No smiley
>inb4 everyone overdoses on their own farts
The complete Sherlock Holmes collection by Doyle is pretty good read. Count of Monte Cristo is based. Art of war is fucking boring desu. Army field manuals are always a fun educating read. 20th century combat doctrines are always entertaining. Read siege.
Trying to read the sound and the fury but I'm stuck on pg 20
I am reading Istanbul: a tale of three cities. I like it so far
This. The one April Fools joke I actually enjoyed and thought would be an improvement. Nothing but helpful, inquisitive and respectful threads in the catalogue. /lit/boys asking for the purpose of deadlifts, Jow Forumsizens asking for recommended books on growing a better character, it was great.
And to imagine the seething rage of Jow Forums when they were united with /mlp/... They overspilled into all other boards ranting and whining, while I would have been happy to keep /fitlit/ forever and was sad to see it go.
What am I in for lads?
The Art of War is like 4 paragraphs long, you don't have time to get bored.š“
>Not /bizfit/ master race
Redpill me on Bronson's book
an epic adventure
Bin ich hier richtig in Karl EssĀ“s Buchklub?
t. scorelet
i must say that translating it into english kinda ruins the whole thing, it's still a good depiction of history and morals of pre-renaissance europe
>the seething rage of Jow Forums when they were united with /mlp/
They actually found common ground in /mlpol/ proper
It was a haunting revelation
They were both defining themselves by their abnormal obsession over a subject that is completely detached from reality and being obnoxiously loud about it for the sole purpose of belonging to a community? Yeah I can see that.
I'm fluent in Spanish and reading the original I can understand about half of the words. It's probably not enough to read directly though.
Nah, /mlp/ bros were pretty redpilled they realized the complete lack of empathy that other races show towards animals, particularly horses.
>pretty redpilled
Ah ha.
Go back to Jow Forums.
/mlpol/ started out as a chaotic mess, but they made peace at some point. They apparently have made their own image board after /mlpol/ and /qa/(which they invaded iirc) got frozen temporary.
>Time to sperg out at a common phrase used all the time on 4chin, it must have been said by Jow Forums
Bro, we get it. But just because this place has upvotes now, doesnāt mean itās le epic reddit now. You can go back now.
Haven't read purgatorio or paradiso, but I have to say inferno seems mostly interesting for a traditional/classical depiction of hell. I think a lot of the value/impressiveness of the poetry gets lost in translation.
Nein, der ist nebenan. Sorry.
Aah yes, Tod Korsonski
anyone here read Sun and Steel?
>it's been two years since I last went on /fitlit/
I've done nothing with my life since
New friends aren't going to understand it
Better version
Are you fucking retarded or is this just fucking retarded bait?
>art of war boring
where to find this book? only place ive seen it for sale was pricey as fuck
As for me, just finished the Path of Cinnabar by Julius Evola. Going to start Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted K tonight.
>it's been two years since I last went on /fitlit/
>two years
No. That can't be right... has is been the year before last year's April 1st? Are you sure? It can't be. I barely got out of my chair in this time.
last year was the teams, so yeah it was two years ago
I am not even kidding this isn't like a bit or something, I literally lost a year counting just now that I can't recall.
I think I had sex a couple times since /fitlit/, but I can't remember much else other than work. Holt shit. Christ where has my life gone. Where did my GAINS GO?! I stopped lifting consistently due to injuries so I lost weight and look much less builtfat and going back into skinnyfat teritorry. I should have had a gf now. What am I still doing on Jow Forums, or even Jow Forums for that matter.
God. I need to lay down this was actually kind of shocking.
Get it together man
>no Jow Forums SO to carry me around while I read to him
This thread is all I got.
Love Mishima so I may be biased. It was a fairly dense and full of some of his stranger elucidations but very much worth the read. It's ridiculously overpriced online right now so go for the ebook/pdf if possible. If you can't find it I can upload my scans too.
>I am one who has always been interested only in the edges of the body and the spirit, the outlying regions of the body and the outlying regions of the spirit. The depths hold no interest for me; I leave them to others, for they are shallow, commonplace. What is there, then, at the outer most edge? Nothing, perhaps, save a few ribbons, dangling down into the void.
>when Sancho Panza cries to Don Quixote to venture out on one last adventure
>Army field manuals are always a fun educating read.
mein neggar
Did someone say /lit/?
>Babby's first Latin
>Military field manuals (metric fuckton more of everything in the previous subarchives)
>Implying we aren't everywhere
You obviously didn't see what happened. Jow Forums made Bronies into fascists who wanted to gas their own versions of bad guys/ minorities. If anything, Jow Forums misses the group up. They produced tons of fascist mlp memes.
bring back /fur/š·
I regularly day dream about going back in time and impressing my high school English teachers with my supreme /lit/ knowledge
What is fitlit about? Mindlessly quoting others because they sound smart? Reading philosophy and upholding it as fact?
it's incredible but takes a couple reads
one of the opening passages
>If my self was my dwelling, then my body resembled an orchard that surrounded it. I couldeither cultivate that orchard to its capacity or leave it for the weeds to run riot in.
it is pricey online but for me the price was worth it, you can just google sun and steel and find a pdf to read on pc or print out though
it's overrated af, it's like a common sense 101 class in a funny ancient chinese way.
Still enjoyed it, but I can understand how one can find it boring
lit is the dumbest board on Jow Forums lol
Spanish and Italian are both romantic languages so words are similar
/fitlit/ was peak april fools. post books ur reading rn, bros
The only boards Jow Forums should be combined with are the other containment boards like /lgbt/, /b/, /trash/ and Jow Forums.
Start out with Romeo and Juliet
>/fitlit/ isnāt good enough, there needs to be a special one for MY ideology
>and heās taller than /fitlit/
>and his brain is swolen like genius wojak
>and heās all veiny with confederate tattoos
>and no shirt so his tattoos trigger the libs!
>and combat boots because heās badass!
>and different eyebrow for some reason
>and he says āniggers!ā
Dante shittalks everyone who ever wronged him, then boredom
Welcome to Jow Forums, you're here forever
You had to be there
Reading blood Meridian
Gonna buy the Golden thread by Serrano soon
Just imagine tfwnogf + bad taste in books + SS/gomad
Just finished The Brothers Karamazov yesterday. That was a true test for my dumb ass. Took me forever. Started Ascent of Man this morning, about 60 pgs. in.
None of those tattoos are confederate you braincelet
cool bro, thanks for the advice, I'll try to find an e version somewhere.
I really like that quote too...reminds me of Nietsche talking about the abyss and about Johnathan Bowden talking about always being interested in the 'extreme'. As I recall Bowden talks about finding the real truth by visualizing a circle, where the shallow commonplace lies are on the inside and the truth only lies on the edges of the circle aka the extreme outermost part of the circle. Because according to Bowden the truth and real reality lies in the fringes of our thoughts or aka the outer edge of the circle. I say this because it seems Mishima is getting at the same thing with that quote. Idk I could be wrong and probably butchered what Bowden was trying to say but it made me start thinking.
Bro, pol didn't change /mlp one iota. The "based and redpilled" bronies were already /pol users. /MLP has had polshit for years, there's even a white nazi pone named Aryanne which is quite popular there. /POL didn't gloriously convert swaths of heathen bronies, rather, they were already similar enough to be compatible
Was just about to make this thread, glad to see I'm not too late. I want to learn more about Muscular Christianity, what are some good books to help?
I bought a version that comes with Machiavelli's The Prince immediately after, gonna start it after I get back from the gym today.
Me on the right
The only people that spilled over were the redditor parasites that couldn't handle the sight of horsepussy
Real Jow Forums anons finally got peace and quiet, away from the shillbots and blightful invaders
>all this historic revisionism
/jp/ were the ones that invaded and conquered /qa/
Get your fucking facts straight you twat
Go back, go back, you have to go the right fuck back
And for the love of god, STAY THERE
You cunts are a menace