Starting boxing lessons in a week or so with no experience in sports whatsoever. What should I do to prepare...

Starting boxing lessons in a week or so with no experience in sports whatsoever. What should I do to prepare? How fucked am I?

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have fun with parkinsens retard

If you have shit cardio, you're going to have a bad time.

you can't prepare for boxing
it sucks the first two/three weeks but doing it and puking and keeping on doing it will see you through

what a retard comment lmao

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>no experience
>a week
heh heh

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

It's all what you make of it. You probably won't be sparring for the first week. It will mostly be setting a benchmark and conditioning.
To prepare? Cardio cardio cardio


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Why do I need cardio? For stamina I assume? Any recommended cardio other than running or is running the best option?

>Why do I need cardio?
you'll know when you puke your guts out
rope skipping is also useful

>puke your guys out
W-What? How does that happen? I have a fetish for puking if that helps.
>rope skipping is also useful

boxing made me more strategic. there is a certain element normies that have never boxed don't have. They are not able to plan and schedule as great. You learn the best strategic life skills when if you are evading and delivering with great rhythm and execution. For example, I don't expect any normie /fit virgins to understand until they put on the gloves and prepare for delivering while defending.

Shit user you’ve already got it

what do u need to prepare for man?Its your first week u gotta learn punching u do light sparring and after enought time u do serious stuff.U need a lotta stamina to endure in the ring so cardio

Prepare to have fun. First months will be conditioning, learning technique (punching, moving, dodging). Months will pass before your first sparring.

Also if you tell you to spar after a few lessons, get the fuck out, it's McDojo.

Prepare to get knocked out

Beginner boxing lessons is literally all about having fun and conditioning your mind for discipline
You'll learn footwork and so on
Don't overthink it breh

When your sparring partner is a woman, just assume that she didn't listen to any of the instructions for sparring
You have to listen to all of the instructions yourself and guide the vagina creature

>When your sparring partner is a woman
What kind of gym does that shit? The difference in speed and power between the sexes is abominable. I’m sure a man would end up knocking a girl out if he’s not EXTREMELY careful to the point of rendering the whole exercise moot.

> you will learn about boxing stance ortodox or southpaw. If ur right handed its usually orthodox. Meaning having your righthand(powerhand) at back while front your left.
> or pickcwhatever stance is suitable for you. There is also right handed southpaws etc etc
> kearn proper punching technique turning hip and left for every punch, stepping into jbs.
> movement while maintaining proper boxing stance ( no crossing feet)
> get sore af shoulders from jabbing the heavy bag a lot
> once you get into sparring, overclming the fear of getting punched in the face( avoid closing eyes or letting a light jab pop ur head back leaving chin exposed)
>stay cool chin down ALWAYS hands up ALWAYS and play ur game feints jab move etc
> moving head while punching (harder to be hit)
>dont obly headhunt mix it up body head or head body etc
> most of all have fun and you will leaen bunch of useful stuff like pivoting, priper hooks, blocking, parrying etc

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Better start jumping rope.

If you can't control your power when sparring, then you shouldn't be sparring.

Light sparring is not going to knock anyone out.

>tfw they will never use your testicles as a speedbag

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Ball busting is for faggots