How does one acquire functional strength as opposed to gym strength?
How does one acquire functional strength as opposed to gym strength?
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I like big titties xD
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I like abs. Specifically cumming on them
I guess in your mind, the ability to use your muscles just simply disappears once you pass through the doors of the gym? Fuck off
fags, if heads you kys homoCoin Flip: Heads
Unironically do calisthenics, focus a lot on core strength.
what the hell is a core?
Flat is justice
>New Worlders call this thing "beach"
Look at that ominous depressing sky. Hell
Learn a martial art, do calisthenics.
'Functional strength' implies a purpose, what is the purpose for any strength you gain?
>that shit depth
Why bother squatting lmao1thot if you can't hit parallel
To be able to run out of the house quick enough so your wife's boyfriend doesn't kick your ass.
You should at least try to go 1/2/3/4 if you haven't already. It's probably better to focus on that before worrying about functional strength.
Fireman carrying a sub-150lb woman should come naturally to a man. I've carried my 200+ mother and I never even lift why can't you?
Work in a farm
Damn near any physical labor job. I got stronger loading and unloading furniture for a year but I wouldn't suggest it to anyone, pay sucked
It was just bad weather dumbass
I only make $16 working at a bank and I sit down all day doing nothing. Do you get paid more on a farm?
Use exercises most similar to day to day usage. Ex weighted stepups
I'd love to get into calisthenics, but have no idea where to begin. Anything you can suggest anons?
Reddit unironically
god I wish both of them were me
>Squatting 50-60kg with the depth of a puddle
When I got suspended from my gym I had no means of doing squats anymore so I had to squat my 65kg gf with slow ass negative reps. Squatting a person is a lot easier than it looks.
Seriously? I'll check it out then, thanks user. But any chance there's a book recommendation or some such?
Just start pushing yourself off of everything you see whenever you feel it is appropriate. Do one leg squats whenever you feel the need. If you're walking down the street and see a beam at pull up height, start doing some fucking pull ups.
how to i acquire those
>showscoring single digits
chad as fuck unironically
why are you trying to humblebrag about having a fat gf?
So, constant exercise whenever feasible and that's that? no need for a routine, rest days and such?
>Do you get paid more on a farm?
If you're worth a shit. But most farm work is pretty mechanised now, you'll spend more time with a skid loader than a shit shovel, if you catch my drift.
lift rocks
btw I cleaned up my form on this a lot today but didn't record it.
You feel it too don't you
If natty, they're basically one and the same
t. fucking homo
Become a mover
No, rest days are only important if you're trying to seriously be an athlete and training fairly beyond your physical limits in order to encourage faster adaptational growth.
If you're just doing bodyweight shit daily there's pretty much no reason to take a day off as long as you increase reps and difficulty gradually.
That could of been a sand rock and weigh nothing
holy fuck, did we seriously get a god damn like button?
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hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng dat ass
Aren't you afraid of fucking up your back? I watched someone lift full beer kegs today and I just winced.
There isn't a difference, really.
How does one acquire a gf?🐱
My mate and I do this trick all the time, he jumps on top of my shoulders and I squat him.
Just do all deadlifts
Important question being asked here
for me it was: have a good job and money
Go to the function instead of to the gymnasium, it's easy
Sounds a bit gay desu, but then again at least you have someone you're close enough with to do this
We are all gonna make it, I believe in you user.
Seeing those little girls in the webm and thinking about them one day becoming thots made me a little upset.
Rolled 28 (1d100)
why are you trying to make me hard?
I just finished fapping
It's Autoerotic Abstinence April, you barbarian!
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Why does this make my penis grow? Wtf why is my penis growing
>How does one acquire functional strength as opposed to gym strength?
Manual labor and/or wrestling. The former is more effective and you get paid for it.
convict conditioning was a good 100% novice routine for me.. it eases you into the exercises so you dont hurt yourself or burn out. it is a challenge but that is the main thing that bodyweight exercise and weightlifting in general is meant to be, finding your limits and then exceeding them. simple stuff like pushups, pullups, bridges, squats, lunges, planks all are a great place to start
ur sexually aroused
It's a dick pump, it won't last long
you're welcome Reigen
Fake rock