my body has anything to do with it... i have clear perfect skin now that i cut Canceroats
Op you are an abomination jesus christ
>giving advice
retards i am talking about skin quality, who gives a fuck my body type
ur gay lol
>talking about food
>looking like that
I read that you only get skin cancer if you eat polyunsaturated fats (seed oils).
If you eat saturated fats your cells are less vulnerable to damage.
Seriously are you autistic?
That's somewhat true as if you fall under the general population, you're garbage at cooking and either burn your oils or use oils that have oxidized. This causes free radicals in the body that can lead to cancer; again, in insignificant magnitudes. Polyunsaturated fats are more "fragile" than saturated fats, which make them more prone to oxidation. However, poly/mono-unsaturated fats will improve lipid health markers by reducing cholesterol, etc. While saturated fats have neutral or negative effects on these markers. If you know how to properly store, and cook with vegetable oils, use them instead of butter for improved health
I was vegan for a year and a half
I am now 40 day into carnivore
Got stuck at 60kg vegan squats. Can now squat 110kg
Eat more dairy and types of meat
is this the new activated almonds ?
you should not even be on Jow Forums man
Are you trying to become a tranny or what? That amount of xenoestrogen is ridiculous
Go fuck yourself
Eating oxidised fats may contribute to cancer but the real reason consuming polyunsaturated fats makes you cancer prone is that your body will use them to build cells.
Once your cells have been built with polyunsaturated fats they are far more prone to damage. Polyunsaturated fats are inherently unstable and they don't stop being unstable just because they weren't oxidised when you ate them.
If you want your body to be healthy it needs to be built with saturated fats.
Double yikes
>who gives a fuck my body type
I thought that my belly looks awful but this
Let's make this very clear pal. The ratio of saturated to polyunsaturated fats in cells is determined by your cells themselves. Unsaturated fats will make your cells' lipid bilayer more fluid; saturated fats make them more rigid. The type of lipids in your cells' bilayers are determined by environmental conditions. If the cell needs more rigidity(as in a warm environments), it will saturate lipids in the bilayer. If it needs a more fluid membrane(as in cold environments), it will unsaturate fats in the bilayer. Dietary intake of saturated/unsaturated fats does not determine terminal cell bilayer composition; that would be ridiculous. Our cells are dynamic by nature.
You sound like a liberal
Put blueberries in your oatmeal and it will instantly taste better.
I'm extremely acne prone and oats (and milk for that matter) seem to have little effect on breakouts. Sugar on the other hand is brutal. Every christmas I get acne from all the treats I'm eating at my grandmas house. This is just my case though, it will vary person to person.
based hairdryer user
Ah, found you
here we go with this hairdryer desk setup again
Why not peanuts?!?!?!
Mache ich auch so ähnlich, aber nehme Reismlich
What is todays date? Jow Forums'll be fine (I hope)
Did you eat them with milk? Dairy is often the worst for acne
Detail your diet and stuff please in the name of all the poor seborrhic anons of this board
weather and diet fuck sebhoriccels the most
Is this klinefelter syndrome?
cheap and it doesn't cause me to breakout bc i cook it in oat milk
What the actual fuck, half of Jow Forums is saying to ditch carbs and the other half ditch fat. Who is on the right side?
Eat protein.
Carbs are cancer get it through you’re brain.
Fat and protein are god tier
I eat shitons of protein man, also im the leanest motherfucker on this thread i guarantee you that.
after so long of iifym im deathly afraid of oats
The ketard brigade:
> Fatties who lost weight rapidly and became cultish about their diet
> Can't tell the difference between simple carbs/refined sugars and starch
> Literally think fiber is bad for you
> Blame carbs for every illness in the history of humanity, while at the same time exonerating anything that isn't a carb (they think transfats and saturated fat is fine)
> When asked for evidence they just link to hour long youtube videos of rambling youtube celebrities with no nutritional qualifications or eduation at all
Its a smaller potato basically
Pic related
Follow CICO, nothing else really matters.
>t. dropped 130lbs high carb, high protein, low fat and maintained a 5pl8 deadlift for reps the whole way through
Is Jow Forums full of teenagers? Who the fuck still has any acne?
Too much protein causes kidney issues and you should be conscious of the source
the xenoestrogens in onions exhibit 1/50th of the estrogenic activity of actual estrogen. Additionally, that is the activity of the xenoestrogens that your body actually absorbs. Also, onions protein isolate doesn't even contain xenoestrogens due to how its processed. Finally, it has been show in women that a high fiber diet reduces serum estradiol, and it seems plausible that this effect occurs in men as well. user, is fine. He's not going to grow tits, and his testosterone levels should remain the same.
Underage ketotards.
This thread is just another reminder never to take any advice you see on Jow Forums seriously. If you want any real advice go to Jow Forumsweightroom or Jow Forumsbodybuilding. Jow Forums is only good for the laughs.
Vegetables have carbs retard
>this is the guy on Jow Forums preaching his diet
I doubt it pal
Holy fuck, user! You're basically turning water into wine! Oats into almond dust? I'm going to try that! MUH PROTEENZ
pls don’t mog me
on accutane rn
We're not all genetic dead ends
This, CICO and protein are the most important things whether you're cutting, bulking, or maintaining.
Weather is the biggest cause, then diet. Changing weather fucks everything up, stable (especially warm) temperatures are the best. Supplement zinc/selenium
it's a variety of patato. Smaller, a bit sweeter to the taste. Tastes better overall but slightly more expensive/difficult to find.
So oats are responsible for my recent acne breakout? I had a clear skin before. Fuck them
Congrats! When are you due?😃
bulking aswell atm
>no body hair
Low test
lolz i shave it off every 2 days
You lacked biotin which is good for skin health and now your levels are higher due to eating more eggs.
Nice cuts man
ty ty my dude
it's young potato
extremist and purists can suck my morning shit like a cock
get off my board you sore losers. no amount of dieting or lifting will fix your screwed up autistic ass
I'm not an alchemist🙁
Based and healthpilled