What do you hope to achieve with nofap? what is the "win" condition?
What do you hope to achieve with nofap? what is the "win" condition?
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It makes you more confident with girls.
Obviously there's no point in going nofap if you never talk to girls in the first place.
prevent wasting my life in mediocrity because my brain tricked me into thinking my unhealthy habit wasn't actually hindering my ambitions and making me age faster.
It was, fapping is poison for the human body.
I've accomplished more in two years of nofap than I did my whole life.
after I realized that my masturbation habit was causing my lethargy and depression I can never ever go back to that habit.
pic related: just one fap lowers your dopamine levels and raises prolactin for up to two weeks.
that's two weeks of feeling less energy, less ambition, less aggression. Two weeks wasted
>doing nofap to get girls
never gonna make it.
Although nofap does make you more attractive to women, you still lose benefits from ejaculation during sex.
"I could have conquered all of Europe, but I had women in my life."
Is this true?
yes and fapping causes a massive spike in DHT.
if you are genetically prone to DHT sensitivity, high DHT levels can trigger hair loss and sometimes even mental disorders.
So if you're unlucky, your genetics will punish masturbation with hair loss, paranoia, anxiety, etc.
DHT isn't harmful for some men, but most men are sensitive to it's effects and should do their best to avoid things that trigger DHT bursts.
someone redpill me on why this is wrong
I fap ALOT and have all these problems..
DHT and prolactin kill your gains and give you bitch tits and can trigger hair loss in some men very early on in their lives.
start lowering your DHT and prolactin levels user.
No porn, no fapping, no thinking about sex.
Cardio 3-5 times a week.
25-50mg of zinc daily (important.)
When you ejaculate you technivally send signals to your brain that say:"this organism has sucessfully reproduced,you guys can chill now"It reduces testosterone levels and gives other lifelong secundary symptims that have not been strictly calculated.The "fap everyday" kinda of people are a modern age thing,back then people were actually pretty scared of masturbating
A healthier and non-warped mindset towards women and intimacy. Fixing my ED too.
I don't know. I stopped fapping a long time ago and started talking with girls more. Relapsed a couple of times and felt shit.
Now I don't even ejaculate when I fuck my GF because I'm scared it will make me feel shit. Good thing I can last for ~1 hour straight and enjoy the fuck out of the process.
based existential trips of questioning
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Freedom from Rabbi Goldstein😃
I want to hold the hand of a girl one day, i want this more than anything, more than sex. Guess I'm just getting old huh? haha
DHT protects against gyno as it binds to both aromatase and the estrogen receptor.
Bodybuilders use DHT like drugs such as proviron and masteron to reduce estrogen bloat and dry out.
Masteron was originally clinically used to treat breast cancer in women as it blocks estrogen at the nipple very well. But since then better drugs such as nolvadex have been developed.
Many guys who take finasteride complain of gyno as the finasteride lowers DHT too much.
i actually have higher testosterone days after i fap. and i feel more calm. when i don't fap i feel on edge.
it's not wrong, but the effects are minimal. if it were really that bad, then everyone who's had sex would be walking around not wanting to have sex
I miss American-made American Apparel.
I even miss American Apparel thots.
I'm getting old, bois.
win condition
30 days, 60 days, 90 days
Exerting total control over my sex drive. I become a desperate man when I'm horny, and it makes me either depressed or leads me into bad spots with dodging psycho cunts. I wish to be free of sexuality, and since I can't do that without compromising my ability to make gains, then I must sternly control it
Lowering prolactin too much is bad for testosterone production as prolactin sensitizes the testosterone producing leydig cells of the testes to lutenizing hormone. There are many studies on this.
Recently I saw a post on a men's health forum of a guy who had prolactin at the top of the range in a blood test. He then started experimenting with the prolactin lowering drug cabergoline to lower prolactin. The blood test after showed prolactin at the bottom of the range but his testosterone had halved. He couldn't figure out why.
Anecdotally I have noticed that after my weekly fap on Sunday night that on Monday morning my morning boner tends to be harder and longer lasting. Possibly the prolactin surge resensitized by balls and test goes up.
I've also seen studies on men with erectile dysfunction to the point that they are on involuntary nofap due to not being able to achieve an erection at all. When they were given drugs so that they could orgasm on a more regular basis, their testosterone went up significantly.
Nofap is for losers who don't have anything good going for them so they base their satisfaction at achieving something meaningless.
They are only hurting themselves, so as long as they don't go around preaching their bullshit they better be left alone to their sad existence.
Someone post the no fap guy levitating and using telekinesis
Optimal fapping for test is once a week. Nofappers think it's better if you never fap. They're both retarded as it changes your biochemistry to a minimal degree which then comes back to normal quickly. Nofap is probably only beneficial to people who are addicted to porn and fap many times a day. In that case, it's just quitting an addiction.
There are really people so genetically inferior that they lose hair because they fap?
Gains. Every faggot in NoFap that says it'll make you better with women is already a lost cause. If you unironically listen to people like Elisha Long or Captain Sinbad girls don't reject you because of how "beta" you are. FFS I nerded out to my gf about fucking Linux and she ate my ass that same night. They reject you because you're a massive jackhammer tool that can be smelled and heard a mile away. Learn to hold a conversation, how to have genuine interest in people, and set some goddamn standards.
As for the gains, I've been at 490 T for the longest time. I was jacking off every night and only hitting certain weights before I had to deload and start again. Diet and sleep was on point but nothing. Jacking off releases prolactin, a feminine substance that is commonly found in breast milk production that tells your body to stop absorbing T. Now imagine you're jacking off every night or 2x a day. Shit's fried.
Except actual physical sex releases dopamine and a massive surge of test due to the physical contact you have with another person. Almost like a counter-balance
its pretty great
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
To not feel like shit and actually approach women. To have normal T levels and not be depressed. More time to do the things that matter.
Can’t find the source, but I read somewhere that this is only relevant after you become middle age (40+)
damn emma is a fine bitch, didn't notice that✔️
Emma is a fine lady and not a bitch, please delete your post.
The more fappy, the more happy. The whole NoFap thing is just another pretext for people to act disdainful and reproachful towards people they don't respect to begin with. If you're being given the speech to begin with, it's because they think you are an incel who masturbates all the time. If they found out that you aren't an incel, then they'll say you're lying, you're "insecure, so you have something to prove", or they'll insult you by questioning what kind of girl could possibly want to have sex with you. If the guy is someone they're afraid of and it turns out he faps a lot, they'll back off the whole NoFap idea and look for some other excuse to peck at the males they don't respect.
Did Napoleon or Alexander say that?
The whole point of No-Fap is to save your dopamine receptors. Your brain is wired to reward you for the highest survival based objectives. Sex is at the top of this list, with food etc. So when you are sitting at home watching girls on your screen and fapping, your brain is releasing a load of dopamine because it thinks its a potential mate. When you give your dopamine receptors a rest " No fap, no porn" You start to feel more energy, more confident etc because your brain is rewarding you for smaller things you do in the day. A walk, fresh air yada yada etc.. It's pretty simple. If you do this along with lowering your internet intake, and social media etc you WILL feel much better because your dopamine receptors arent fried to shit. Most people age 20-25 have been doing this shit for 10 years everyday, so they are literally fucked dopamine wise. Thats why so many people feel anxiety, lack of motivation , fatigue etc.
I fap and/or fuck three times daily.
I also run a small business and am about to hit my first million, work out regularly.
Your argument is invalid.
I do NoFap because I ran out of porn. Nothing like a month of backlog to work through.
How are you supposed to keep up when in a relationship without fapping ?
Have her jerk you off?
You're not a celebrity, so you fail.
Brahmacharyas unite
>implying nofap means or does anything other than breaks your dick
>unhealthy habit
puritanical horseshit
>masturbation habit was causing my lethargy and depression
you weak cunt, i represented my country in sport, fucked all the way up to the trip overseas then had to whack it at least once a day just to keep my mind straight. Holy shit you people are fragile.
every nofap thread some stupid kike posts this unitless chart
kill yourself
t. takes three hours to achieve orgasm, then checks into ICU
See, you've got a fapping compulsion problem that you aren't facing
Restoring my dignity and sense of self-worth.
This. Nofap is literally sex addicts anonymous for total losers.
If you've ever met someone who swears by AA/NA, you've met a Nofapper. It's the exact same bullshit lines.
>being ALPHA and HIGH TEST
>makes me sex my wife and/or gf 3 times per day
>fapping twice a day
>causes low test, depression and loss of confidence
this shit is as dumb as Jews rule the world/Jews are essentially inferior, it rules itself out.
more like a dick that works, some of the cotton-wool babies on this board have actually said that sleeping naked helps their testosterone levels.
What next? Blinking too much depletes your gains? The insecurity is beyond pitiful.
Edit: Thanks for the likes
>I wish to be free of sexuality
the fuq
we're reaching levels of broscience never before seen!
You can't disprove it, you fucking pseudointellectual
Your hooknose can scratch my arsehole
So uhhhhh fap once a week
Welcome to reddit
A righteous and wholesome eternal companion
A clever and honest personality
Power over the body
A spirit of truth
Strength and motivation
>t. Day 418
How do you do that?
ass ass titties
What does your score need to be for skellyposting? I've just logged into my Jow Forums account for the first time since yesterday and all the perks have been added except the last two♨️
Look into non-ejaculatory orgasming. Its legit
thanks for sharing
Fapping once every two week is an optimal way if you don't have a gf and not planning to have one.
This way you will have release and prevent prostate cancer while also stay more focused and have more energy.
Change my mind.
how do you get a hat that big?
pls tell me how
he is a big boy, naturally a chad. user
Ascendancy to Ubermensch.
I am turning 30 in 2 weeks, living with my folks, no education, have had many, many jobs, all in the low-end of paygrade. Now I want to take action and become a man, I feel everytime I fap I am castrating myself and reverting to childhood escapism. Sure, many people function like normal adults whilst masturbating and playing videogames but somehow I am incapable of that, I need all the help I can get to grow the fuck up. So there you have it.
Do you have wet dreams? If you do, is it a reset, or do you carry on the count? My last fap was March 25th but the night before last I came buckets in my sleep, then nearly convinced myself to fap to hentai because I had already lost the seed, but I saw the snake in my mind and turned away from that terrible decision. I stay strong.
What a bunch of faggots all these no fappers are. Going around trying to justify their shit lives with something as trivial as fapping.
Been a hardcore fapper ever since I discovered that touching my peepee felt good. Gains couldn't be better, grades are doing good, got a gf, sex life is as satisfying as I wish it could be.
Stop being pathetic incels.
>the effects are minimal
The effects of skipping one workout and eating one chocolate bar are minimal. It's the cumulative effect of draining your balls over time.
I've got Multi-orgasmic Man downloaded on my Kindle. I'll look into it.
I've heard of it before, in The Way of the Superior Man, which I've read a long time ago and forgot.
I did nofap for 3 days and now i became hulk
Curing porn induced ED. That is all.
Post body
Notice how nofappers have no response to what you wrote.
No porn is legit.
No fap... Not so much.
Each to their own though. I only get annoyed when they want to claim that no fap is backed up by science.
Getting hard with real women.
Obtain the blood of the Divine Heir
I despise porn with a passion so i'm trying to eliminate it from my life
Pic or gtfo
i do not like this meme
someone post the pic of this guy being a failed bodybuilder faggot who did gay porn
>I could have conquered all of Europe, but I had women in my life
henry the second
fuck off with those garbage links. "plague of strength" we all know who you are, fucking loser