How's the cut going?
How's the cut going?
pic related
I fucked up in December but I'm back on track now.
Bad I keep falling off the wagon and reverting to drinking heavily. I have a PT test for a job coming up and I can't fuck this up but I haven't prepped at all. Maybe I can escape rope
just started today lul
is it over for me?
Been losing weight slowly over time but I've decided to take it more seriously now. How much of my gains should I expect to lose when cutting?
Good work man
I'm going through a horrible time and I'm in a bad relationship with a girl, it's holding me back
Not good enough. I've got 16lbs to lose because I fucked off on my nutrition for the last year and got fat.
Lifts went up though so I guess there's that.
what tracking software is this?
Have lost 10 lbs since Lent started
Not there yet, but I think I can make it if I stay the course
Went from 127 to 123 in the span of 1 week
Idk if i should be concerned or not
Slowly. But surely.š
lmao never gonna make it.
Same breh. My solid diet is pretty balanced but god damn is the booze fucking me up. Been stuck between 160-170lbs for a couple months. I gotta at least switch to liquor and soda water instead of guzzling beers, really helped when I went 140lb skelly mode the first time. Have some decent gains now but the lovehandles are back from dirty bulking too hard and before I know it I'll have tits again if I don't do something. Booze is truly the ultimate gains goblin.
Excel chart
I fucked up big time boys
>be me, obviously
>bulked up nice to 195 can still see top four abs
>happy with strength but definitely time to get ready for summer
>fuck I do not want to lose my hard earned muscle though
>brilliant, I'll just take testosetrone and anvar to maintain muscle and get shredded!
>start cycle 3 weeks ago, and now I'm 205lbs and any day I try to eat a deficit, I feel like absolute shit the following day.
> just getting bigger and stronger
>you have to live it, I guess
WTF, how the fuck am I supposed to cut, when eating a deficit is 100% debilitating? I need help, I'm in a full blown nose dive to fatty. WTF should I do?!? any tips from the experts on /fit? thanks in advance.
> Booze is truly the ultimate gains goblin.
I'm still managing to loose fat while drinking, but I'm still too fat for my taste. Getting drunk at least once or twice per week doesn't help.
18% BF 84Kg now, aiming to get at 80kg in the next 2 months.
Have lost 12.4kg since december. Currently 88kg, when i get to 75-80ish ill be a ottermode dyel. Cant wait to lean bulk then.
just ate half a pizza with the wife
tbf i had two eggs for breakfast and missed lunch but still shit
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
broo... noooo... really? haha
Fuck I just ate 5 mcdoubles lmao
i lost 20lbs in 3 weeks on OMAD. im a dumbass who can't figure out a good long term diet for getting/staying lean so OMAD works in a pinch
Ya really brooo. I gotta figure something out
Pretty good, down to 176 from 195. Looking to get to 170 and go from there. All my numbers are going up too, feels good guys.
Based and Christpilled
It's not, living in Hawaii summer and winter are one in the same.
Started today. Uni will keep me from doing much till July anyways so I figured may as well keep the bulk goin till end of March. Now looking to drop down to around 80kg from 86ish.
Sitting at 214lbs now coming from 221lbs. Been cutting for 4 weeks so far, not sure if I'm losing weight too fast because my lifts have gone down.
very nicely down from 152 to 145. I hate eating healthy though
Hot damn fattie keep up the good work!
Will I make it for summer
Your fortune: Good Luck
Will this user be happy after he makes it or will the sadness only get worse
Your fortune: ļ¼ćĀ“_ć`ļ¼ļ¾ļ½°ļ¾
pretty good. i lost ~10lbs since February. i only have 20 more to go.
In what world is 194.8 'overweight' for 6'2? Is this assuming no muscle mass or something?
In the BMI world that should be used only to compare popualtion. It gave provide a good target and motivation for fatties tho.
Its an awful measuring tool. If you even lift a little tiny bit the BMI scale is completely wrong. If you have been lifting for 2-3 years, you need to add like 20 lbs onto the scale for it to be correct.
It is for an indiviual. However, I'm pretty sure it's usefull when studying wich percentage of a population are fat fuck, as long as you're studying caucasian (thus why japanese define obesity as being over 25 BMI).
Then, user needed goal when he started his journey, so guess he choose BMI.
hell yeah brother
I hate my life.
Most people donāt even lift a tiny bit. Certainly not enough to add more than a couple lbs of muscle. If your BMI says morbidly obese then youāre very probably a fat fuck. If you ARE a lifter then just subtract ten lbs from your weight before inputting it. It doesnāt need to be that precise.
these last like 5 lbs are really slow and it's the difference between a 6 pack and an 8 pack. cravings have been through the roof lately. been having to use appetite suppressants. 2300/2700 calories go by so quick it feels like.
but we must remain strong and use the fph threads as motivation and watch zyzz videos until we make it.
take dnp and leave humanity
A massive shitshow with my business basically started in January and just culiminated in near bankruptcy this month and Im in debt, working out of it though
I just realized tonight Ive actually been gaining weight because ive just been drinking so goddamn much to deal with the constant anxiety for months now. Im putting an end to this for awhile.
Just started on my first cut ever this week. Planning on going from 220 ~20% to 15ish percent over a few months then maintain. It was an easy first day and I don't enjoy eating much so I think it's going to be a pretty easy cut in general.
Leave humanity behind brother, that's what Rich would've wanted.
Bad. I cut from 21-22% down to 17% but I've been stuck at this weight for 3-4 weeks now. I keep eating more on the weekends and cancelling my weekday deficit.
Good advice bros. Later humanity haha
Which of the following options burns more fat/preserves more lean mass.
Option 1:
- eat a 500 calorie deficit per day
- no cardio
Option 2
- eat maintenance calories
- burn 500 calories per day walking
Assume that I'm also lifting weights
I'm thinking option 2 because I would be eating more protein and nutrients so the body is not as stressed out
Are there studies? Experience?
the body can vary its metabolic rate substantially, almost all studies show exercise has a non-existant effect on weightloss
> 6'0", reach 222lbs after one hell of a dirty bulk
> Start cutting. Visibly muscled but far from lean
> Everyone is a fucking crab, insisting that I don't need to lose weight, that my extra weight is "all muscle" (it's not)
> "user, why are you dieting? Don't you go to the gym all the time?"
> user what do you mean you can't drink beer on a diet?
> Hahahaha, just eat the cake, it's a special occasion!
How do I make these people shut the fuck up
cacoon mode, and hope you're a butterfree and not a beedrillš
I work on office job as a processor at a mid-teir mortgage brokerage and honestly all the fat fucks in my office keep bringing shit. Every occasion there's food. My boss also brings shit for the break room, usually pound cakes or brownies, and then complains if no one eats it. Everyone is a fat middle aged gains goblin and I'm the one fit 20 something there who's trying to survive in a sea of people who want to drag me to their level.
Sounds like your source gave you dbol instead of var
Passing off other compounds as var is super common
You're all gonna make it brahs
I'm actually bulking but work out so much I stay the same
>exercise has a non-existant effect on weightloss
Yeah of course buddy.
I think I'm looking pretty good, what do you think?
Day 2. The hardest part for me isn't lowered food intake, but bench press stalls hard or drops. :(
Mental aspect is easy. Even when surrrounded with junk food. I just kick in that mental switch that allows me great selfcontrol.
Not good enough. It's been 4 months today and I'm only down 17 kilos. I need to lose 6 more in two months and I don't know if I'll make it.
Not cutting this year. Fuck that gay shit
Am I too small to cut? 6' 170
I'm 225 at 15-16% bf. All I need is to recomp to 12% and I'm done.
if anyone else is reading and wondering wtf is going on with this guy. HeĀ“s packing waterweight because he hasnt been controlling his estrogen.
Is cous cous a decent alternative to rice?
I'm 5'11 and currently at 190 trying to hit 165 in six months. I'm sick of rice but want that carb energy
I have no comments other than that I would just like to say the guys in /fraud/ are legitimate idiots and seem to be in an endless competition with one another to talk about who did the dumbest shit on their roid cycles such as crying and being aggressive on Tren or fretting over how they're going to pay for next month's estrogen blockers.
Yes, it's probably better for you actually.
I've been strictly following an eggs for breakfast and chicken breast for dinner diet for a week now. I also pair that with 30 minute cardio on the treadmill. I run about 3 miles on it about 3 times a week... I am about 20% bf. How long should it take with this strict diet + cardio to get lean? Maybe 15 or less body fat? My other problem is that I have neglected lifting and only used to be a jogger. Now Everytime I go to lift I lift ridiculously small girly weight and it makes me feel like a bitch since it's laughibly bad. Hell there are girls who can do twice my bench. I can't even do 2 sets of 75 pounds.
Very poorly.
I'm sick of pic related.
I can't seem to get rid of these fucking lovehandles
On the 2nd day and i already feel like stuffing my face.
At least i should be reasonably cut if i manage to make it to may
Pretty good. Week 5. Trying to cut slowly, just now adding 30 mins of cardio will see how it goes. Already dropped 3kg, once I drop another 7 I'll be done, will take me 2-3 months probably
I think its working. I'm getting some sort of stomach definition now
who gives a shit? keep lifting properly, warming up beforehand.
you'll get the numbers, just fucking keep at it!
No idea but from my personal experience I felt much better doing more cardio and eating more than doing no cardio and eating less. I just mix a caloric deficit with cardio so that calories stay decently high but I still have a caloric deficit. Easier to maintain that way I guess cause my brain thinks it's still eating a decent amount of calories but in reality cardio burns everything.
Salad dressing has 600 calories. This sucks.
In non-america world
Was taking arimidex. Which is notoriously underdosed, switched to aromisan last night, hopefully its better.
OK, lost 12lbs so far (almost 2 months). OMAD KETO, 3 sausages, 1/4-1/2 cup of cottage cheese, 1/3rd small bag of salad and 1/2 cup shredded cheese. Idfk how many calories this is or exactly what the macros are precisely but this is basically all I eat. Honestly probably have another 10-15lbs to go, but am afraid of looking dyel AF since I have lost alot of motivation to lift since my lifts are going down ;_; 162 LBS at 6'1" right now.. thinking at 150-155lbs I'll be pretty fuckin lean tho, shall see in 4-8 weeks.
Pic unrelated
Horribly. I could use advice rgardking being patient, as that seems to be my downfall.
Been trying to cut for the past year, have gotten no where which is kinda ironic outside of also being pathetic considering if I was just patient with a slight deficit Iād be done by now. Recently realized Iām setting myself up for failure repeatedly in several ways.
Absolutely fucking based. You're gonna make it brah.
you've done it my man
Have you been trying to cut on very low calories? It sounds like it, I was a fat teenager and I used to lose weight this way and only got skinny fat and constantly binged, now I do slow cuts where I start at maintenance for a week to see where I'm at and then I subtract 300 calories from that and add 30 mins of cardio and then I either lower my calories by 100 or add another 30 minutes of cardio once the weight starts to stall out. This way it's much easier on you and you will be able to actually maintain the results after and not binge and put everything back on. Also if you are going nowhere and just losing weight and bingeing everything back it might be a good idea to just bulk or stay at maintenance for 6 months to a year and give your body a break and then start cutting again nice and slowly.
Based and bloatpilled
Great! Lost about 15 pounds so far. My strength has dipped a bit but that's to be expected we're all gonna make it
summer bulk
Slow and painfully, had a McDonald's for lunch today and now can't eat for the rest of the day.
But as long as I keep to my 500 deficit r-r-right guys??
Don't give in. Some of them are probably good natured but have no idea what they're talking about or what it takes for you to get where you want, the others just don't want to see you get there.
Yeah dude Iām trying to do what I did when I was 17, I went from rotund fat boy to skeleton king in under a year. I basically went from 4000 calories to under 1000 with a ton of cardio. Iām gonna screenshot and use what you just posted because I honestly think this will be the only way, and itāll be more consistent and wonāt result in me eating everything back like a fatty fuck fuck
Go for a walk and/or run lad. Will give you more wiggle room.
You sound exactly like me, hope you're gonna make it. Hopefully, you didn't get a complete eating disorder cause it gets pretty hard then, you feel disgusted with the way you look in the mirror but you know you can't diet because you'll just keep bingeing and I even binged while bulking was pretty wild. It took me some time before my body wasn't obsessed about food, I still enjoy bingeing but I can control it and these slow cuts feel very relaxing, sometimes it feels as if you're not dieting at all but the weight is going down. I also like to work my way up to about 4 cardio sessions before dropping calories any further than say 500, a lot of cardio just relaxes my brain or something, I still consume a decent volume of food I just burn a lot with cardio so my brain feels as if the deficit is smaller than it actually is.
4 cardio sessions per week that is.
Starting an 8-week weight loss challenge at work this Friday. Gives me a the perfect excuse to refuse beer, snacks and high calorie foods.
Currently 5'8" 187lbs. I'm relatively fit, can see all of my ab muscles but they are still soft. I want to be CUT.
How much weight is safe to lose in 8 weeks? Can this be achieved by doing omad and only eating like 1500 calories in chicken and veggies for dinner every night?
Do you think I could recover lost gains too? Lost 100lbs on like all lifts and muscle size too