I mean even a 747 looks small in grand canyon. I'm currently 175lbs rocking an average member of about 6.5 inches at full mass and my lifting bro is telling me to push for 190lbs. Since everything is based on proportions, wouldn't it look dumb as fuck being a 510 manlet with an average member? Right now I'm looking cut and it looks normal, but being 190lbs could make my dick look much smaller in comparison to my body. How do you jacked bros with average members handle your situation and how does it specifically handle your dating life?
Any reason to get jacked when you're average?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hungary isn't listed
The Jew fears the Hung-Aryan
>6.5 inches
Look at your picture, black man. Just lift and move to Laos.
Oh, and the dirty secret- girth is much more important. I'm 6.5x6.5. It's like a Pepsi can.
Also 6.5 How is the world filled w dicklets?
I'm 5'4 too wtf?.
protip: The african ones are self-reported
Blacks are ~5.5" on average, the only actual correlation to penis size is height, but it's insignificant
ya but thats 6.5 inches erect, when i'm not erect its like a 2 inch penor pecker. My girth is also average I'd say about the girth of a medium sized banana. basically I'd have to constantly have a boner when I have a girl over just to ensure that my body looks proportionate.
6'' here
Wanna make girls cum easily? Go doggy and take all your anger on her ass, she will cum and be destroyed after, literally fuck her like a fucking rabbit and keep going, grab her hair, and even choke her, and smack her ass hard
ty free sex advice, ask if you want more
Girls do know that penises get soft user
how much powers with the smacks? We talking like a light little pop or we talking the way a nigger beats his chick smack?
Yes but the rest of my question is, wouldn't it look way smaller if I finally hit 190lbs? 190 is jacked as fuck for a 5'10" guy and it may make my penis looks micro sized is my fear
What the fuck is an inch?
Try to find a mid-point. Also when grabbing hair- grab at the skull and not the ends. And when choking, don't actually choke, but restrain. That provokes the same evolutionary reaction.
And for the love of god never, ever do that to a bipolar chick with daddy issues. That's how you get stabbed.
Girls don't care about how your dick looks in proportion to the rest of your body. If you have a nice dick they will be able to tell when they hold it and when it's inside of them.
You're worrying about nothing.
T. older chad.
not a light smack, a hard one stable one, remember you are a man and she gets off by you showing her your strength
of course dont hit her with all your power, you just gonna make her cry or something, but be serious about it
>tfw 8 x 6 dick
>tfw congo average
Fuck you gains goblin.
Fuck these “is there any point to lifting if” threads.
People go here to improve themselves, to get stronger and to look better and you know what? It works. Being fit improves your physical appearance, it might not make you a 10 but it’ll sure make you an 8 with proper hygiene and fashion. Your just a sad man trying to take that from people trying to improve themselves. If you want to join us in being better than your former self than stay. If you want to steal my gains and discourage people from bettering themselves then go fuck off to r9k.
im a spic with a 4in peepee you're fine
How do you pull the bitches back to your palce in the first place? do you tend to take the more direct approach when you first meet her saying you wanna fuck or do you do the befriending thing and work your way to the bed?
>tfw 6" and pencil dicked
hold me brehs
CHill the fuck out bro, I'm 175lb and came from 140lbs so I'm all about self improving. We're simply talking dick size and body proportions here. If youre good in that department than congrats but don't light me up for asking a genuine question.
This is fucking stupid. Just go deep, stay deep, and rock with her a bit. Your pelvis should massage her clit that way and the psychological aspect of being "full" is hot to her. Full strokes feel better for you than her, so it's best to start with them and then finish with them after she's cum.
Some girls do like what you're describing, though, so don't get me wrong.
Also, the choking thing isn't an evolutionary response. Part of it is psychological, but the physiological aspect of constricting blood flow is why it feels good. That's why you squeeze the sides and leave her windpipe untouched. It's the same reason guys hang themselves and beat off.
First of all stop thinking about them as 'bitches', you're not a nigger so don't act like one.
Second, no, you should always position yourself as a person that's interested in them. Friendzone is a thing and if you treat a woman as a friend, that's where you're going, bucko.
>tfw white but nearly Congo sized
You mean if you are out clubbing etc? Its simple, you approached her, you talked with her, separate her from all the noise and friends, go a quite place, sit down talk bla bla bla, randomly say lets go home and drink more, either she says yes lets go or no
Or tease her with you got something you wanna show her at your house, like "oh you should see the view of my balcony"
but dont go balconybrah on her tho
Or you mean when you out with her on a date?
It's so not about constricting the blood flow. My god, man, it's evolutionary. Literally the same mechanism as this. That's why bondage is a thing.
Fucking hell, restricting the blood flow? The fuck is the matter with you? You David Carradine-esque motherfucker.
>" you're not a nigger"
I don't mean club cause I don't go out to party too often as I tend to kill my gains that way. Just in general through out your day. Honestly my place currently isn't the hottest pad out there as I just finished college but soon enough I'll be moving out once I get a real job. As of now, I don't have a balcony to game on.
Yeah, I'm actually active in BDSM and do shibari. I have a sub that enjoys hard choking (airway blockage, face turning blue, aggressive throat fucking, using a leash, etc.), but that's rare. That's the "domination" aspect you're referring to.
Most girls just want/need a light constrictive force on the sides of the neck, slightly hindering both carotids. This leads to a pleasant sensation when combined with sexual stimulation.
Look dude, do whatever you want; I'm just letting you know how to get the most out of a vanilla chick and make her think you're the best lay she's had.
Your issue isn't height or dick size. It's your insecurity. Get a grip (heh) on life.
Oh then nevermind, go beat her with a cast iron, the fuck do I know.
>northern europeans have the highest actually measured average
oh no no no, blackedposters on suicide watch
Some Jow Forums dicks, before everyone became larpers.
Love me some shibari.Caught a show with Goldie Sunshine and Nawasabi a few months back, it was quite cool.
Okay, fuck it, you've convinced me, I'll give it a try.
If I ever get the chance, which I fucking won't.
zoy vey this is a blue board
gonna need a pic for reference
Okay i get you
Easiest way to get a girl in your house, is to do shit in your house. Not all girls want netflix and chill etc with everyone, they want to do something, get to know you before they fuck
Invite them over to cook with them, its the most boring shit ever honestly, but you stand there, cut stupid meme food up while talking about stuff, its a great way to talk while not being awkward cuz most girls are autismo
If its out on a date in public, its same shit as before, mention you wanna show her something at your house, or tell her lets drink/play a game at yours
Dont go too obvious, if you talking about something like dogs, go "i actually got a cute dog at home, wanna see?" or other retarded shit
just a random question my nigga
why you got saved up Jow Forums dicks?
This is not /soc/. And my dick is easily identified by a cute freckle. I was also lying.
so how long is it really
For science purposes, no homo
Go for it, dude. It's gentler and feels much better. You can always go harder if they want it. I forget the exact mechanism that makes cutting blood to the brain feel good during sex, but it's there. You usually don't want the airway to be touched. As always, you can just ask her. Once girls know you're not going to judge them, they'll tell you all sorts of kinky shit.
And shows are cool as hell. My ex took all my rope, so I've been using literal ties and dog leashes for the really kinky sub. Girl I'm starting to date is much more mellow, so I don't think I'll need any for a bit.
Still 6.5. I might've added a half inch to the girth, since a Pepsi can is exactly 6.7 inches in circumference.
Yeah. I went to the last show alone and stood there like a retard when at the end they suggested couples give it a try in the communal space. I'm definitely bringing a date to the next one.
I have 6,299 dick so we almost the same, give us more knowledge user
What you wanna know bruh?
Give me some tips, I only fucked two chicks and I tend to be a beta cuck fucker that kisses a lot etc
>tfw 6x6 thicc boi
Feels good
Stuffing your tongue down a girls mouth while you're fucking her deeply is not beta.
>tfw penis is bigger than the highest average in the world
Feels good man. I have many problems but at least I've got a nice banana to whip out proudly in front of sloots.
try biting and nibbling instead. What I like to do is while fucking doggy and want a little rest, grab em by the hair and pull them back but not too hard that hurting her and bring her in close while you're still holding it deep inside and give her a solid bite on the neck. Obviously not insanely hard as you can hurt her but you want her to feel a little pressure. Just use your head and find the magic spot, it's not too hard at all honestly.
How do I kiss?
So basically a whole sex shit and how to start etc?
Gonna be a bit long but okay
Lets say you in that scenario where you eat with girl, everything is fine, now you start to kiss on bed.
First you kiss slowly for a few min, then you gotta speed it up and now you get more aggressive, kiss more aggressively
Use your hands, grab her neck while kissing, grab her from back of her head, grab her hair, use firm strong hands to do this, but dont hurt her or anything, all this while you kissing her
After more min of that shit, you kiss her neck, lick/kiss her body, thighs etc, basically kiss/lick everything from neck to knee, if you into feet do that (i dont know how thots react since i haven't done that shit before)
Now she is sparkling, she should be 80% wet
Now you gotta use your hands again, grab her inner thigh while kissing again, grab hard, grab her ass, her waist, grab that shit like you mean it, now go back to thighs grabbing and after a while put hard around pussy
Keep hands around her pussy but dont go in, pussy fingers against her, basically tease her, after that you stick one finger to check the amount of wetness, is it wet wet, like soaking wet, you start with g point, slowly stick two fingers and finger her basically, do all this while kissing
After a while she will grab your dick, and now you let her grab your dick, if she did grab your dick before you fingering her, remove her hands
After she grabs your dick you go in
Remember you control everything
Okay long story but this is foreplay, let me know if you want more about sex position or something
also screenshot this faggots
just kiss your hand and practice, im great kisser because of this shit
also met freaky thots who kissed like gods
I'm just scared of kissing for the first time and revealing my power level. I'm too old to have no idea what I'm doing.
its same thing as kissing your arm, the only difference is that there is some tempo and dancing you just follow when kissing
I'm so gonna fuck it up even if I get a chance. God dammit, I should just become a monk.
>mfw bigger than the global average
We replied about how to foreplay and how to sex, but where to meet womens when you are past 25
I'm sure there were some cuck, swing, or voyeur couples that would've let you in, but yeah, bringing a date is the way to go.
I always get tired after eating and have to fart and shit
Measured last night.
I have measured 6.3 before. I was maybe 7 kg lighter at that time and could have been 7kg lighter than that.
Apparently your size can also vary with your T levels. If you lost your nuts you'd shrink right down unless you were getting replacement therapy.
You are thinking too much. No, you’re not supposed to know exactly what’s gonna happen, you just go with the flow. Following all the signals to get there is the hard part, but once you’re there you don’t have to think.
how do i measure my penis properly?
Was wondering the same thing. If I measure from the base on the underside (dick on top of ruler), I get 7” erect, if I measure from the upside of the base (ruler over dick), I get 6.5”ish. Do I use the average and say 6.7” or is that just autistic?
Shits fucked brehs.
I'm 5'11 and have a 7 inch.
My shit still looks like a fucking cashew when flacid.
6'5" dude, 220lbs with a 5" dick here
just let a truck hit me frontal hahaha
7” is more than enough, unless you got a skinny ass pencil dick. I get pretty much the same thing about being a grower, I don’t think any woman will complain as long as you can keep a boner.
flaccid about 2" btw LMAO
Actually the audience seemed really vanilla. Lots of goth-looking preppy guys and clearly their gf's dressed up in stuff from the local sex shop.
>kiss/lick everything from neck to knee
>from neck to feet
The method used in literally any actual medical study is 90 degrees on top while standing up (sitting can also add length)
oh and my depression causes me having a hard time getting it hard
Seven is literally above average. White guys are legitimately mostly around six.
You have been brainwashed by porn into thinking you need a pringles can cock when there's half a dozen other things that please women that you could probably improve but ignore completely.
Like, how many irl friends do you even have? Girls are more attracted to men who have a crew.
Same height, same size same cashew problem. I feel you bro
I measure from my butthole to the tip for best result
>above every average
Both matter. You're just rationalizing your barely above average length.
Jesus christ. Why do men take advice about what women want from other men. This is the same kind of shit you guys get pissed about when women write articles about what men want. Just ask her what she likes or gauge her reactions to different things while you're fucking. People are different and like different things. My last gf liked being slapped in the face, smacked crazy hard on the ass, but hated any other kind of pain. Current gf doesn't care for any kind of slapping but loves when I grab her thighs or tits really hard. Also, if you can fuck for more than like 5 minutes without coming it almost doesn't matter what you do. Guarantee if you pound her for 15 minutes straight she'll orgasm.
i will stick my dick in your mother butthole for best results
>People are different and like different things
not really, we are humans, all of us, doing x-shit to any body will results into x-reaction, its nature
>he thinks you should ask women what women want and not men
What the fuck? Dude; where did you even come from? Reddit is more woke than this.
There is no such thing as a friendzone. Either you are attractive, or you are not. Full stop.
Even if you treat somebody as a friend, if you keep being sexually attractive and doing attractive things, you will continue to be attractive to your "friend", personal tastes aside. They may deny it. They may try to stifle it. And there's nothing wrong with ignoring a desire that isn't meant to be or could lead to disastrous consequences. But in the back of their mind, it will be there, and it's not going away until you stop being attractive.
You shouldn't worry about being friendzoned by somebody who you find attractive but also enjoy spending time with. To be honest, those make for the best FWBs. And if you two are long-term compatible, then you can escalate that into a relationship. Having a few sexy female friends who you respect, hang out with, but also fuck on a regular basis beats the hell out of pumping and dumping hundreds of vapid, STD-ridden sluts.
What if my dick doesn’t rest at 90*? It pretty much always sticks up at a 45* angle while standing
Slapping a girl in the face who does not like being slapped in the face is not gonna magically make her cum. Most people can't last for very long so you have to know what turns them on cause you're probably not gonna make her cum from vaginal stimulation alone. That being said, like choking, ass slapping, and hair pulling are generally safe.
then off yourself cause you're fucked
Wait 7inches is big?? Shit man I always felt small.
This. Friendzone is not a thing. If you think you're stuck in it, it's because you're interested and she's not. Either be okay with being friends or find someone else to fuck. She never saw you as someone she wanted to fuck. That didn't just happen because you were friendly with her.
>pound her for 15 minutes straight she'll orgasm
This is actually a really long time to pound hard and fast without interruption
Yea it is. We fuck everyday so I built a sort of tolerance to the stimulation.
because women will rarely if ever be honest about what they actually want even in an anonymous setting, whereas men can relay what they've experienced what women they've been with have enjoyed more honestly and concisely.
stop watching porn then
>tfw 6" dick
>every woman says "you have a really nice cock"
>he fell for the size matters meme
>tfw global average while flaccid
Every girl I've asked has been 100% honest with what they like during sex. Maybe they just don't like fucking you that much.
Hold it straight then, the important part is that the ruler isn't held at an angle.
I'm 7x6 and I haven't been with a guy who could take me balls deep so dick size is really over rated
I'm gay and have an innate, genuine distrust for women.