What’s your favorite album to work out to. pic related

What’s your favorite album to work out to. pic related

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I normaly just work out without music, working out for me is more like a ritual than a routine, i like the sound of the cars and the wind around me so go for that. Nice taste there tho

No better album

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Awakened - AILD

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underated band

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based af

Just anime music in general. Or vocaloid, like Hatsune Miku and stuff


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Absolutely, undeniably, based.

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Yeah....they have that one good song

Storm of the Light's Bane is my go-to. But it's just one of many.

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I'll go with something more mainstream, but still amazing

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Top 5 Metal Album Here desu

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Based. Heres my latest fave

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Also the newest Whitechapel album is FUCKING SPECTACULAR.

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I been listening to more techno and electronic stuff. Usually listen to metal and punk, but ya gotta try new things every so often.
The best lifting albums around. Riffs on riffs

Bang those Memphis junts

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Not this album but Backbone is great lifting song by them


Goddamn I love some bolt thrower


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People are loving their new album but it didn’t do much for me. I get what they were doing and it was by no means bad music, it was just so unremarkable. I feel like I may need to listen through again cause I seem to be missing something.

good taste but I can't work out to them. It doesn't suit the working out theme
edgy trash

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all of these are based as fuck

also Laugh Tracks/Pop Culture by Knocked Loose


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damn Jow Forums has some very based tastes in metal i see


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Been bumping to melodic death metal lately, I really enjoy late 90's/early 2000's In Flames and Dark Tranquility, especially this Album, Clayman, and Character from Dark Tranquility. Ordinary Story, Insipid 2000, Pinball Map, and Suburban Me are some really great tracks.

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I get Jow Forums to constant reminders of my withering mortality.

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God damn, this thread is full of killer fucking albums. You guys are top lads.

I want to like King Gizzard, but I only really dig a few of their

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Nice choice, broski.

Sometimes they get a bit repeatative. DESU I wish they would go back to doing Quarters! type stuff.

Murlocs are better imo

They have some good tunes for sure. It's good to throw on in the background for D&D, though.
I usually put on The Lightning Lord vs Balrog during the first battle of the session.

You sound like a total bro, I wish I could find someone to play DnD with. Mort Garson is excellent for that.

Unfortunately, I loathed that whole album.

No homo, but if you are for some reason in the Seattle area, you are more than welcome to come roll some dice.

Tucson :,)
Thanks, though.


Anytime, brocep.
Best of luck to you in terms of gains and finding a gaming group. There are more people like you than you realize. Take a look at this thread for example. I'm sure most of us are very similar. We just keep to ourselves or hide our power levels in public.

Also, if you want to add me on Discord or Steam, gimme your details. Always up for connecting with like-minded bros.

Pls no dox
I am never online

Invite sent. Feel free to delete post.

Sorry homos, i only listen to real music

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good shit fellas

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Long ago I wondered through my mind
In the land of fairy tales and stories
Lost in happiness I felt no fear
Innocence and love was all I knew

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Heads you get jacked and make it
Tails the feds come to your house and you go to prisonCoin Flip: Tails

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based ma digits

One of the best DM albums ever.
I enjoy lifting to gateways more. Either way, based.
This band is my guilty pleasure. Too bad the old drummer left, his playing was tight af.

I've been getting back into Aborted recently, they really stepped their game up with the last couple of albums.


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Fuck yeah user. Pic related

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just listened to this, its bretty baste

Not my all time favorite but Punk > Metal

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why is Jow Forums so obsessed with the shitty kind of metal?

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post what you consider good

Death metal would be my go to most of the time. Slayer is excellent workout music aswell. Pic related is probably my favourite workout album.

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I’m sorry but as someone who loved Bolzer up until the this album it is pure trash. The vocals are just disgusting. They completely changed the sound they had developed on their EPs and Demos in the worst way possible.

Patrician taste coming through

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Based and redpilled

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Das it mane


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Based morbid angel quads.

Fuck yeah, this album is amazing.

I feel weird for this but I love listening to pic related while riding my bike or going for a run.

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Brings me back to my childhood. My dad is a major Sabbath fan.

As for me lately, I'm listening to some funny metal while lifting. Shame the 3rd album is so weak, though.

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If you guys want an awesome playlist, check this out. I’ve automatically used it as my workout music for a year or so

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Fuck yeah. Just got tickets to see them at Psycho festival in Vegas this summer

Pretty good, but to be honest I prefer To The Gory end


Jow Forums has the worst taste in music and fashion next ro /v/

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I love listening to slow ass shit that just explodes at some times, stuff like this or Isis, another album that's like this but non-metal is Slint's Spiderland

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Basically the whole DOOM ost

Why can't I get into death metal, Bros? To me it just sounds like a joke that isn't funny.

Am I too old?


The late 90s and early 00s truly had some of the best music.
Whoracle, Colony, Clayman from In Flames
The Gallery, The Minds I, Projector from Dark Tranquility
Predators Portair and Natural Born Chaos from Soilwork.

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You chose wisely.


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ultra based

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When you first listen to it, ignore the vocals completely, pretend like they don't exist. You'll soon notice how excellent the drums are, and how wicked the riffs sound. You'll start to really enjoy the instrumental, and eventually discover that the cookie monster vocals actually go well with the music, and that clean vocals would be no bueno for it.

hell yeah


>five finger death punch
Thats a hard fucking pass

you're either under 20 years old and still discovering your tastes or a 30 year old boomer who has never explored anything outside of pf and 70s jock rock and, when hearing something different, rejects and cant understand it.

pink floyd is great when you first hear it, and was undoubtedly groundbreaking when it first came out but there is so much better and varied music available that I have difficulty believing someone would listen to this album while working out.

This band has went to shit fast since she left

Listen to eaten by bloodbath that is the song that got me into death metal

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